Recent papers in Technique
A cryopreservation procedure using an aluminium cryo-plate was successfully developed using in vitro-grown Dalmatian chrysanthemum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) shoot tips. Shoot cultures were cold-hardened at 5 degree C on MS medium... more
We consider here the applications and limitations of urine testing schedules used in methadone maintenance treatment programs. We show that for patients attending clinic daily, any practical testing schedule will only reliably detect... more
There is considerable argument concerning the number of sentinel node biopsy cases with axillary dissection that surgeons should perform before they are eligible on abandoning axillary dissection in negative sentinel node patients. Papers... more
lntrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV) is a novel form of chest physiotherapy delivered by a percussive pneumatic device (IPV, Percussionaire, Sand Point, ID). There are few published reports about the use of IPV for diseases other... more
El triatlón es un deporte combinado y de resistencia donde se desarrollan sin solución de continuidad natación, ciclismo y carrera a pie, siempre en ese orden y sin parar el cronometro. La distancia Sprint es la más corta según el... more
Increased pressure during retrograde cerebral perfusion in an acute porcine model on the World Wide Web at:
Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate acute angiographic success, in-hospital complications and long-term outcome after intracoronary stenting in patients with cardiac allograft vasculopathy.
Formalin as a fixative has no practical substitutes, but is toxic and potentially carcinogenic, so caution of its use in hospitals and elsewhere is mandatory. In our hospital, preservation of surgical specimens into formalin to be... more
Le sud-ouest du Grand Erg occidental du Sahara est considéré comme le berceau de la foggara, une technique ancestrale de captage des eaux souterraines. Il existe actuellement 907 foggaras en exploitation dans les oasis de Touat, Gourara... more
Anterior approaches to the shoulder involve partial or complete detachment of the subscapularis muscle. We have developed a new technique that permits adequate access to the humeral attachment of the inferior glenohumeral ligament (IGHL)... more
Processing of human temporal bones is a long, expensive process and the resulting celloidin sections are difficult to use for immunohistochemistry. We tested the ability of immunohistochemical assays to work in human temporal bones that... more
This study reports on the evaluation of four meeting techniques for decision-making by small groups. Two face-to-face and two computer conferencing techniques were evaluated by small groups solving business cases. Particular groups varied... more
Early detection of platelet activation is important for the diagnosis and follow-up of several pathological conditions that primarily or secondarily involve platelets in their pathogenesis. The golden standard assay to detect thrombocyte... more
Objectives To compare two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound imaging with automated three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound imaging for the measurement of antral follicle number and size.
Tourniquet use in foot and ankle surgery is common practice; however, the technique varies among foot and ankle surgeons and there are no standard guidelines. To analyze trends in foot and ankle tourniquet use, the authors conducted an e·... more
Combining both spatial and intensity information in image, we present an MRI brain image segmentation approach based on multiresolution edge detection, region selection, and intensity threshold methods. The detection of white matter... more
The purpose of this study was to examine whether the wrist lagging angle in golf down swing had an impact on both driving distance and driving accuracy for NCAA Division I female golfers. Seven female golfers all freshmen from a... more
Objective. Resection or even biopsy of an intra-axial mass lesion in close relationship to eloquent cortex carries a major risk of neurological deficit. We have assessed the safety and effectiveness of craniotomy under local anesthesia... more
In the Jebala region, NW of Morocco, the making of recipients of dung from cows or/and clay (tonna and tabtoba) was common in the past. These recipients were used for stocking cereals and their dry products, for feeding the livestock, or... more
Two still-life paintings were scientifically examined in order to gain insights about Dutch painter Jan van Huysum's (1682-1749) purportedly secretive paintings techniques, comparing the actual works to information obtained in the few... more
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a widely utilized optical technique for measuring small distances of 1-10 nm in live cells. In recent years, its application has been greatly popularized by the discovery of green... more
Background: Desmoid tumors are neoplasms characterized by proliferation of fibroblasts without cytologic features of malignancy. Although desmoid tumors are not uncommon, pelvic desmoid tumors are rare and therapeutically challenging. We... more
A procedure for the correction of urinary stress inconti-Lence has been devised which has given results approximatag and often surpassing those which follow the commonly tsed operations. A description of this new attack upon an old ¢oblem... more
More successful methods of vasectomy reversal would benefit those undergoing this treatment and might also increase the popularity of vasectomy. We conducted a randomized, prospective clinical trial of vasectomy reversal methods,... more
Background-The anisotropy of cardiac tissue is a key determinant of 3D electric propagation and the stability of activation wave fronts in the heart. The electric properties of ventricular myocardium are widely assumed to be axially... more
The needle biopsy technique described by Bergström is the most commonly used technique to obtain samples to assess muscle metabolism. Sampling of muscle, particularly the vastus lateralis, has become an essential tool in biomedical and... more
Contemporary training in obstetrics and gynecology requires a delicate balance between teaching principles of basic science and clinical care and the technical skills required either in the delivery room or in surgical suites. 1 To... more
Purpose: Susruta, a pioneer surgeon of antiquity, practiced around 1000 BC in India. We review his many contributions with special reference to the management of urological ailments. Materials and Methods: Information gleaned from the... more
A theoretical investigation of different electroneurogram recording techniques using electrode cuffs is presented. A new screened tripole arrangement is proposed with a higher inherent signal to interference ratio than the true tripole,... more
The purpose of this study was the retrospective evaluation of the treatment results of CO 2 laser evaporation for 27 cases of leukoplakia of the lip. The data were derived from 23 patients who presented with leukoplakia of the lower lip... more
Background: This study was designed to determine the minimum number of sentinel nodes necessary to accurately stage patients with breast cancer. Methods: Between August 1997 and February 2001, 509 consecutive patients were enrolled in a... more
and components of the work of breathing. Pressure support. Changes in ventilatory pattern can be found online on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with... more
The aim of this study was to review the long-term experience with colectomy and the ileoanal pouch procedure (IAPP) in children from one hospital. Between 1977 and 2001, 168 children under 18 years of age underwent colectomy and IAPP. One... more
The explosion of neuroimaging in the last decade has contributed to a revision of the concept of bipolar disorder, which was traditionally seen as a cyclic illness with return to normality between episodes lacking "by default" permanent... more
Objective: To determine the best technique for measuring mesial-distal tooth widths on digital models. Methods: The individual mesial-distal tooth widths were measured (first molar to first molar, maxillary and mandibular) on 32 stone... more
Background: A chief morbidity of Graves eye disease is upper eyelid retraction that results in exposure keratopathy and cosmetic deformity. Objective: To assess the efficacy of graded anterior blepharotomy to treat upper eyelid... more
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a rare but well-documented complication of chronic osteomyelitis. Between February 1991 and March 1999, 13 cases (12 men and one woman) of SCC arising in chronic osteomyelitis were diagnosed and treated in... more
Purpose: Venous reconstructions are rarely performed, and factors affecting long-term results of bypass grafts implanted in the venous system are not well defined. In this report we updated our experience. Methods: The clinical data of... more
Dans la pratique filmique de Jacques Perconte, la technique est un motif plastique de tout premier ordre, à partir duquel s'ouvre un accès à la question du paysage.
a 22, rue des cinq diamants, Disponible sur internet le 12 octobre 2006