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Pendidikan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang bersifat umum bagi setiap manusia dimuka bumi ini. Pendidikan tidak terlepas dari segala kegiatan manusia. Dalam kondisi apapun manusia tidak dapat menolak efek dari penerapan pendidikan. Proses... more
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      EducationTechnologyPolitical ScienceNature
El propósito de este estudio es explicar la evolución de las técnicas de patada del taekwondo y ofrecer un marco histórico para este proceso. Este estudio analiza la primera literatura del kárate y del taekwondo, incluyendo fuentes... more
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Geophysical survey techniques are a highly visible part of the scientific toolkit that is now used by archaeologists. In this paper, the history of the use of geophysical techniques in archaeology will be discussed, as will significant... more
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In previously untrained individuals, endurance training improves peak oxygen uptake (V . O2peak), increases capillary density of working muscle, raises blood LEADING ARTICLE
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      Mechanical EngineeringSports MedicineLife StyleRunning
Clay minerals and iron oxides are intimately related in the process of their natural formation. Their mineralogical composition and physical properties correspond to the physical -chemical conditions of weathering, sedimentation and... more
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      EngineeringHistoryArchaeologyEarth Sciences
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Hürzeler MB, Zuhr O, Schupbach P, Rebele SF, Emmanouilidis N, Fickl S. The socket-shield technique: a proof-of-principle report. J Clin Periodontol 2010; 37: 855–862. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01595.x.Hürzeler MB, Zuhr O, Schupbach P,... more
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      DentistryOsseointegrationScanning Electron MicroscopyTitanium
This is the first study with acceptable inter-rater reliability to examine specific therapeutic techniques related to change in anxiety disorder patients during short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy. The study first examined the... more
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      PsychologyBrief PsychotherapyCognitive ScienceAnxiety Disorders
Aim: Clinical studies have suggested that retaining roots of hopeless teeth may avoid tissue alterations after tooth extraction. Therefore, the objective of this proof-ofprinciple experiment was to histologically assess a partial root... more
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      DentistryOsseointegrationScanning Electron MicroscopyTitanium
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      SociologyInformation TechnologyCommunicationMass Communication
This article is a review of the necropsy techniques utilized in birds with emphasis on psittacine and passerine species. The aim of this article is to assist the practitioner in systematically performing a gross necropsy in the veterinary... more
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      TechniqueVeterinary Sciences
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      Image ProcessingFaceVoiceTechnique
Objective: To review the stochastic resonance phenomena observed in sensory systems and to describe how a random process ('noise') added to a subthreshold stimulus can enhance sensory information processing and perception.
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We review methodological approaches commonly employed for the determination of human-body-odor (BO) components. As a first step, we evaluate the common types of BO and the sampling and/or preconcentration strategies for them. We also... more
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      Analytical ChemistryStrategySamplingHuman Body
Biological psychiatry has a long history of using somatic therapies to treat neuropsychiatric illnesses and to understand brain function. These methods have included neurosurgery, electroconvulsive therapy, and, most recently,... more
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      DepressionTranscranial Magnetic StimulationEpilepsyTreatment
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      InstrumentationTechniqueForceRange of Motion
Multi-sensor airborne remote sensing has been applied to the Itanos area of eastern Crete to assess its potential for locating exposed and known buried archaeological remains, and to delineate subsurface remains beyond the current limits... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryRemote SensingArchaeological Science
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) is attracting much interest in the soil science community because it has a number of advantages over conventional methods of soil analyses. The techniques are more rapid, timely, cheaper and hence... more
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      Soil ScienceScience CommunicationMultivariate StatisticsPrediction
Metals are common contaminants worldwide. Long-term deposition of metals in soils can lead to accumulation, transport and biotoxicity/zootoxicity caused by mobility and bioavailability of significant fraction of the metals. Contaminant... more
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      EcotoxicologyRiskEvaluationTrace Metals
Pretendemos con estas páginas contribuir al debate en torno al papel que hay que adjudicar a Nietzsche en el marco del pensamiento moderno (y, más aún, en el contemporáneo), a través de una adecuada aproximación al sentido de la voluntad... more
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      Art HistoryRepresentationTechnique
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      Gilbert SimondonBernard StieglerIndividuationAnthropologie
For testing the integration of the remote sensing related technologies into the water quality monitoring programs of Lake Garda (the largest Italian lake), the spatial and spectral resolutions of Hyperion and the capability of... more
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      TechnologyRemote SensingWater qualityModeling
Gamification refers to the process whereby game design and game mechanics are applied in non-game contexts to influence behaviour. This research study explores the effects of gamification on piano students' practice of technical elements... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringDigital Signal ProcessingOptical SensorMovement
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      ManagementExotic SpeciesEcologyEvolution
The functional study of the stone tool artefacts from the Middle Pleistocene site of Isernia la Pineta (Molise, central Italy) revealed microtraces that display certain features that did not fit in with what we know as use-wear traces.... more
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      Functional AnalysisArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological Science
Due to technical and budget limitations, remote sensing instruments trade spatial resolution and swath width. As a result not one sensor provides both high spatial resolution and high temporal resolution. However, the ability to monitor... more
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      Time SeriesAdaptationModelingTemporal Resolution
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      NephrologyUrologyMicroscopyData Analysis
The Amudian (late Lower Paleolithic) site of Qesem Cave in Israel represents one of the earliest examples of habitual use of fire by middle Pleistocene hominids. The Paleolithic layers in this cave were studied using a suite of... more
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      Ancient HistoryEvolutionary BiologyArchaeologyPaleontology
Primary and tension-free closure of a flap is often required after particular surgical procedures (e.g., guided bone regeneration). Other times, flap advancement may be desired for situations such as root coverage. The literature was... more
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      DentistrySurgeryTreatmentWound Healing
Training methods in sport usually focus on improving either technical or tactical aspects of performance, ignoring the fact that successful performance requires the athlete to simultaneously decide what movement to perform and how it... more
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      EngineeringDecision MakingImplicit learningPrincipal Component Analysis
Swinton, PA, Lloyd, R, Keogh, JWL, Agouris, I, and Stewart, AD. A biomechanical comparison of the traditional squat, powerlifting squat, and box squat. J Strength Cond Res 26 :... more
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      Strength & ConditioningBiomechanicsSpineKinetics
NOTES 949 VAN PARIJS, S. M., AND P. J. CORKERON. In press. The vocal repertoire and related behaviors of Pacific humpback dolphins, Sousu chinensis. Ethology. ZBIDEN, K., G. PILLERI, C. KRAUS AND 0. BERNATH. 1977. Observations on the... more
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      ZoologyCanonNorth AtlanticTracking
1552-1566. Purpose: The specific aim of this project was to quantify knee forces and muscle activity while performing squat and leg press exercises with technique variations. Methods: Ten experienced male lifters performed the squat, a... more
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      BiomechanicsSkeletal muscle biologyKineticsAnterior Cruciate Ligament
Dislocation of the shoulder joint is common. The shoulder is affected in up to 60% of all major joint dislocations, one study citing an incidence of 1.7% in the general population. The most common form is anteroinferior dislocation. A... more
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      Emergency MedicineTreatment OutcomeRotator cuffMethod
To review the epidemiology of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in the National Football League (NFL) and current treatment trends within this population. Type of Study: Descriptive. Methods: Part 1 of this study reviews the data... more
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      Sports MedicineEpidemiologyTreatmentPublic Health
Vegetative thalli of brown and green Kappaphycus alÕarezii were cultivated in Panagatan Ž . Cays, Caluya, Antique, Philippines, over 60-and 90-day periods using hanging-long line HL , Ž . Ž . fixed off-bottom FB , and hanging long... more
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Several ink dating methods based on solvents analysis using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) were proposed in the last decades. These methods follow the drying of solvents from ballpoint pen inks on paper and seem very... more
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      Forensic ScienceMethodologyInterpretationMultidisciplinary
The composite nature of remotely sensed spectral information often masks diagnostic spectral features and hampers the detailed identification and mapping of targeted constituents of the earth's surface. Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA) is... more
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      CartographyRemote SensingEarthModeling
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      Mechanical EngineeringVisual perceptionSkill AcquisitionSports Biomechanics
Cutmarks found on the fossilised bones of butchered animals provide direct evidence for the procurement of meat through technological means. As such, they hold some of the oldest available information on cognitive ability and behaviour in... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryHuman EvolutionMicroscopy
An economic engineering approach was used to estimate total aeration cost and to generate average cost curves of aeration. Fixed and variable costs were estirnated for 23 different electric and tractor powered aeration devices. Least-cost... more
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      AquacultureTechniqueFisheries SciencesCost Analysis
Purpose: Nine male collegiate swimmers swam three 183-m freestyle trials at "moderate, moderately hard, and hard" paces while wearing a traditional brief-style suit and on another occasion while wearing a newly designed suit covering the... more
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Objectives: 1) To describe the hearing status of the at-risk infants in the National Institutes of Health-Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment study sample at 8 to 12 mo corrected age (chronologic age adjusted for prematurity).... more
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      DemographyAcousticsMethodologyAuditory Perception
The 100-m and 400-m swim time, tethered swimming forces, mood states and self-ratings of well-being of 27 competitive swimmers were measured before and after 4 weeks of intense training and after 1 week and 2 weeks of tapering for major... more
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Aims  To evaluate the agreement between adolescent self-reported cannabis use, “on-site” qualitative urine screening, and quantitative laboratory testing.Design  A cross-sectional study of intake and follow-up data from 248 adolescents... more
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      EpidemiologyAddictionSelf CarePublic Health
The 9th-century-AD Belitung wreck was discovered in 1998 in the Java Sea. Construction techniques rapidly confirmed that it was unlike any known Chinese or Southeast Asian vessel. The uncertainty about its origins was resolved in 2008 by... more
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      ArchaeologyMass SpectrometryBiomarkersConstruction