Terminal Classic Period
Recent papers in Terminal Classic Period
Abstract. The present essay has for objective to reconstruct hypothetically the Northern Lowland mayan armies of the Late Classic-Terminal period (600 - 1000 d.C), through the archaeology of warfare and the graphic analysis of diverse... more
In polities headed by divine kings, the public performance of hierarchy and inequality is essential to political power. Yet what happens to that inequality when political institutions break down? This dissertation investigates how... more
Abstract. The present essay is a hypothetical proposal that tries to reconstruct the army of the Chichén Itzá polity during the Terminal Classic (800 - 1100 D.C.). Based on the iconographic analysis of diverse murals and monuments dated... more
Unpublished version of PhD dissertation, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
The Terminal Classic period (ca. AD 800-1000) in the Southern Maya Lowlands witnessed a precipitous decline in the erection of carved stone monuments, a decline that corresponds to shifts in political ideologies and the disappearance of... more
This work has two immediate antecedents: "Los Dioses Remeros mayas y sus contrapartes nahuas", a paper presented by Velásquez García at the Wayeb Conference in Leiden, Netherlands (2005), and the work entitled "Highland Mexican and Maya... more
El debate sobre el colapso de la civilización Maya Clásica en las Tierras Bajas del Sur, es complicado por varios factores. En primer lugar, se encuentra la frecuentemente citada variabilidad entre las diferentes regiones de las Tierras... more
Excavations in Structure 13R-10 of La Corona suggest that it was an important activity area during the Late (AD 600-830) and Terminal Classic (after AD 830) periods. Epigraphic and architectural evidence provide evidence of links with the... more
Journal de la société des américanistes Maya times | 2017 Hors-série-Tiempos mayas "In the days of my life." Elite activity and interactions in the Maya lowlands from Classic to Early Postclassic times (the long ninth century, AD 760-920)... more
This report examines archaeological research on an alleyway between Structures B4 and B5 at the Maya Archaeological Reserve of Cahal Pech in Belize. It looks at a Terminal Classic ceramic deposit that was placed on the floor of this... more
Research into ancient societies frequently faces a major challenge in accessing the lives of those who made up the majority of their populations, since the available evidence so often concerns only the ruling elite. Our excavations at the... more
Research into ancient societies frequently faces a major challenge in accessing the lives of those who made up the majority of their populations, since the available evidence so often concerns only the ruling elite. Our excavations at the... more
Shared identities create deep historical ties to community spaces and can facilitate or constrict political expansion. This research examines the relationship between the ways in which families engaged local landscapes and developed... more
Recent investigations at the site of Xuenkal on the plains north of Chichén Itzá provide evidence of the changing regional political environment during the Terminal Classic Period (A.D. 900–1000). This paper examines a collection of... more
Research into ancient societies frequently faces a major challenge in accessing the lives of those who made up the majority of their populations, since the available evidence so often concerns only the ruling elite. Our excavations at... more