Telehealth and eHealth

638 papers
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Telehealth and eHealth refer to the use of digital technologies and telecommunications to deliver healthcare services, information, and education remotely. This field encompasses a range of applications, including virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and health information systems, aimed at improving access to care, enhancing patient engagement, and optimizing health outcomes.
In recent years, telemedicine has been increasingly incorporated into medical practice, a process which has now been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. As telemedicine continues to progress, it is necessary for medical institutions to... more
E-commerce has been identified as an enabler of economic development/growth in developing countries. This is due to the preponderant role that e-commerce plays in developing world as a catalyst towards improved customer service ;... more
This paper presents a novel human joint motion recording method, The recorded data are sent to the receiver, which is placed in the close proximity or in the same room with the patient, via a wireless short-range communications system... more
Objectives: Cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT) for fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) are important interventions in the management of this condition. Empirical evidence reports that although the results are promising, further research is... more
The novel coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) infection has altered the society, economy, and entire healthcare system. Whilst this pandemic has presented the healthcare system with unprecedented challenges, it has rapidly promoted the... more
É objetivo deste trabalho aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a evolução e a prática da telemedicina em Portugal e o grau de aceitação e participação dos intervenientes, com especial enfoque na classe médica e nos utentes. Como sublinha Rita... more
The present study explores emerging domestic healthcare technologies in Japan. The research was guided by the following questions: • Material Dimension: What kind of domestic healthcare technologies can be found in Japan? What stage... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has put the delivery of vital health and nursing services uniquely challenged. Restrictions in social mobility, fear of contraction, and risks of transmission posed by this pandemic prompted healthcare institutions... more
Wireless implanted medical devices (WIMD) help millions of device users experience a better quality of life. Because of their life-saving benefits, the devices are experiencing a dramatic growth in usage, application, and complexity. Yet,... more
Telehealth is a double-edged sword. With the advent of widely available and inexpensive telecommunication technologies, telehealth practices have grown prosperously in healthcare. At the same time, a number of scholarly works have already... more
by Arul Chib and 
1 more
There are now few hundred thousand healthcare apps, yet there is a gap in our understanding of the theoretical mechanisms for which, and how, technological features translate into improved healthcare outcomes. In particular, the... more
Software development project becomes difficult because of the complexity in the business requirements, rigid framework and unpredictable performance. These cause difficulties to deliver the software on time, to maintain it and to adapt to... more
Objectives: Assess unforeseen consequences of Telehealth and their solutions Methods: An outline was created collecting all possible ill effects classified into Clinical considerations, Administrative concerns including interpersonal... more
by Gerry King and 
1 more
Background: The major problem facing health and social care systems globally today is the growing challenge of an elderly population with complex health and social care needs. A longstanding challenge to the provision of high quality,... more
by nadia kinglsey and 
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Telehealth refers to the provider-to-provider and provider-to-patient communication; the parties use information technology, telecommunication, and devices to provide training and share important information (Edmunds, Tuckson, Lewis,... more
Background: The rising prevalence of chronic illnesses hinders the sustainability of the health care system because of the high cost of frequent hospitalizations of patients with complex chronic conditions. Clinical trials have... more
by Josip Car and 
1 more
The acknowledged potential of using mobile phones for improving healthcare in low-resource environments of developing countries has yet to translate into significant mHealth policy investment. The low uptake of mHealth in policy agendas... more
Objective: To compare clinical and process outcomes of cognitive processing therapy-cognitive only version (CPT-C) delivered via videoteleconferencing (VTC) to in-person in a rural, ethnically diverse sample of veterans with posttraumatic... more
The main objective of this paper is to assess the feasibility of an ad-hoc wireless network system for use within a hospital. The proposed system would operate as follows: Every bed within a hospital would be transformed into an eBed.... more
ABSTRACT This survey explored the support available and the effect of lockdown on children with autism spectrum disorder and their families in India and the United Kingdom. Our findings showed significant problems for children and... more
—In this paper, a smart wireless wristband is proposed. The potential of innovative gesture based interactivity with connected lighting solutions is reviewed. The solution is intended to offer numerous benefits, in terms of ease of use,... more
Tematem wystąpienia jest problematyka bezpieczeństwa pacjenta podczas świadczenia usług zdrowotnych na odległość. Prezentacja problemu skupiać się będzie wokół dwóch kwestii: telemonitorowania stanu zdrowia pacjenta oraz recept... more
Viewpoint discussed telehealth in physical therapy musculoskeletal practice in local, national, and international levels for practice, research, and education.
A 2014 World Health Organization (WHO) study reported that almost 27 million people with disability live in Pakistan with fewer than one allied rehabilitation professional per 10,000 people. The current study sought to determine the... more
Aim / Purpose / The sustainability of health policies for the mental well-being of healthcare workers is essential for not only patients but also for the community. The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents and problems of... more
Although both online and in-person positive psychology interventions (PPIs) exist, no randomized controlled trials (RCT)—the gold standard in intervention research—have compared the effectiveness of these formats. We created a 12-week... more
Background: Numerous types of digital health interventions (DHIs) are available to patients and the public but many factors affect their ability to engage and enrol in them. This systematic review aims to identify and synthesise the... more
by Felix Machleid and 
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Background: Digital health technologies hold promise to enhance patient-related outcomes, to support health care staff by reducing their workload, and to improve the coordination of care. As key users of digital health technologies,... more
We conducted semistructured interviews with telemedicine program administrators as part of a national survey of physicians and managers regarding attitudes toward, and knowledge of, telemedicine. Telemedicine administrators were... more
This survey explored the support available and the effect of lockdown on children with autism spectrum disorder and their families in India and the United Kingdom. Our findings showed significant problems for children and families due to... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Purpose of the Project: To examine the change in telehealth use growth during the COVID-19pandemic with non-elderly patients in Bangladesh. Methods: Using patients of age between 18-64 from residents in and outside Dhaka, this study... more
Materi yang saya bawakan di Seminar Online SONJO ke 18 dengan tema Telemedicine Masa Pandemi, tanggal 16 Agustus 2020. Pembicara: a) Kebijakan Telemedicine Kemenkes : dr. Iin Dewi Astuty, MKK, Kepala Seksi Pelayanan Penunjang Medik... more
Butler is a multi-application system based on Internet technology and virtual reality, designed to meet the needs of elderly users. Its objectives are to assist elderly populations in accessing technology and new forms of communication,... more
Background and aims Telehealth allows healthcare workers to see patients virtually in locations that were not accessible previously, which has reduced cost and time and saved lives. The research aims to examine gender disparity among... more
E-Health ist in unterschiedlichen Anwendungsvarianten bereits Teil arbeitsmedizinischer Praxis. Es bedarf einer fortlaufenden, auch ethischen Evaluation der positiven wie negativen Effekte, die die Einführung solch umfassender technischer... more
Background: The development of new virtual care technologies (including telehealth and telemedicine) is growing rapidly, leading to a number of challenges related to health policy and planning for health systems around the world.... more
Background E-health is increasingly being identified as a cost-effective method to deliver health services and remote monitoring in rural and remote areas. There is a paucity of research that identifies successful implementation of... more
Butler is a multi-application system based on Internet technology and virtual reality, designed to meet the needs of elderly users. Its objectives are to assist elderly populations in accessing technology and new forms of communication,... more
Background: Low sexual desire and arousal are the most common sexual concerns in women, but most women lack access to effective treatment such as cognitive behavioral therapy. Web-based psychological interventions, which are economical,... more
Background: Health and care technologies often succeed on a small scale but fail to achieve widespread use (scale-up) or become routine practice in other settings (spread). One reason for this is under-theorization of the process of... more
The present study tested a prototype teledentistry system in which regional Community Health Centers are linked to the Melbourne Dental School or the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne (RCH). Three general dental practitioners (GDP)... more
This paper presents a novel human joint motion recording method, The recorded data are sent to the receiver, which is placed in the close proximity or in the same room with the patient, via a wireless short-range communications system... more
This paper seeks to understand the use of telehealth technologies post COVID-19. For many years, academics have sought to provide evidence that the use of telehealth can have positive effects on patient outcomes, increase access to... more
Economic development of African countries has reached the level where the government can begin a strategic reform of health systems to create a modern health care delivery system, meeting the world standards of health care. Zambia being... more