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The problem and the solution. An important and somewhat neglected level of analysis in human resource development research and practice is learning and development that occurs within a team. Increasingly, teams are required to make... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentTeam LearningBusiness and ManagementLearning to learn
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      EducationHigher EducationFocus GroupsTeam Learning
Prevailing modes of instruction, often passive in nature, do not address crucial issues for student success in science: the need for students to become part of an intellectual community, the differences in the ways students learn, and the... more
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      Active LearningTeam LearningProblem SolvingFocus Group
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      Team LearningManagement EducationBusiness and ManagementLarge classes
This study presents results from a field experiment investigating the efficacy of cooperative learning on individual students in an undergraduate introduction to information systems class. Statistical analysis of the data indicates that... more
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      Educational TechnologyAssessmentHigher EducationEducational Psychology
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to investigate how different team learning activities relate to different types of team performance as rated by team members and managers. Design/methodology/approach -The 624 respondents, working in... more
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      PsychologyTeam LearningInformation ProcessingBusiness and Management
[email protected]} M uch of the literature on team learning views experience as a unidimensional concept captured by the cumulative production volume of, or the number of projects completed by, a team. Implicit in this approach is the... more
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      International organizationsTeam LearningManagement ScienceTeam Performance
Purpose -The purpose of this study is to demonstrate a relationship between learning organisation theory and the potential to retain knowledge workers. It emphasises that human resource (HR) managers must recognise specific relationships... more
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      Information TechnologySystems ThinkingTeam LearningJob Satisfaction
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      Business AdministrationCommunicationCreativityTeam Learning
'Professional' project management aims for continuous improvement with every project. This paper presents learning as the key strategic variable for project management. Looking at project management from a learning perspective will... more
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      Reflective PracticeAction ResearchProject ManagementTeam Learning
The capability to learn and innovate has been recognized as a key-factor for nursing teams to deliver high quality performance. Researchers suggest there is a relation between team-learning activities and changes in nursing teams... more
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      NursingOrganizational CultureTeam LearningTeaching
The ward round is central to healthcare practices, to good professional practice and to safe quality care for patients. There is no one single ward round practice but many.
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyMedical SociologySociology of Work
Die Moderationsmethode 3 Die Moderation 4 Moderationsziele 5 Moderationselemente 6 Moderationshilfsmittel 7 Farben der Moderation 9 Der... more
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      Team LearningRisk Assessment & Risk ManagementModeratorSocial Moderation
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      Organizational BehaviorTeam LearningStrategic ManagementAdaptation
Este trabajo de revisión tiene dos objetivos. En primer lugar, se analizan las potencialidades de las organizaciones-basadas-en- equipos y de sus ventajas para el afrontamiento y la adaptación a entornos flexibles e inciertos. Y en... more
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      Team LearningOrganizational FlexibilityWork TeamsTeam adaptation
. The authors describe the simulation and provide examples from teams that have engaged in it.
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceTeam LearningTeamwork
3M was a company first established to mine corundum ("About 3M Mining & Metallurgy", 2019). History records the failure of 3M to successfully mine corundum: however, the products they discovered on their way to failure set the company up... more
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      Educational LeadershipSupply Chain ManagementLeadershipManufacturing
Psychological safety describes people's perceptions of the consequences of taking interpersonal risks in a particular context such as a workplace. First explored by pioneering organizational scholars in the 1960s, psychological safety... more
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      PsychologyOrganizational LearningTeam LearningSafety
Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of disagreement and cohesiveness on knowledge sharing in teams, and on the performance of individual team members. Design/methodology/approach Data were obtained from a survey... more
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      MarketingPsychologyOrganizational LearningTeam Learning
Multicultural teams are becoming more common with great promises of increased productivity, synergy and creativity. But they frequently fail to deliver desired results and sometimes even flop miserably.
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      ManagementIntercultural CommunicationTeam LearningCross-Cultural Management
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
Agile software development has become the standard in many companies. While there are reports of major improvements with agile development over traditional development, many teams still strive to work effectively as a team. A multiple... more
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      Team LearningAgile DevelopmentAgile MethodsAgile software development
Experiential learning theory (ELT) has been widely used in management learning research and practice for over thirty-five years. Building on the foundational works of Kurt Lewin, John Dewey and others, experiential learning theory offers... more
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      Decision MakingOrganizational LearningHigher EducationTraining and Development
BACKGROUND: Fishbone diagrams have been widely promoted as a systems-focused hazard analysis tool for use in root cause analysis, but they suffer from a number of structural weaknesses, including a unidirectional structure that only takes... more
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      ManagementSafety EngineeringKnowledge ManagementOrganizational Change
sible for us to have a great conference in a fabulous locale. We must also thank Tom for his ready advice through the past six years; we would have lost our minds without you! A special thanks this year goes to Helen Burchell who helped... more
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      Organizational LearningTeamsTeam Learning
The main goal of the thesis is to analyze the effects of shared mental models and shared temporal cognitions on team processes and effectiveness over time. The thesis includes five empirical studies. The findings of the study reported in... more
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      TeamsTeam LearningLongitudinal ResearchTeam Performance
With the increasing emphasis on work teams as the primary architecture of organizational structure, scholars have begun to focus attention on team learning, the processes that support it, and the important outcomes that depend on it.... more
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      Team LearningPerformance
In most of today's campus-like learning settings, students are frequently confronted with e-learning systems that do not only deliver and display learning content, but are equipped with a number of integrated tools for file sharing,... more
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      Mobile LearningTeam LearningComputer Supported Collaborative Learning CSCLE Learning Management System
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to provide a greater understanding of the role of team learning by examining the link between team centrality and organisational learning. Design/methodology/approach -This paper is a conceptual paper... more
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      Knowledge ManagementTeamsManagement LearningTeam Learning
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      PsychologyTeam LearningCoachingCommunity of Practice
sible for us to have a great conference in a fabulous locale. We must also thank Tom for his ready advice through the past six years; we would have lost our minds without you! A special thanks this year goes to Helen Burchell who helped... more
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      Organizational LearningTeamsTeam Learning
The main purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) strategy on the achievement and engagement level students in Chemistry. It was conducted at Casimiro A. Ynares Sr. Memorial National High School,... more
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      Science EducationChemistry EducationTeam LearningCollaborative Learning
Stress is an important research area in the group and organizational behavior literature, yet it is underestimated in the new product development scholarship. In particular, the impact of team stressors on project and process outcomes was... more
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      Organizational BehaviorMarketingProject ManagementTeam Learning
Purpose -This paper seeks to explore the effect of leadership style of a team leader on team-member learning in organizations, to conceptually extend an initial model of leadership and to empirically examine the new model of ambidextrous... more
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      LeadershipTeam LearningQualitative ResearchWorkplace Learning
. The authors describe the simulation and provide examples from teams that have engaged in it.
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceTeam LearningTeamwork
Problem-based learning, process-oriented guided inquiry learning, and peer-led team learning are student-centered, active-learning pedagogies commonly used in science education. The characteristic features of each are compared and... more
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      BiochemistryScience EducationActive LearningTeam Learning
This paper presents a comparison between learning organization culture in New Zealand and Malaysian manufacturing companies. Learning organization was measured by using Watkins and Marsick's Dimension of Learning Organisation... more
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      Organizational LearningTeam LearningLearning OrganizationNew Zealand
Collaborative learning is an instructional method in which students team together to do an assignment (6). It involves having students work together to maximize their own and one another's learning (3). 2. Benefits from Team Work Why Work... more
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      Team LearningLearner AutonomyConflict ResolutionCollaborative Learning
Learning organizations are able to grow and successfully adapt to changing environments, and group facilitators have a key role as change agents in the process. This paper draws heavily from the work of Peter M. Senge (1990a, 1990b, 1994,... more
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      Organizational ChangeSystems ThinkingTeam LearningSystem Dynamics
Purpose -The aim of this study is to analyze a framework of team learning that includes three learning processes (adaptive, generative, and transformative), factors that stimulate these processes, and consequences of them. The variables... more
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      Transformative LearningTeam LearningExperimental DesignBusiness and Management
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      Team LearningNatural Resource ManagementEcologyInterest Groups
Errors are a recurring fact of organizational life and can potentially yield either adverse or positive consequences. Organizational researchers and practitioners alike have become increasingly interested in understanding the causes of... more
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      Quality ManagementQualityTeam LearningMulti-level Analysis
Although role stress literature has almost exclusively focused on individual role incumbents, it is conceivable that shared conditions of ambiguity, conflict, and quantitative or qualitative overload may give rise to a collective... more
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      PsychologyTeam LearningBusiness and ManagementTeam Performance
Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBuddhismHistoryCultural History
Multiple contexts shape team activities and how they learn, and group learning is a dynamic construct that reflects a repertoire of potential behaviour. The purpose of this developmental paper is to examine how better learning behaviours... more
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      Knowledge ManagementManagement LearningTeam LearningExperiential Learning (Active Learning)
Purpose -This paper aims to address the impact of a person's motivation to study entrepreneurship on their subsequent levels of performance in terms of the generation of business ideas, while taking into account the effect of student team... more
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      EducationTeam LearningStudent MotivationIntrinsic motivation
This study investigates learning at an IT help desk in a multinational production company, a work practice that has not yet been given much research attention despite its importance in many areas of society. IT help desks heavily rely on... more
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      CommunicationLanguage and Social InteractionDocumentationSocial Interaction
In the continuous expedition towards improving effectiveness in the workplace to levels of pareto-optimality, Peter Senge in his famous book - The Fifth Discipline, outlines some of the basic practices and guides towards attaining such... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBusiness AdministrationOrganizational LearningOrganizational Culture
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceTeam LearningSmall group Processes
In this essay we describe our efforts to deepen graduate management student learning through the use of learning teams based on the concepts of dialogue, mentoring and experiential learning. Student learning teams led by faculty learning... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeam LearningManagement EducationLearning Style