Este estudo combina duas preocupações fundamentais, que são a necessidade de utilização pelos professores das tecnologias móveis, tão do agrado dos alunos, que delas já se apropriaram fora do contexto educativo, e as dificuldades de... more
Bullying is a phenomenon that is gaining more and more strength in schools. It is a reality that is expressed worldwide, with Latin America having the highest incidence rate. In Ecuador, at the end of 2018, the figures exceed 1400 cases... more
The article describes a query system on texts and literary material with advanced information retrieval tools suitable to retrieve the content of a text, either as material specifically organized with respect to linguistic, stylistic and... more
Afin de montrer que les concepts développés dans la section précédente ne sont pas simplement le produit de mon imagination, l'histoire biblique ancienne de Sodome ainsi que les utilisations modernes du langage sexuel sont analysées.... more
моделей і дослідження критеріїв, які впливають на виникнення ризиків з їх наступною трансформацією у матриці SWOT-аналізу. В результаті запроповані ідеї дозволять перетворити стохастичні моральні ризики у більш детерміновані. Ключові... more
The article considers the concepts of risk management, the main processes of risk management. Procedures for the risk management process areproposed. Risk management is one of the components of the organizational process of production, so... more
Given that the ultimate goal of text interpretation is to understand the author’s intentions, one must consider how to justify the beliefs formed through this process. This paper argues that interpretation relies on explanatory inference.... more
Bullying is a phenomenon that is gaining more and more strength in schools. It is a reality that is expressed worldwide, with Latin America having the highest incidence rate. In Ecuador, at the end of 2018, the figures exceed 1400 cases... more
In this lecture, first I discuss general aspects of qualitative projects: project planning, thereafter the traditional workspace for hermeneutic textual analysis as a blueprint for software systems such as ATLAS.ti. The last part... more
The relevance of this study is due to the need for a more detailed analysis of the setting as a component of the interpretation of the literary text. The definition of time and place of action is closely related to other components of... more
The knowledge of instruments of interpretation in general and ways of character description in particular is a necessary but insufficient condition for understanding the image of the characters and the idea of the literary work. It... more
Розглянуто основні аспекти формування екологічних ризиків в умовах екологізації транспортних процесів. Запропоновано методи оцінки імовірності та принципи управління екологічними ризиками на залізничному транспорті.
Drawing from the work of Kurt Godel, this article introduces a set of tools from symbolic logic that can be used to explore the structure of certain kinds of complex meaning, including metaphor, connotation, poetic allusion, and some... more
Extraits : Computer tools in scenic design have certainly become widespread. Computer-aided design (CAD) tools and skills are rapidly becoming standard rather than exceptional. For years, stage designers sending their designs to scenic... more
This paper proposes the design and implementation of a context-based free text interpreter (CFTI), a computer-based natural language understanding (NLU) system that can handle text as generated and used by humans, within a given context.... more
ТКАЛЕНКО О. здобувач вищої освіти освітнього ступеня магістр спеціальності 073 Менеджмент Черкаського навчально-наукового інституту ДВНЗ «Університет банківської справи» Анотація. У статті досліджено поняття кібер-ризику, теоретично... more
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) no âmbito da acao The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children (DigiLitEY). PD/BD/128148/2016
Resumo-Este texto apresenta um projeto de investigação para doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, especialidade de Tecnologia Educativa, no âmbito do programa Doutoral Technology Enhanced Learning and Societal Challenges. Propomo-nos... more
The purpose of the present research was to analyse the linguistic manipulation in the novel, The Kite Runner, according to the agenda of Critical Discourse Analysis. The researcher employed Huckin’s analytic tools of CDA to make it clear... more
The article describes a query system on texts and literary material with advanced information retrieval tools suitable to retrieve the content of a text, either as material specifically organized with respect to linguistic, stylistic and... more
With digital repositories and databases available since the 1990s, Dante scholarship has always been at the forefront of the digital humanities and the digitization of medieval texts and manuscripts. However, the amount of information... more
Учебно-методическое пособие посвящено изучению интерпретационной деятельности как вида опосредованной межъязыковой коммуникации. В теоретической части основное внимание уделяется анализу видов речевого общения, разграничению... more
Uma estória-filosófica que busca suscitar questões acerca da impossibilidade de descobrir a alma feminina.
FB: Academic Press of Georgia -saga krebulSi warmodgenilia aRmosavleT evropis universitetis akademiuri personalis, axalgazrda mkvlevarebisa da saqarTvelos umaRles saganmanaTleblo dawesebulebebis sxvadasxva fakultetebis studentebis... more
In order to show that the concepts developed in the previous section are not just products of my imagination, the ancient biblical story about Sodom as well as modern uses of sexual language are analyzed. According to traditional... more
Обзор книги австралийских специалистов "Проектирование интерпретационных текстов: принципы и практика" (Gianna Moscardo, Roy Ballantyne, Karen Hughes Designing Interpretive Signs: principles in practice. - Fulcrum Publishing, 2007)... more
Este texto apresenta um projeto de investigação para doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, especialidade de Tecnologia Educativa, no âmbito do programa Doutoral Technology Enhanced Learning and Societal Challenges. Propomo-nos investigar... more
Apresentação feita no 3.º Encontro sobre Jogos e Mobile Learning, realizado na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra (2016).
More than two thousand years ago, the Roman poet Horace claimed that literature is "sweet" and "useful." Since then, literature has been traditionally understood, at least in Western cultures, as having the dual purpose of entertaining... more
Монография посвящена анализу и интерпретации прозы И.А. Бунина послереволюционного периода
Este estudo combina duas preocupações fundamentais, que são a necessidade de utilização pelos professores das tecnologias móveis, tão do agrado dos alunos, que delas já se apropriaram fora do contexto educativo, e as dificuldades de... more
The article describes methodologic premises of the compositional textual analysis of "The Seasons" by Kristijonas Donelaitis. The analysis reveals the unique nature of this text and gives the insight into general features of Donelaitis’... more
The article provides the micro-compositional textual analysis of the beginning of „The cares of Winter” (a part of The Seasons) by Kristijonas Donelaitis. The analysis reveals the unique nature of this text and gives the insight into... more
EG UK Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (2010)John Collomosse, Ian Grimstead (Editors) Computer Modelling of Theatrical Sets Authors Dr. Ian Stephenson and Rebecca Pride Abstract Here we discuss the design and implementation of... more
Константінова О.В. Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет
The analysis of Bunin's short story and its manuscript versions allouds to conclude that there is a certain conjunction of realistic tradition and modernist elements in Bunin's late work, an original combination of natiralistic... more
Intisari Makalah ini bertujuan mengungkap keberadaan semangat introspeksi kaum Puritan Amerika seperti yang tercermin dalam teks-teks pelantikan Presiden Amerika dari masa Ronald Reagan to... more
Языковые средства реализации идеи отчуждения в романе Э. М. Ремарка «На Западном фронте без перемен»
В статье автор дает краткую характеристику романа Э. М. Ремарка «На Западном фронте без перемен», фокусируется на идее отчуждения и подробно останавливается на описании квалитативных маркеров, выражающих идею отчуждения в романе. Для... more
By entering into a process of empathic communion or one-mindedness with an author’s experience, as reflected in the text, a reader can accurately and clearly understand the meaning intended by that author, at least to some extent. No text... more
The major work of the German philosopher Hans Georg Gadamer (1900-2002), Truth and Method (Wahrheit und Methode, 1960), is one of the most influential philosophical works of last century, putting in a new perspective the role of the... more
This article illustrates the first steps towards the implementation of a Decision Support System aimed to recreate a research environment for scholars and provide them with computational tools to assist in the processing and... more