Team Cognition
Recent papers in Team Cognition
The sports sciences have long been involved in investigations of team process and performance; nonetheless, there is a surprising paucity of cross-disciplinary interaction between researchers in team cognition and sports psychology The... more
Abstract: Improving human systems integration through technologically advanced training and performance aids has become increasingly important to military transformation. Measures of improved cognitive and coordination processes arising... more
Interdisciplinary understanding requires integration of insights from different perspectives, yet it appears questionable whether disciplinary expertsare well prepared for this. Indeed, psychological and cognitive scientific studies... more
Collaborating with others takes intriguing and complex forms. We collaborate with others in a wide variety of activities: from team sports to shared labour, from committee work to mass demonstrations, from dancing to reminiscing together... more
When musicians improvise together, they tend to agree beforehand on a common structure (e.g., a jazz standard) which helps them coordinate. However, in the particular case of collective free improvisation (CFI), musicians deliberately... more
Free improvisation is often presented as a form of musical creation where preliminary decisions or preexisting plans are kept to a strict minimum. However, long-standing groups and collaborations that span over many years are not uncommon... more
In this paper we advance team theory by describing how cognition occurs across the distribution of members and the artifacts and technology that support their efforts. We draw from complementary theorizing coming out of cognitive... more
Interdisciplinary understanding requires integration of insights from different perspectives, yet it appears questionable whether disciplinary experts are well prepared for this. Indeed, psychological and cognitive scientific studies... more
Objective: This article presents a model for predicting complex collaborative processes as they arise in one-of-a-kind problem-solving situations to predict performance outcomes. The goal is to outline a set of key processes and their... more
This paper discusses a theoretical framework designed to elucidate the many issues surrounding distributed team performance, emphasizing how work characteristics associated with such teams may alter both the processes and the products... more
Multiple theories of problem-solving hypothesize that there are distinct qualitative phases exhibited during effective problem-solving. However, limited research has attempted to identify when transitions between phases occur. We... more
This paper addresses the question of how communication structures arise in high and low performing teams. It draws on different social theories to predict typical patterns that correlate with high or low team performance. This theoretical... more
Confidence in distributed or virtual team working is running high. However, some concern is evident that practice is leaping ahead of theories to guide its implementation. There are calls for new and improved theories to specifically... more
Perfectionism is a personality characteristic that has been found to predict sports performance in athletes. To date, however, research has exclusively examined this relationship at an individual level (i.e., athletes' perfectionism... more
Perfectionism is a personality characteristic that has been found to predict sports performance in athletes. To date, however, research has exclusively examined this relationship at an individual level (i.e., athletes’ perfectionism... more
Team working is becoming increasingly important in modern organizations due to its beneficial outcomes. A team's performance levels are determined by complex interactions between the attributes of its individual members, the communication... more
This essay focuses on two broad areas of work team research: team cognition and team decision-making. Of central concern to both research topics is how team information is processed and how members share information. I draw on themes from... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to document and analyze the case of a public sector organization in the Gulf region, in which Arab-expatriate relations worked well and sustained a positive and high-performing organizational... more
This essay discusses interdisciplinary research in the context of science policy and the practice of science. Comparisons between interdisciplinary research and other forms of cross-disciplinary research are made, and a brief discussion... more
The aim of this study was to investigate multiprofessional collaboration as well as collaboration between professionals and challenging students and their parents in which the focus for these collaborations was on handling the challenging... more
In this paper we advance team theory by describing how cognition occurs across the distribution of members and the artifacts and technology that support their efforts. We draw from complementary theorizing coming out of cognitive... more
In this research, an extension of a dyadic (pair) team cognition model is proposed to describe the cognition of a team with more than two persons. This model provides a comprehensive framework for analysing the cognitive aspects of team... more
Although bureaucracy of self interest and win-at-all cost coaches exist, participation in athletics by youth is still healthy for their overall development.
RESUMEN: La presente investigación explora las percepciones que los alumnos tienen del trabajo interpersonal y forma parte de un proyecto más amplio que analiza el papel de la regulación conjunta en la autorregulación del aprendizaje. En... more
Designers may disagree about the precise definition of design thinking, but few would contest the idea that design thinking is a powerful enabler of innovation productivity. By employing methods and processes that derive from design... more
This review paper addresses issues in how healthcare providers search, obtain, and share resources in provider teams. Based in part on a System of Systems (SoS) analysis of provider coordination and resource flows, this paper expands the... more
This review paper addresses issues in how healthcare providers search, obtain, and share resources in provider teams. Based in part on a System of Systems (SoS) analysis of provider coordination and resource flows, this paper expands the... more
What can insights from psychological science contribute to interdisciplinary research, conducted by individuals or by interdisciplinary teams? Three articles shed light on this by focusing on the micro- (personal), meso-... more
What can insights from psychological science contribute to interdisciplinary research, conducted by individuals or by interdisciplinary teams? Three articles shed light on this by focusing on the micro- (personal), meso- (inter-personal),... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into cross-functional team (CFT) members’ points of view on knowledge integration. Design/methodology/approach This study was conducted using Q methodology. The 22 respondents were... more
This conceptual review review looks at the different types of conflict relating to teams and small groups. Team conflict is represented as a multidimensional construct consisting of three types of conflict: task, relationship, and process... more