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 Lahore, Gujranwala, and Okara are the most polluted city based on PM2.5  Jhang, Multan, and Vehari are the most polluted cities based on AOD  Aerosols, nighttime lights, population, cropland, and fire show same spatial patterns ... more
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      Air QualityRemote SensingPakistanAtmospheric Aerosols
The evapotranspiration (ETo) is one of the most important regulating factors of climate, at both local and global scales. It is the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the Earth's land and ocean surface to the atmosphere.... more
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      Remote SensingEvapotranspirationTerra Modis
Transition of freeze/thaw (F/T) affects land-atmospheric interactions and other biospheric dynamics. Global F/T statuses are normally monitored using microwave remote sensing, but at coarse resolutions (e.g., 25 km). Integration of coarse... more
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      Remote SensingThermal Remote SensingMicrowave Remote SensingDigital soil mapping
تتناول الدراسة شدة الجزيرة الحرارية لمدينة المنصورة وتباينها الداخلي على المستوى المكاني والزمني، وعلاقة ذلك بالقصور الحراري وخصائصه. وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على الاستشعار من بعد بشكل رئيسي لمعالجة وتحليل المرئيات الفضائية بهدف استخلاص العمران... more
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      Urban Heat Island EffectThermal InertiaThermal ConductivityASTER
Mamy ogromną przyjemność oddać do rąk czytelnika długo oczekiwaną publikację prezentującą opracowania użytkowników licencji SITE oprogramowania ArcGIS na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Wspólną i spójną tematyką niniejszego wydania jest... more
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Sistim Informasi Geografis (SIG) merupakan salah satu disiplin ilmu berbasis teknologi informasi yang berkembang begitu cepat akhir-akhir ini. Ide penyampaian informasi pada setiap titik koordinat bumi ini, semakin melejit seiring dengan... more
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      SATELITEGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Produksi PadiTerra Modis
Los fenómenos geográficos se desarrollan de manera continúa sobre una extensión de la superficie terrestre (en, sobre o bajo ella), y ha sido un desafío constante crear un modelo de representación tan simple para ser almacenado, procesado... more
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      Remote Sensing (Earth Sciences)MODISRASTERRaster analysis
Particulate matter (PM) measurements are important in air quality, public health, epidemiological studies and decision making for short and long-term policies implementation. However, only few cities in the word have advance air... more
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      ThermodynamicsAir QualityAtmospheric ScienceRenewable Energy
Dans le Sud du Chili, de nombreuses plantations forestières remplacent progressivement la plus grande forêt tempérée humide australe, connue pour sa biodiversité. L'objectif est de repérer et de cartographier ces plantations par le biais... more
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      Remote SensingSpatial AnalysisRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Land surface phenology (LSP) characterizes episodes of greening and browning of the vegetated land surface from remote sensing imagery. LSP is of interest for quantification and monitoring of crop yield, wildfire fuel accumulation,... more
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      Remote SensingNatural ResourcesPhenologyTime series analysis
The average temperature of the world has increased by about 1.5 o C since 1850. This geographical phenomenon, called global warming or climate change, has certain consequences for the ecosystem. Scientists from different disciplines have... more
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      MODISLand Surface TemperatureTerra ModisTaymyr Peninsula
The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Aqua–MODIS (MYD04) Collections 5.1 (C051) and 6 (C006) operational aerosol products over Pakistan. These include the Dark Target (DT) and the Deep Blue (DB) C051/C006 aerosol... more
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      PakistanAtmospheric AerosolsAerosolsMODIS
Detailed data on land use and land cover constitute important information for Earth system models, environmental monitoring and ecosystem services research. Global land cover products are evolving rapidly; however, there is still a lack... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesAgricultureEcosystems ServicesEcosystem Modelling
Los fenómenos geográficos se desarrollan de manera continúa sobre una extensión de la superficie terrestre (en, sobre o bajo ella), y ha sido un desafío constante crear un modelo de representación tan simple para ser almacenado, procesado... more
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      Remote Sensing (Earth Sciences)MODISRASTERRaster analysis
In this paper, we propose to establish a remote sensing-based agricultural drought indicator named Agricultural Drought Condition Index (ADCI) that will detect agricultural drought linked mainly to millet crops in the agricultural area of... more
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      Remote sensing and GISNigerPrincipal component analysis (PCA)Terra Modis
Effects of forest fires and implications are one of the most important natural disasters all over the world. When the statistical data analyzed it is observed that forest fires have shown variation, but in parallel to the population... more
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      Forest fireForest FiresTerra ModisBurn Severity
High spatio-temporal resolution optical remote sensing data provide unprecedented opportunities to monitor and detect forest disturbance and loss. To demonstrate this potential, a 12-year time series (2000 to 2011) with an 8-day interval... more
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      ForestryPhenologyTime series analysisMulti Sensor Data Fusion
This study evaluates the performance of different MODIS aerosol algorithms during fine particle pollution events over the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region using AERONET AOD. These algorithms include the Deep Blue (DB) Collection 5.1 (C5) and... more
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      Atmospheric AerosolsAir pollutionAir Pollution and Health EffectsSatellite remote sensing
Atmospheric aerosol plays a very important role in the Earth's radiation budget and global climate studies. This study reports the variability of the physical and optical properties of columnar aerosol and water vapour over Varanasi... more
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      Atmospheric AerosolsTerra ModisSunphotometer
Wetlands are the most important component of an ecosystem that provides ecological habitats and hence wetlands are supposed to be the indicators of healthy environment. It has been observed recently that the wetlands are affected by... more
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      WetlandsRemote sensing and GISTerra ModisNDVI Spatial Temporal Vegetation
In the past decade, West Asia has witnessed more frequent and intensified dust storms affecting Iran and Persian Gulf countries. Employing a varying threshold that takes into account systematic differences between TOMS and OMI data,... more
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      Dust HazardsSatellite remote sensingWest Asian StudiesEolian dust
The agricultural drought, severely affecting human life, occurs unpredictably at different times with different intensities. The conventional methods for assessing drought often relay on indices obtained using meteorological data, but due... more
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      Environmental ScienceClimate ChangeAgricultural droughtMODIS
Agricultural land systems are the result of human interactions with the natural environment, and subjective evidence of socioeconomic and environmental interactions has been demonstrated. Nevertheless, it is still difficult to analyze... more
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      MarketingAgricultureMODISEuropean Common Agricultural Policy
Remote sensing has been widely used in vegetation-dynamics monitoring. Many studies have used data acquired by multispectral sensors, such as the Landsat TM sensor, due to their high spatial resolution (30 m). However, during the growing... more
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      Remote SensingVegetation EcologyMODISMulti Sensor Data Fusion
Snow cover melt date was derived from in-situ observations (1961-80) and Multi Sensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) observations (2004-14) at four locations in unglaciated Greenland. The observed date of melt was compared with mean... more
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      Remote SensingClimate ChangeGreenlandGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Hyperspectral images which consist of hundred spectrum bands is potentially used to construct forecasting system of rice stock reserve. The main issue is how to build classifier model which accurate as SVM and faster than conventional... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceInformation TechnologyComputer Vision
2014). Assessing agricultural drought in natural rubber plantations using MODIS Terra Satellite data. Rubber Science, 27(1): 8-14.
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      Land Surface TemperatureNdviTerra Modis
The Mekong Delta, located in Southern Vietnam, is one of the most affected areas in the world by climate change and sea level rises, especially flooding. Therefore, flood mapping is essential for understanding the flood regime and... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesRemote SensingHydrologyAgriculture
Snow-covered areas (SCAs) are the fundamental source of water for the hydrological cycle for some region. Accurate measurements of river discharge from snowmelt can help manage much needed water required for hydropower generation and... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringRemote SensingSnowmelt Runoff Modeling using SRM
Snow-covered areas (SCAs) are the fundamental source of water for the hydrological cycle for some region. Accurate measurements of river discharge from snowmelt can help manage much needed water required for hydropower generation and... more
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      Remote SensingSnowmelt Runoff Modeling using SRMSnow CoverTerra Modis
The Moderate resolution and Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) level 2 operational aerosol products (MOD04/ MYD04), based on the Dark Target (DT) and the enhanced Deep Blue (DB) algorithms, have been providing daily global aerosol... more
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      Air QualityAtmospheric AerosolsAir pollutionAir Pollution and Health Effects
Berbagai macam perhitungan algoritma Suhu Permukaan Tanah (SPT) dan Indeks Vegetasi (IV) dilakukan untuk menganalisa suhu tanah dan kerapatan tumbuhan sehingga diperlukan algoritma yang sesuai dalam menganalisa suatu masalah seperti... more
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      NdviEviTerra ModisIndeks Vegetasi
i. Los alfares de tsht en el ámbito de TRITIUM MAGALLUM y su entorno El interés del hallazgo de un nuevo alfar de TSHT en Contrebia Leukade puede analizarse desde una doble perspectiva. Desde la del propio asentamiento, el hallazgo... more
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      Roman PotteryTerra Sigillata HispánicaTerra Sigillata Hispánica TardíaCeramica Romana
This paper presents a paddy growth stages classification using MODIS remote sensing images with support vector machines (SVMs). We collected the paddy growth stages data samples from a series of MODIS mages acquired from March to July... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyImage ProcessingRemote Sensing
ARTiCULO 20.-Mediante Resolution posterior la CREG definira, entre otros aspectos, la regulation del servicio de Almacenamiento, el manejo de las restricciones de transporte y el tratamiento regulatorio del Empaquetamiento. ARTiCULO... more
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      ThermodynamicsAir QualityAtmospheric ScienceRenewable Energy
Tropical forests support core biological, hydrological and socioeconomic functions essential to life on earth. An assessment based on the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP) could help reduce exploitation of these... more
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      Human GeographyUrban And Regional PlanningTerra ModisHANPP
The rotational nature of shifting cultivation poses several challenges to its detection by remote sensing. Consequently, there is a lack of spatial data on the dynamics of shifting cultivation landscapes on a regional, i.e. subnational,... more
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      Human EcologyGeographyRemote SensingTime series analysis
Tropical forests support core biological, hydrological and socioeconomic functions essential to life on earth. An assessment based on the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP) could help reduce exploitation of these... more
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      Human GeographyUrban And Regional PlanningTerra ModisHANPP
Dans le Sud du Chili, de nombreuses plantations forestieres remplacent progressivement la plus grande foret temperee humide australe, connue pour sa biodiversite. L'objectif est de reperer et de cartographier ces plantations par le... more
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      GeographyRemote SensingSpatial AnalysisRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research
Transition of freeze/thaw (F/T) affects land-atmospheric interactions and other biospheric dynamics. Global F/T statuses are normally monitored using microwave remote sensing, but at coarse resolutions (e.g., 25 km). Integration of coarse... more
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      Remote SensingThermal Remote SensingMicrowave Remote SensingDigital soil mapping
Tropical forests support core biological, hydrological and socioeconomic functions essential to life on earth. An assessment based on the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP) could help reduce exploitation of these... more
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      Terra ModisHANPP
In the developing country or poor country, the access to the meteorological data of air temperature is limited due to the lack of equipment or funding constraint. Air temperature is one of the meteorological data commonly used to predict... more
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      Climate ChangeAir TemperatureMODIS data processing for global environment monitoringTerra Modis
The present study aimed at analyzing the spatio-temporal variability of the Pantanal vegetation cover, the largest tropical wetland in the world. A principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to a complete annual dataset of filtered... more
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      Remote SensingWetlandsPrincipal Component AnalysisTerra Modis
Bai, X.; Liu, Z.; Li, X.; Chen, Z.; Hu, J.; Sun, Z.; and Zhu, J., 2013. Observations of high-frequency internal waves in the southern Taiwan Strait.
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      OceanographyMarine ScienceNonlinear Internal WavesInternal waves
The present study aimed at analyzing the spatio-temporal variability of the Pantanal vegetation cover, the largest tropical wetland in the world. A principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to a complete annual dataset of filtered... more
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      Environmental ScienceRemote SensingWetlandsPrincipal Component Analysis
In the past decade, West Asia has witnessed more frequent and intensified dust storms affecting Iran and Persian Gulf countries. Employing a varying threshold that takes into account systematic differences between TOMS and OMI data,... more
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      Earth SciencesDust HazardsSatellite remote sensingEnvironmental Sciences
In this paper, we propose to establish a remote sensing-based agricultural drought indicator named Agricultural Drought Condition Index (ADCI) that will detect agricultural drought linked mainly to millet crops in the agricultural area of... more
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      GeographyRemote sensing and GISNigerPrincipal component analysis (PCA)
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      Air QualityRemote SensingPakistanAtmospheric Aerosols