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Personal testimony by survivors of genocide or persecution has long constituted the gold standard for learning about human-inflicted tragedy. The physical presence of a survivor captivates audiences and lends immediacy to catastrophes... more
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      TestimonyCommunicationMedia StudiesNarrative
Primo Levi, «Così fu Auschwitz. Testimonianze 1945-1986», con Leonardo De Benedetti, a cura di Fabio Levi e Domenico Scarpa, Einaudi, Torino 2015, Super ET.
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      TestimonyJewish StudiesItalian StudiesJewish History
As the number of Holocaust survivors declines, their live eyewitness testimony will be preserved and communicated via other media. This transformation prompts a key question. What value can personal testimony have when disembodied and... more
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      TestimonyMedia StudiesMedia EcologyHolocaust
The Holocaust is often described as beyond representation. Drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives, this ground-breaking collection of essays by leading international scholars takes the Scrolls of Auschwitz as its starting point. These... more
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      TestimonyHolocaustSarah KofmanBracha Ettinger
"In recent years new applications emerged on the Web which received the labels Web2.0 or social software. In many of these applications people are engaged in epistemic activities, such as the dissemination, organization or creation of... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceTestimonyWeb 2.0Feminist Theory
The book examines the formation of a philosophical and religious idea of testimony in antiquity by focusing on some selected texts from Plato, the Bible and Augustine. Then it studies the emergence of the literary notion of testimony by... more
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      TestimonyItalian StudiesItalian LiteraturePrimo Levi
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      TestimonyFilm StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)Documentary Film
Although some scholarship has discussed the argumentative tactics of Holocaust deniers and how they persuade some audiences to reject seemingly obvious factual events, no research has addressed how Holocaust survivors themselves confront... more
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      TestimonyCommunicationRhetoricGenocide Studies
In a historical moment of hurricanes, flooding, and unprecedented weather events, it is becoming increasingly clear that climate change is neither imagined nor distant—and that it is changing the coastline of the United States in... more
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      Creative WritingCreative NonfictionTestimonyClimate Change
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      TestimonyGenocide StudiesRwandaTranslation
In 1955, Jean Cocteau commented on the retrospective exhibition of Hosayn Behzad's works at the Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris: "Hosayn Behzad is an enchanter of the East of the storytellers. (...) No doubt, in our country (...) there is only... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTestimonyIranian StudiesBiography
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      OntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageEthicsTestimony
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      TestimonyArtGiorgio AgambenRomeo Castellucci
RESUMO-O Corpo-Arquivo em TRANS (Més enllà) de Didier Ruiz-Este artigo analisa o espetáculo TRANS (Més enllà) de Didier Ruiz, que toma como objeto depoimentos de pessoas trans. Qual é o papel da presença do corpo no testemunho? O teatro... more
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      Gender StudiesTestimonyTheatre StudiesGender
Keynote delivered for "Holocaust Remembrance and Representation," a conference to aid planning for the first Holocaust museum in Sweden. This is a concise and, I think, quite accessible summary of a way of engaging Holocaust survivors... more
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      TestimonyMuseum StudiesQualitative methodologyPublic History
Prisión en Chile, de Alejandro Witker, fue uno de los textos testimoniales de mayor impacto en los años que siguieron al Golpe Militar. Sus diferentes paratextos identificaban la enunciación testimonial como una forma de combate que podía... more
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      TestimonyCultural MemoryLiteratura LatinoamericanaTestimonio
Hume famously argues that the laws of nature provide us with decisive reason to believe that any testimony of a miracle is false. In this paper, I argue that the laws of nature, as such, give us no reason at all to believe that the... more
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      TestimonyLaws of NatureDavid HumeMiracles
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      Islamic LawTestimony
In this article, I attend to two forms of hearings (or nonhearings) in two distinctive courtsof law, both involving the persecution of Iranian dissidents in the 1980s. Drawing on myethnographic and archival research, inside and outside of... more
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      TestimonyEthnographyPolitical AnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Cette communication s’interrogera, en deux temps, sur deux aspects propres à Pendant la saison des lilas d’Anna Molnár Hegedűs : le genre féminin de son auteure, de même que la période particulière de sa publication. La première partie se... more
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      TestimonyIntermedialityHolocaust StudiesTestimonial Literature
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      TestimonyEpistemology of TestimonyTestimony StudiesMemory and Eye Witness Testimony
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      TestimonyHistory and MemoryTrauma StudiesPrisoners of War
N. 29 dei Quaderni Satyagraha, rivista del Centro Gandhi di Pisa, interamente dedicata alle devastazioni atomiche di 71 anni fa. A cura (redazione, traduzione, elaborazione grafica) di Yukari Saito, fondatrice del Centro di documentazione... more
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      TestimonyPeace and Conflict StudiesCensorship (History)Nuclear Disarmament
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      TestimonyEpistemology of TestimonyEpistmeology
I argue that a counterexample to testimonial reductionism proposed by Jennifer Lackey in Learning from Words (2008) fails to challenge a genuine reductionist view. Lackey purports to identify a case in which a hearer has a positive reason... more
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      TestimonyFoundationalism & AntifoundationalismEpistemology of Testimony
Bloodstain pattern analysis is inseparably present in forensic genetics, crime scene investigation, the examination of evidence, and paper casework. It times of pandemic related to COVID-19 it is crucial to be aware of obstacles,... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeForensicsTestimony
Évfolyam: 13. évfolyam (2013) 1. szám Létrehozás ideje: 2013.03.06 Szerző: Huhák Heléna
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      TestimonyHistory from BelowHolocaust StudiesHolocaust and Genocide Studies
Effective witnesses are familiar with expected trial procedures and the dynamics of testifying. Witnesses with little or no experience need preparation before testifying. Inexperienced expert witnesses may not know that (1) at most times... more
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      TestimonyExpert testimony
slides for the paper of the same title
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      EpistemologyTestimonyForensic ScienceExpert testimony
This article investigates the narratives of people moving out of Islam in contemporary Europe. In particular, it focusses on the potential performance of non-belief in the form of speech. By critically examining the function of testimony... more
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      TestimonyNarrativeIslam in EuropeFreedom of Speech
book chapter, in H. Kornblith and B.McLaughlin eds, Alvin Goldman and his Critics , Blackwell Abstract: Some form of reliability requirement is an uncontroversial necessary condition for knowledge, Goldman being one of the pioneers for... more
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      TestimonyKnowledgeReliabilismAlvin Goldman
A selection of papers in legal theory, focused on evidence, proof, truth, and especially the place of scientific testimony.

New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
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      Probability TheoryEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceTestimony
In the wake of the explosion of the "comfort women" issue, with the help of lawyers and activists, Chinese comfort women instigated four class-action lawsuits against the Japanese government. However, how the lawyers represented the... more
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      Asian StudiesGender StudiesTestimonyFeminism
Sobre Crítica del testimonio. Ensayos sobre las relaciones entre memoria y relato, de Cecilia Vallina (ed.)
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      TestimonyArgentina HistoryLiteratura argentinaMemoria Histórica
El artículo analiza el testimonio Un viaje por el infierno, de Alberto Gamboa, que articuló el imaginario periodístico del que provenía su autor y la escritura testimonial que había sido de gran importancia en el exilio, pero que había... more
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Abstract This paper follows the testimony of Izzeldin Abuelaish, a Palestinian physician who bears witness to his experiences working, living, and suffering under Israeli rule. He presents his story as a doctor’s story, drawing on his... more
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      Medical AnthropologyTestimonyMiddle East StudiesBorder Studies
ABSTRACT Problem, research strategy, and findings: When Arnstein created the ladder of participation, local gov- ernments engaged predominately urban African-American neighborhoods through federally funded pro- grams. Fifty years later,... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesTestimonyParticipatory Action ResearchPraxis
In this article, I will explore the archeology of the concept of attestation in Ricoeur's work. In a brief discussion of his early reflections on Husserl's concept of the ego (as an example of reflexive philosophy), I show how the... more
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      TestimonyHermeneuticsPaul Ricoeur
Authors: Joanna Meacock, Peter Tuka, Paula Cowan, Deborah Haase Marianne Grant's story is one of remarkable courage and survival. She was a young Czech Jewish artist who managed to paint in the most extreme circumstances. Her... more
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      TestimonyArt HistoryPaintingSecond World War
This essay identifies a particular mode of testimonial writing, ‘hybrid testimony’, which is produced through creative collaborations between victims of historical violence and professional writers. Through analysis of two... more
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      TestimonyPostcolonial StudiesTrauma StudiesMemory Studies
Artykuł jest analizą trzech utworów Jacka Kaczmarskiego podejmujących temat sowieckiej niewoli: Czarnych sucharów, Świadków, Przypowieści prawdziwej o szaliku. W szkicu zarysowano sposób ukazywania przez poetę dramatycznych losów... more
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      TestimonyWorld War IISoviet Union (History)Songs
This work seeks to address flat-earthism from multiple angles. It addresses its conspiracy claim, it scientific evidences, and biblical arguments. It does so by utilizing philosophy, science and sound hermeneutics.
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyTestimonyCosmology (Physics)
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Best History Book, International Latino Book Awards 2022. While the North End has long been the beginning of the American dream for many peoples including African Americans, Southeast Asians, and Anglo Americans, it is perhaps the... more
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      Latino/A StudiesTestimonyPhotographyMidwest (U.S. history)
THIS PAPER RECEIVED THE 2020 ARTICLE AWARD FROM THE ORAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Engaging Holocaust survivors primarily as "witnesses" who provide "testimony"--which has long been the prevailing paradigm of practice with survivors--radically... more
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      PsychologyTestimonyNarrativeDigital Media
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    • Testimony
Looking at several related texts, the author explores how the testimonios (or testimonial writing) of queer Spanish speakers across the Americas attest to the social complexities embedded in alternative and dominant formulations of... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesTestimonyLatina/o Studies
English Translation of Nicole Guiraud's "Algérie 1962: Journal de l'Apocalypse" published by Editions Atlantis in 2013. Guiraud was a survivor of the Milk Bar bombing in the Battle of Algiers and kept a diary during the last few months of... more
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      TestimonyPolitical Violence and TerrorismAlgerian warTranslation