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    • Tendering
Tendering is one of the stages in construction procurement that requires extensive information and documents exchange. However, tender documents are not always clear in practice. The aim of this study was to ascertain the clarity and... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsConstruction Management and EconomicsTendering
Standard Schedule of Rates 2010 for Indian Railways.
Cost Estimation of Projects.
Studies of cost estimation.
Type of items and their rates for working in the field of Civil Engineering work in Railways.
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      Civil EngineeringProject ManagementConstruction TechnologyConstruction Management
This paper proposes a new public procurement evaluation model, the added value threshold model. The added value threshold model is a flexible procurement tool, which has been developed to account for the costs associated with offering... more
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      MethodologyProcurementEvaluationPublic Procurement
The paper shows the client’s attitude towards the quasi-automation of the procurement processes in the backdrop of a digital environment in some European countries. The construction industry is increasingly competing on new bases,... more
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      Building Information Modeling (BIM) (Architecture)Public ProcurementElectronic ProcurementTendering
Procurement for e-Government is an important part of activities which are similar to the nature of B2B. That is usually characterized by bulk volumes with complex variables, bureaucratic workflows and the need to function in a regulated... more
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      Information TechnologyProcurementBPRE Government
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      ContractsProject ManagementProcurementContract Administration
The construction industry in Singapore is dominated by a competitive business environment that is being driven by a lowest cost mentality. The pressure on contractors' pro t margins has further increased after a prolonged recession in... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsDecision MakingProcurement
Currently, multi-attribute auctions are becoming widespread awarding mechanisms for contracts in construction, and in these auctions, criteria other than price are taken into account for ranking bidder proposals. Therefore, being the... more
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      Construction ManagementCompetitiveness (Economics)Construction EconomicsReverse Auctions
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    • Tendering
Pamerkan kenyataan tender di sekolah dan kawasan-kawasan yang berdekatan dengan sekolah seperti masjid, warung atau kedai-kedai runcit supaya dapat diketahui oleh orang awam. Guru besar adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab menetapkan di... more
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    • Tendering
Yapım işlerinin pek çok uzmanlık konusunu birlikte içermesi, bu işlerin yapılmasında yüklenicilerin alt yüklenici çalıştırmasını adeta bir zorunluluk haline getirmektedir. Nitekim yapım işi ihalelerine ilişkin ihale dokümanı ve... more
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      Civil LawProcurementPublic ProcurementPublic Law
Proses Tender Proyek Interior
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      Interior DesignTenderTenderingArsitektur
Construction cost management is the most important function for project success, and the construction project performance is generally expressed in terms of cost and its variance from the budget. However, it has not been effectively used... more
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      Project ManagementProject Cost and Risk ManagementTenderingCost Control
AHSP Untuk daerah DKI Jakarta
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      Civil EngineeringE-ProcurementCost EstimationProject Cost Control
The objective of going out to contract is to obtain specific services, equipment, materials or licenses as required to support the general business objectives. The FWA can be used as "umbrella agreement" that sets out the terms... more
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      ContractsProcurementContract ManagementTendering
Contoh proposal teknis pekerjaan jalan
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      Civil EngineeringProject ManagementTendering
SUMARIO 1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. DERECHOS LIMITADOS EN NÚMERO 2.1. El derecho 2.1.1. Dominio público 2.1.2. Tipos de usos y títulos habilitantes a) Bienes destinados a la prestación de un servicio público b) Bienes destinados al uso general c)... more
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      Public AdministrationResource AllocationAdministrative LawPublic Goods
The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015 stipulates guidelines on the whole procurement and disposal process in Kenya. This study sought to establish factors influencing disposal of assets in the public sector in Kenya, with a... more
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      ProcurementInventory ManagementTendering
This paper is presented the flow of an ongoing PhD’s research entitle “A Study on the Accuracy of a Bill of Quantities”, which are at the proposal stage. The accurateness of the information in the bill of quantities has been criticised... more
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Bills of Quantities (BQ) is one of systematic ways applied in the construction industry in which its primary function is to record items of works for tendering purposes and to create a fair agreement among the parties involved for... more
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      BIM (Architecture)TenderingBIM Performance MeasurementProcurement and Tendering Contracts
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NEGOTIATING ACCESS INTO FIRMS: OBSTACLES AND STRATEGIES Samuel Laryea University of Reading, Reading [email protected] Will Hughes University of Reading, Reading [email protected] Researchers often experience difficulties... more
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      ContractsProcurementRisk ManagementSustainable Procurement in Construction
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      Contract LawTenderingProcurement and Tendering Contracts
This paper celebrates the interdisciplinarity of architectural paint researchers who are drawn from a wide range of disparate professional backgrounds, and recognises the different national, social and economic circumstances within which... more
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      StandardsPainting ConservationBuilding ConservationTendering
This paper discusses the content, origin and development of Tendering Theory as a theory of price determination. It demonstrates how tendering theory determines market prices and how it is different from game and decision theories, and... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsConstruction ManagementDecision Theory
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Indonesia spends more than 30 percent of its national budget, and around 60 percent of foreign development assistance, on the procurement of goods and services on behalf of government agencies. Yet, the Indonesian regulatory framework is... more
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      IndonesiaPublic ProcurementGood GovernanceCorruption
Construction cost management is the most important function for project success, and the construction project performance is generally expressed in terms of cost and its variance from the budget. However, it has not been effectively used... more
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      BusinessProject ManagementProject Cost and Risk ManagementTendering
O sistema de transporte coletivo por ônibus da cidade de São Paulo teve diversas mudanças nos últimos 25 anos, o que resultou em modelos de concessão distintos, impactando nos custos, nas receitas e na remuneração desse serviço, além da... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementPublic TransportUrban Planning
تصویب پیوست فناوری یکی از مهمترین کارهای صورت گرفته در ستاد اقتصاد مقاومتی در سال¬های اخیر بوده است که آیین‌نامه اجرایی آن نیز در دست توسعه می‌باشد. پیوست فناوری تاکنون عمدتاً مبتنی بر ادبیات سیاست‌های ساخت داخل مورد بررسی و تحلیل قرار... more
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      TenderingCapability AssessmentLocal Content PolicyPublic Procurement of Innovation
Neoliberal politikaların Dünya’da etkinlik kazanmasıyla birlikte devletlerin kamu hizmetlerini gerçekleştirme anlayışları da değişime uğramıştır. Devletler üretici konumundan çekilerek kamu hizmetini piyasa şartlarında üretim yapan kurum... more
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      ProcurementProcurement ManagementPublic ProcurementTendering
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    • Tendering
In the global construction context, the best value or most economically advantageous tender is becoming a widespread approach for contractor selection, as an alternative to other traditional awarding criteria such as the lowest price. In... more
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      Project ManagementCompetitiveness (Economics)ProcurementProcurement Management
There is a growing body of theoretical and empirical evidence to support the promotion of awarding mechanisms with formal and informal devices, aimed at economic efficiency and effectiveness through the life of the contract, i.e., ex ante... more
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Overuse disorders of tendons, or tendinopathies, present a challenge to sports physicians, surgeons, and other health care professionals dealing with athletes. The Achilles, patellar, and supraspinatus tendons are particularly vulnerable... more
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    • Tendering
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between tender figures, consultants' figures and final construction costs of construction projects under competitive bidding in the Nigerian construction industry, as guided by... more
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the economic and legal rationale for the use of the competitive dialogue in complex procurement. The authors use the data set of public contracts awarded by European Union (EU) member states between... more
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      European StudiesProcurementEconomics of InnovationEU cohesion policy
Non-competitive bids have recently become a major concern in both Public and Private sector construction contract auctions. Consequently, several models have been developed to help identify bidders potentially involved in collusive... more
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      AuctionsBiddingConstruction Engineering and ManagementRisks in Tendering Process
This paper examines the effects of different factors on the success or failure of bids for infrastructure projects in Australia. Logistic regression analysis was used to empirically determine which factors have the largest effect on... more
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      International BusinessProject ManagementConstruction ManagementInfrastructure Planning
The statistical distribution representing bid values constitutes an essential part of many auction models and has involved a wide range of assumptions, including the Uniform, Normal, Lognormal and Weibull densities. From a modelling point... more
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      Project ManagementConstruction EconomicsConstructionBidding
Analysis of rates for Educational Purpose.
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      Construction TechnologyConstruction ManagementConstruction Project ManagementConstruction
The Procurement Modernization (PM) project of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) was designed to transform the operation of the public procurement system in Indonesia by reducing existing resource inefficiency. The PM project’s... more
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      IndonesiaPublic ProcurementPublic Sector ReformGood Governance
Research in Bid Tender Forecasting Models (BTFM) has been in progress since the 1950s. None of the developed models were easy-to-use tools for effective use by bidding practitioners because the advanced mathematical apparatus and massive... more
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      Project ManagementConstruction ManagementConstruction EconomicsForecasting
Iso-Score Curves Graph (iSCG) and mathematical relationships between Scoring Parameters (SP) and Forecasting Parameters (FP) can be used in Economic Scoring Formulas (ESF) used in tendering to distribute the score among bidders in the... more
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      Project ManagementConstruction ManagementConstruction EconomicsProject Risk Management
In a paper to the Thredbo9 Conference, Stanley, Lucas and Betts outlined a framework for the creation and sustenance of a trusting partnership at the tactical level for public transport services. Since that time, the Victorian (Australia)... more
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      BusinessEconomicsServicesPublic Transport
Achieving project completion within the estimated cost is fundamental criteria for success of any project. Hence cost management and control is very important consideration for ensuring cost performance. Various cost management techniques... more
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      Computer ScienceProject ManagementConstruction ManagementConstruction
While academic researchers have proposed various theories for managing risk and uncertainty in construction projects, most of the propositions are conceptual in nature and based on analytical modelling approaches rarely used in practice.... more
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      Construction ManagementProcurementConstruction EconomicsProject Risk Management
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      Economic TheoryContent AnalysisFinancial ReportingAudit
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      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistoryEconomic History