The purpose of this essay is to exam Ericsson's role in the Øresund region, both past and present. We also describe the networks surrounding Ericsson, including other companies and Lund Institute of Technology. Methodology: Structured... more
This study examines how differences in national culture, as indicated by financial secrecy, affect the impact of mandatory adoption of IFRS on earnings quality across the countries of Europe. Using 24,034 firm-year observations from 16... more
Turun yliopisto, PALO-tutkimushanke 2021 ISBN 978-951-29-8496-1 (sähköinen) Raportti on laadittu ja julkaistu osana Strategisen tutkimuksen neuvoston rahoittamaa Osallistuminen pitkäjänteisessä päätöksenteossa (PALO) -tutkimushanketta... more
This article aims to reconstruct features of John Forbes' compositional process in his first decade of serious practice, through analysing drafts and early versions of his poems. I compare early versions of 'Here', 'The Joyful Mysteries'... more
This article aims to reconstruct features of John Forbes’ compositional process in his first decade of serious practice, through analysing drafts and early versions of his poems. I compare early versions of ‘Here’, ‘The Joyful Mysteries’... more
Denna uppsats handlar om ledarskap och vilka tekniker chefer använder sig av i sitt arbete för att fungera som bra ledare. Uppsatsen omfattar åtta intervjuer med chefer inom den privata och offentliga sektorn i Göteborg.
Läroböcker, demokrati och medborgarskap. Konstruktioner i läroböcker i samhällskunskap för gymnasiet
Swedish citizenship education is charged with a double mission: socialization and education of democratic citizens. This means that textbooks exist in a field of tension between conveying content as true knowledge and offering it as a... more
Abundances and distributional changes of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) in fluvially influenced sediments are used in various paleoclimate studies to reconstruct variations in soil export, continental air... more
Foramina or openings in the skull are very important as they allow passage of important structures likes nerves and blood vessels through them. Various people have studied variations in foramina as these variants have been found to be... more
Hälso-och sjukvård Kommunal verksamhet Minskad mänskligt lidande? Ja, visas i fall via BroByggares utsagor och i personalens kommentarer. "Ökad tillit och förståelse". Ja, enligt personals och BroByggares utsagor. "Ökad tillit och... more
Constructivism is based on the premise that learners construct their own learning from their experiences. Effective learning occurs when learners actively process the information in a way that is meaningful to them.Constructivism is of... more
This thesis explores the appeal of 'professionalism' to New Zealand journalists as an occupational ideal, as a collective strategy to advance their interests, and as a model of internal reform. As an explicit rejection of the... more
In upland areas of Canyonlands National Park, Utah, thin deposits and paleosols show late Quaternary episodes of eolian sedimentation, pedogenesis, and climate change. Interpretation of the stratigraphy and optically stimulated... more
Att undersöka vad ambulanssjuksköterskor upplever kan finnas för problemområden vid arbete på skadeplats med maximalt fyra drabbade. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ ansats. Nio ambulanssjuksköterskor i Uppsala, mellan 27 och 53 år,... more
The objectives of multinational firms expanding overseas in search of new markets and new resources, or risk-spreading and overcoming competition are widely cited. On the other hand, without the host governments' incentives, such as tax... more
This thesis examines the perceptions of tourism as a graduate career from the view of key stakeholders of tourism - the government, industry, educators and students. It aims to understand what key tourism stakeholders in Malaysia do in... more
The objective of this study was to describe how surrogacy is constructed by the government official investigators through a document study consisting of five documents. Findings showed that the ethical dilemmas are difficult to handle and... more
An investigation into the teaching practices and strategies that result in improved engagement in mainstream classrooms for year seven & eight Māori students in a decile five intermediate school.
We report a computational study on the spontaneous self-assembly of spherical particles into two-dimensional crystals. The experimental observation of such structures stabilized by spherical objects appeared paradoxical so far. We... more
tryckt hos elanders Gotab, stockholm Arbete och Hälsa är en av Arbetslivsinstitutets vetenskapliga skriftserier. Serien innehåller arbeten av såväl institutets egna medarbetare som andra forskare inom och utom landet. I Arbete och Hälsa... more
In pattern matching algorithms, two characteristic parameters play an important rôle : the number of occurrences of a given pattern, and the number of positions where a pattern occurrence ends. Since there may exist many occurrences which... more
structure-preserving recalls were substantially higher than were their meaning-preservingrecalls, and that the effects of particular structural properties (i.e., causal connections and story-grammar category) interacted with the scoring... more
Eye Movements While Zoning Out During Reading: Implications for Mind Wandering and Metaconsciousness
This study analyzes eye movements while zoning out during reading in order to come to more general conclusions about the phenomenon of mind wandering. The eye movements of 15 participants were recorded as they read 300 sentences from a... more
Los sipúnculos, “gusanos cacahuate” o “gusanos maní”, son invertebrados marinos con gran importancia, tanto en el proceso de disolución de rocas, como por ser una importante fuente de alimento para otras especies marinas. Se realizó una... more
c Learning rates for hybrid-electric and battery-electric vehicles. c Prices and price differentials of hybrid-electric vehicles show a robust decline. c Battery-electric vehicles may require policy support for decades.
The biogeomorphology of nebkha dunes, was investigated in the Fahraj Plain, which is located in southern part of the Lut Plain in southeastern Iran. Field investigations were performed to determine nature of nebkha dunes, whose genesis... more
Blood levels of cyto-and chemokines might reflect immune deregulations which might be related to lymphomagenesis. Potential utility of stored blood samples of a prospective cohort was evaluated by the effect of different blood sample... more
The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. Broken or indistinct print, colored or poor quality illustrations and photographs, print bleed-through, substandard margins, and improper alignment can... more
This article outlines successful practices employed by two experienced researchers from different knowledge fields (in this case, creative writing/applied arts and nursing/applied science) who bring diverse research methodologies and... more
When nurses are featured in narratives associated with death and dying, the common stereotype of the good nurse – of mother, or angel of mercy – is often invoked. Although such imaging can be flattering for nurses, whose work might... more
This article reports on a learning design project that encourages the creative (re)use of popular literature as educational materials by bringing together scholars and insights from diverse disciplines to engage learners and build the... more
The telling, listening to, and re-telling of stories is a fundamental human activity. In the mental health context, storytelling can take on another layer of meaning, when clinicians begin to be more conscious of the stories they hear,... more
The English Patient, a novel by Michael Ondaatje (1993), is a romantic drama set in the chaos of Europe at the end of World War II. In the ruins of an Italian church, a terribly burned man is being tended to by Hana, a young nurse too... more
Det är de stora företagen som skapar de små företagens villkor och som avgör vilken typ av företag som kan överleva på marknaden, skriver Elisabeth Sundin. "Småforetak i et stordrifssamfunn" var titeln på den del av den norska... more
Suffix trees and suffix arrays are two of the most widely used data structures for text indexing. Each uses linear space and can be constructed in linear time for polynomially sized alphabets. However, when it comes to answering queries... more
por el rector Miguel de Unamuno. 1 Frente a la arrogancia militar del General Millán-Astray, 2 su protesta se puede contemplar como la cumbre de la defensa valiente de la libertad de conciencia por un académico contra la fuerza del... more
This paper concerns a puzzle about the interpretation of Korean direct evidential -tein interrogatives which I call evidential perspective shift in questions ('origo shift of evidentials' in quesitons in Garrett 2001). This puzzle... more
for their comments and questions. I am also indebted to the discussion with Semoon Hoe and Barry Schein. Special thanks go to Elena Guerzoni for her comments and suggestions to the earlier version of this paper. All remaining errors are... more
that comprises almost ten staff members, and a project team across the world with four Principal Investigators, fifteen Project Managers, 30+ Regional Managers, 170 Country Coordinators, Research Assistants, and 2,500 Country Experts, the... more
pour les discutions parfois longues que j'ai pu avoir avec eux. Je remercie tous ceux sans qui cette thèse ne serait pas ce qu'elle est ; bien que fondamentalement personnelle, la rédaction d'une thèse découle d'une somme d'inspirations... more
Low-complexity single-channel blind separation of co-frequency coded signals
150 Assibilation and Palatalisation in Cornish 5.1. Old Cornish Assibilation The assibilation of dental stops in Cornish is undoubtedly one of the most characteristic features of the phonology of the language that distinguishes it from... more
The Scientific Programme Committee gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following experts who served as Abstract Graders. Our experts graded the abstracts anonymously. The authors' names and details were not known at any point in... more
The ligand Hpyramol (Hpyramol ¼ 4-methyl-2-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)aminophenol) is found to undergo an oxidative dehydrogenation of its amine function to an imine group upon coordination with iron(II) chloride and manganese(II) perchlorate.... more
Mit der Energiewende in Deutschland ist ein langfristiger Monitoring-Prozess verankert worden, um die Zielerreichung regelmasig zu uberprufen und bei Bedarf nachzusteuern. In dem Monitoring werden auch gesamtwirtschaftliche Effekte... more
Information technology development has driven many New Zealand educational initiatives. Projects have been undertaken, and strategies released to integrate computers into classroom teaching and learning processes. Pre-eminent among them... more
To date, interdisciplinary research is becoming increasingly popular because it combines the achievements of diverse disciplines, having the potential of providing a completely new angle to pertinent research problems. Using increasingly... more