La adicción a las drogas es una problemática que afecta a gran cantidad de personas en el mundo y que acarrea múltiples dificultades para el individuo que la padece y las personas que lo rodean. Existen diversidad de tratamientos que, si... more
Documento soporte para la conferencia magistral "Psicoterapia Asistida con Psicodélicos, un viaducto entre ciencia y espiritualidad"
El uso de los denominados enteógenos, en tanto herramientas de utilización milenaria por parte del ser humano, en conjunto con el desarrollo científico moderno en éstas áreas, pueden resultar una propuesta no sólo novedosa, sino también... more
This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial-License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit.... more
Visual alterations under classic psychedelics can include rich phenomenological accounts of eyes-closed imagery. Bottom-up connectivity of the visual pathway underpins sensory perception, with top-down connectivity enhanced during... more
Is there a world of mathematics above and beyond ordinary reality, as Plato proposed? Or is mathematics a cultural construct? In this short article we speculate on the place of mathematical reality from the perspective of the mystical... more
Taking Jorge Luis Borges's short story "The Circular Ruins" as a starting point, the current article assesses the presence of gnostic ideas in the work of the Argentinian author. After pondering the context and sources for Borges's... more
Objetivo. Analizar los estados alterados de conciencia a traves de un dialogo interdisciplinario entre la antropologia, la psicologia y las neurociencias. Metodologia. En primer lugar se analizara a grandes rasgos las definiciones de... more
The case load of a music therapist may contain much work with young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) and autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) as they transition to adulthood. There is however, no extant body of... more
Estamos asistiendo a un renacimiento de la ciencia psicodélica en la investigación clínica. En Argentina, los desafíos relacionados con el estudio y el desarrollo de nuevos tratamientos con estas sustancias en el ámbito de la psiquiatría... more
Objetivo: recopilar y analizar el conjunto de datos etnográficos sobre el uso tradicional entre las poblaciones americanas del hongo embriagante Amanita muscaria. Metodología: durante la adquisición de los datos se realiza una cuidadosa... more
Los psicodélicos tradicionales, como el LSD, la psilocibina, o el DMT, son compuestos psicoactivos que ejercen sus efectos, principalmente, a través del agonismo sobre receptores serotoninérgicos. En dosis y contextos adecuados, se... more
Se identifican las fechas más antiguas que se conozcan de la relación humana con las principales plantas embriagantes del mundo. Los datos han sido extraídos de la literatura arqueológica especializada, excluyendo los dudosos o erróneos.... more
Los psicodélicos tradicionales, como el LSD, la psilocibina, o el DMT, son compuestos psicoactivos que ejercen sus efectos, principalmente, a través del agonismo sobre receptores serotoninérgicos. En dosis y contextos adecuados, se... more
The Alchemic Journey of the Soul: Exploring the Fractal Nature of Language and the Symbolic Universe
This essay explores the relationship between language, alchemy, and the symbolic universe through a discussion of the fractal nature of language and the role of mercury as a metaphor for the soul. Drawing from Sufism, mysticism, Lacanian... more
Il XX secolo è stato segnato da un’architettura funzionalista di matrice meccanica e industriale che ha ridisegnato il volto delle città dal dopoguerra a oggi. Un secolo in cui l’esperienza dello spazio vissuto e l’esperienza psichedelica... more
PurposeThis paper seeks to replicate a study done in 1992 on the bibliographic availability of 55 popular culture periodicals sold by a Kroger supermarket in Royal Oak, Michigan. The earlier study asked the question whether time might be... more
Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, and Terence McKenna are three of the most influential figures of the late-twentieth century psychedelic counterculture. Their liberal use of terminology derived from magic, alchemy, occultism, and other... more
Recent years have seen a resurgence of scientific and scholarly interest in psychedelic drugs, leading some to proclaim the advent of a “psychedelic renaissance”. Since the controversial introduction of psychedelic use in the West during... more
Academia offers us many theoretical lenses through which we may find alternative perspectives to prevailing social narratives, but the ones established are not the only ones used outside of academic circles. To the French philosopher... more
Twenty minutes in, like clockwork , the visions begin. They are strong but I was expecting them this time . Norma, the vegetalista who so astonished me with her care, skill and knowledge during my first ceremony two nights prior, had... more
In my essay I will outline a brief history of the runes, the mythological and occult origins, how they are viewed as tools for self-improvement, How the people that practice them online view themselves. How they are represented online in... more
Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de presentar elementos para una reflexión filosófica sobre el consumo de Ayahuasca, tomando en cuenta los conceptos de salud y enfermedad, la eficacia simbólica del ritual, así como las consideraciones... more
Reservados todos los derechos. El contenido de esta obra está protegido por la Ley, que establece penas de prisión y/o multas, además de las correspondientes indemnizaciones por daños y perjuicios, para quienes reprodujeren, plagiaren,... more
In this paper I will argue that Argentinian short story novelist Jorge Luis Borges best exemplifies some issues covered in the structuralist and post-structuralist narratology of Gérard Genette and Roland Barthes, namely nestling... more
Interpretación de la "manzana" de Adán y Eva como expresión mítica del hongo alucinogénico "Amanita muscaria".
El desarrollo del movimiento neochamánico en Améric a y el resto del mundo ha permitido que personas provenientes de distintos contextos culturales se a cerquen a prácticas ancestrales de sanación y búsqueda de visión. Entre estas... more
The fact that both Jim Jones' movement and Heaven's Gate ended in mass murder-suicides demonstrates the level of fear and desperation evoked by doomsday prophecies, as well as the power held by their promoters. This phenomenon provides... more
Produtos naturais alucinógenos constituem um importante e interessante grupo de substâncias, em especial os alcaloides, classe de substâncias para as quais são observadas inúmeras atividades biológicas e farmacológicas, incluindo as... more
Garry Trompf 's work has explored the creative forms Christianity has assumed in Melanesia, and the various ways Christianity has been localised. He studied popular forms of Christianity as emerging Melanesian theologies of sin,... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Our hominin ancestors inevitably encountered and likely ingested psychedelic mushrooms throughout their evolutionary history. This assertion is supported by current understanding of: early hominins’ paleodiet and paleoecology; primate... more
Las sustancias enteógenas comprenden una gran variedad de psicotrópicos, con propiedades alucinógenas y curativas, han sido utilizadas en ceremonias o rituales desde los primeros asentamientos de poblaciones y fueron elemento clave para... more
A philosophical and biographical engagement with the long standing ideal of a post-ideological psychedelic society as it appears in the writing of psychedelic pioneers Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary and Terence McKenna. The paper... more
The Department of Studies in Religion has maintained steady progress this year. We were especially pleased that the appointments of Dr Christopher Hartney and Dr Jay Johnston were made permanent at the start of 2010. At the same time,... more
Introducción Bingen Amadoz ha culminando un libro sobre memoria histórica. Rebosan las interpelaciones y la inquietud por confrontarlas desde la antropología social. Se pregunta Bingen Amadoz por las respuestas que, potencial o... more
A creative essay on gender violence and on the murder of an Irish female child care worker in 2012. The title of the essay translates as 'I will not tell you who I am', which draws on a famous song in Irish, 'Ar Éirinn, ní neosfainn cé... more
The book, Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and A New World Age by Gregg Braden has as its theme the issue of time-cycles which it explained in an extremely absorbing manner. The author records 3114B.C as the beginning of the present... more
This paper will try outline the role and reverberation that Terence McKenna has had in the Psychedelic community from the Cultural Revolution of the late Sixties to the ongoing Psychedelic Renaissance. Moreover, it will discuss his... more
DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine) is a powerful tryptamine that has experienced growing appeal in the last decade, independent from ayahuasca, the Amazonian visionary brew in which it is an integral ingredient. Investigating user reports... more
Por muchas décadas, los alucinógenos han sido considerados como sustancias psicogénicas. Este trabajo busca des-demonizar el tema y exponer objetivamente la historia, la antropología, la química y la farmacología de dichas... more
Ayahuasca, um ser divino, uma planta mestra, enteógeno, alucinógeno, remédio, terapia, droga, ferramenta cognitiva, commodity, chá. As definições associadas à ayahuasca são quase tão diversas quanto seus usos. De fato, o uso da ayahuasca... more
Emerging into physical form this October was The Gnostic World (Routledge). This hefty tome - of sixty-seven chapters - was artfully and bravely developed by Editor-in-Chief Emeritus Professor Garry Trompf, with the assistance of section... more
INFORM (Information Network on Religious Movements) recently moved from its long- term base at the London School of Economics to King’s College London. The November day-long seminar on the theme “Health and Healing in Minority Religions”... more
For the Ammerman Center’s Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology, Creator/Director Mallory Catlett, Sound-artist/Performer G Lucas Crane, and Dramaturg/Scholar Alex Wermer-Colan will present their ongoing project, Decoder 2017, a... more
Systems thinking as a modern approach for problem solving was revived after WWII even though it had been an ancient philosophy. We can track systems thinking back to antiquity. Making a distinction from Western rationalist traditions of... more