Teaching Presence
Recent papers in Teaching Presence
The Human Element Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the Canvas open network was designed to be a connectivist experience exploring methods for humanization of online education. This MOOC introduced and discussed methods that faculty... more
The purpose of this study was to assess online course delivery satisfaction among undergraduate students at a Jordanian public university using an adapted Community of Inquiry (CoI) model. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with a... more
Computer-aided instruction has assumed a prominent role in language teacher preparation programs, as educators increasingly turn to online environments to extend learning beyond the classroom, stimulate critical thinking, and motivate... more
This paper will share the experiences of two instructors as they moved from teaching in a face-to-face environment to blended teaching and then to online teaching. It will describe the four year journey and shed light on the issues,... more
Online learning has now been widely recognized and found itself a place beside the mainstream education. As a result of this, the special characteristics of online learning and teaching have been targeted in literature in order to... more
The Human Element Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the Canvas open network was designed to be a connectivist experience exploring methods for humanization of online education. This MOOC introduced and discussed methods that faculty... more
As the number and frequency of online programs being offered in higher education continue to increase, so too does the amount of research dedicated to examining and exploring their impact on learners and learner outcomes. Yet in the... more
The focus of Dzogchen practice is to experientially understand the nature of our awareness through awareness itself. To be nonconceptually aware of the nature of our awareness is rig pa or open presence.The root or the source of all... more
Successful completion of online courses by community college students is an issue both at the national and local level. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore community college student perceptions of online learning within... more
The paper proposes Regulation of Learning as a new category of Teaching Presence in the Community of Inquiry framework. This framework states that on online educational collaborative constructivist experience is a product of three... more
This paper uses the community of inquiry model to describe the principles of collaboration. The principles describe social and cognitive presence issues associated with the three functions of teaching presence-design, facilitation and... more
Η έρευνα που παρουσιάζεται στο παρόν άρθρο στοχεύει στη διερεύνηση του ρόλου του διαμεσολαβητή (moderator) σε περιβάλλοντα ΑΕμΥ. Πραγματοποιήθηκε το δεύτερο εξάμηνο του ακαδημαϊκού έτους 2008-2009 στο Εργαστήριο Εκπαιδευτικής Τεχνολογίας... more
Podcasting is not a new technology; rather, podcasting is a new innovative method of broadcasting digital audio content to mobile devices. The purpose of the qualitative instrumental design and development case study was to describe the... more
Storytelling, a timeless instructional strategy, is taking on a new life in the form of digital storytelling. During the past 12 years, Digital Storytelling, pioneered by the Center for the Digital Storytelling, has grown from an idea to... more
This paper examines the discrete learning strategies employed within a massive open online course and their relationship to the student learning experience. The theoretical framework centered on the Community of Inquiry model of online... more
Introducción El proceso de enseñanza–aprendizaje virtual se circunscribe en una esfera dominada por dos sustantivos, educación y comunicación, y un nombre que adjetiva a los dos anteriores, virtualidad. Partimos del presupuesto de que la... more
Despite the rapid growth of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in recent years, a fundamental question is still being debated widely in the education community: how to design and deliver MOOCs and move them away from the banking model of... more
"The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework is a comprehensive guide to the research and practice of online learning. One of the most challenging aspects of establishing a CoI in online courses is finding the best way to attend to each... more
Teaching presence has been shown to influence student satisfaction as well as perceptions of perceived learning. However, past research on teaching presence has not investigated how teaching presence differs across discourse communities.... more
The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework is a comprehensive guide to the research and practice of online learning. One of the most challenging aspects of establishing a CoI in online courses is finding the best way to attend to each... more
This chapter provides an overview of trends from academic articles and postgraduate studies related to BL, SDL and the CoI framework from 2009 to 2019 in South Africa. By means of a systematic critical review of identified articles – as... more
Communication is studied in a virtual collaborative community of future teachers. The participants collaborate in a virtual learning environment in higher education. The main theme of this article is computer-mediated communication and... more
Faculty often describe the role of the online teacher as more of a “guide-on- the-side” rather than a “sage-on-the-stage.” However, this cliché can be taken to extremes; there is a fine line between being a guide on the side and being... more