Recent papers in Telemarketing
Cuidados preventivos na atividade de operador de telemarketing Cuidados preventivos na atividade de operador de telemarketing 2 de Abril de 2018/0 Comentários/em Cuidados preventivos na atividade de operador de telemarketing /por Social... more
B2C telemarketing involves outbound calls made to customers, informing them about products and services of a company. It is a great way of bringing in more customers and increasing sales. An effective B2C telemarketing strategy has become... more
TELEMARKETING adalah penggunaan telepon dan pusat panggilan (call center) untuk menarik prospek, menjual kepada pelanggan yang telah ada dan menyediakan layanan dengan mengambil pesanan dan menjawab pertanyaan melalui telepon.
The financial crisis created pressure on banks due to credit restriction, increasing competition for deposits retention and demanding efficiency improvements of direct marketing campaigns. Our research conducted a data mining project on... more
pembahasan : trategi perencanaan, marketing plan, riset pasar dan strategi kreatif
This is the reason why it is important for companies to hire a specialist telemarketing agency. Only a reliable agency will be able to understand the requirements of their clients. They work with a team of experienced and well-trained... more
As part of the digital economy, TV shopping business in Thailand recently became an eye-catching business for both local and international investor. This research aimed to investigate the factors influencing TV home shoppers' intentions... more
Cette recherche a pour but d'approfondir la connaissance des phénomènes de résistance des consommateurs en explorant leurs perceptions de la télévente. L'analyse d'un corpus composé de 42 récits d'épisodes téléphoniques et d'entretiens... more
Justiça organizacional é um importante preditor de afetos, atitudes e comportamentos no trabalho como comprometimento, satisfação, performance e rotatividade. Apesar disso, não foram encontrados estudos brasileiros sobre justiça... more
En este artículo se explica la organización del trabajo del sector del telemarketing. El objetivo es describir y analizar dos vulnerabilidades detectadas que afectan a la eficiencia y a la obtención del valor en las empresas de este... more
The financial crisiscreated pressure on banksdue to credit restriction, increasing competition for deposits retention and demanding efficiency improvements of direct marketing campaigns. Our research conducted a data mining project on... more
Be it B2B outbound telemarketing or B2C outbound telesales, it is important to find a reliable agency that can deliver these services to you at a cost-effective rate. You can either ask for recommendations from your peers or look for a... more
This study discusses about speech acts as the smallest unit in the linguistic communication. The purpose of this study was to examine how the Speech Acts communication in the outbound call activity of IndiHome Triple Play program. This... more
The paper is available at: This article examines business-to-business “cold” calls between salespeople and prospective clients. Drawing on 150 audio-recorded interactions, we use... more
Esta dissertação apresenta alguns dos contornos e nuances da transfobia e do cissexismo reproduzidos em empresas de telemarketing na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Assim como os contornos e nuances de algumas das ações e atividades... more
Hi, I am a research and practitioner in sales. Sales is a very controversial profession similar like Politicians. Doctors want their kids to be doctors, and same with Engg, Lawyers, businessmen ...but it is not with sales. Even... more
Partindo de pesquisas empíricas anteriores desenvolvidas pelas autoras deste artigo sobre os processos de precarização das condições de trabalho e vida de trabalhadoras informais e terceirizadas (dos setores de limpeza e teleatendimento),... more
Título do projeto de pesquisa do orientador Jose Augusto Martins Pessoa : Operadores, usuários e prática espacial a partir do telemarketing na grande belo horizonte, mg. Trabalho, tempos e sujeitos: (in)visi-bilidades em trânsito na... more
Justiça organizacional é um importante preditor de afetos, atitudes e comportamentos no trabalho como comprometimento, satisfação, performance e rotatividade. Apesar disso, não foram encontrados estudos brasileiros sobre justiça... more
It is not an easy task to conduct an affective business to consumer telemarketing program. It requires highly trained staff and top of the line technology. Meeting all telemarketing requirements can become an issue for businesses due to... more
This article reports the author's experience of working in telesales. Through a call center, the case study company sells home improvements. The article describes the everyday organizational life of the telesales unit. Using this... more
This article examines business-to-business "cold" calls between salespeople and prospective clients. Drawing on 150 audio-recorded interactions, we use conversation analysis to identify the overarching structural organization and... more
Using telemarketing to make sales has become a common practice in a wide range of businesses during recent decades and turns over large sums of money. Despite the rising popularity of online sales, telemarketing remains a common and... more
Telemarketing is a job that tests your mental strength by combating rejection day in and day out and in all is more difficult than manual labor jobs.