Teaching Learning Process
Recent papers in Teaching Learning Process
Nelle realtà vive della scuola italiana ci si interroga sulle vie migliori per superare quella frattura tra scuola e vita, i cui esiti sono leggibili da tempo da una pluralità di segnali, sistemici o esistenziali. Riconciliare la scuola... more
Manuscrito recibido el 21 de noviembre de 2015. Aceptado, tras revisión, el 15 de mayo de 2016. El desarrollo actual del mundo globalizado permite descifrar la proyección de la creatividad en la investigación e innovación que ocurre y... more
The objective of the present research is to determine the incidence of the evaluation in the academic performance of the students of the ninth years of Basic Education in the subject of English. For this, the strengths and weaknesses of... more
Teaching materials is a generic term used to describe the resources teachers utilize to deliver instruction with ease and greater effectiveness. Regardless of their variation, these materials support learning content, allow students to... more
Sosyal bilgiler, çok disiplinli ve genel olarak soyut kavramların olduğu bir ders olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu dersi öğrencilere iyi aktarabilmek için, sosyal bilgiler müfredatına ve öğretimine hakim olmak gerekir. Mustafa Safran’ın... more
Game is becoming increasingly popular in teaching in general (especially in lower secondary school level) education. Dissatisfaction with traditional teaching techniques such as the lesson (where we are concerned about verbal methods of... more
Mathematics is very essential and integral part of both daily life and school curriculum. It is compulsory subject in Indian education system therefore every student needs to learn Mathematics till secondary stage of schooling. Most of... more
The researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude to the following people, for without them, this study would not have been possible; Rosaline M. Tuble, Ed.D., for her significant advice and encouragement which gave the... more
The application of interactive learning is directed towards increasing the quality of communication in the teaching process. The focus of the research in this paper is the influence of the communicative approach on the quality of the... more
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the subject of diverse, innovative learning and teaching strategies that aim to foster a positive climate for learning in the classroom. This is because creativity in ‘the networked century’ can... more
The main thrust of this study was to examine the impact of educational facilities on students’ academic performance in Abeokuta North Local Government Area of Ogun, Nigeria. To achieve the purpose, two null hypotheses were formulated to... more
CAMPOS, Alexandre. The conceptualization of the Principle of the Mechanic Energy Conservation: the learning process and the Conceptual Fields Theory. 2014. 300 p. Thesis (Ph.D.) – Post Graduate Program of Science Education. University of... more
All English teachers try so hard to make their students understand of the English material. Many teachers use code mixing when they explain during the teaching learning process. Code mixing also able use when give the instruction to the... more
Hlavní cíl našeho výzkumného záměru je analýza podpůrných opatření u žáků s lehkým mentálním postižením v inkluzivním prostředí základních škol. Parciální cíle jsou zaměřeny na: důležité faktory pro úspěšnou inkluzi žáků s lehkým... more
In the light of the New Normal, the students' attention has moved to computer technology. Thus, this research study investigated the VSU-Isabel students' computer self-efficacy and computer value during the New Normal. The study emp... more
Este trabalho visa colaborar com as discussões sobre o uso de metodologias ativas e participativas em disciplinas de Educação Ambientalno ensino superior. Especificamente, visa compreender como os estudantes dessa... more
The teaching process is realized through communication and interaction between pupils and teachers. To what extent the educational process will be successful it is determined by the content and direction of verbal interaction and... more
resumen Se describen y analizan ciertos factores básicos que influyen en el aprendizaje y la adquisición de una segunda lengua; entre ellos, el nivel de ansiedad, la motivación, la actitud de los participantes, así como la interacción... more
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the conceptual awareness of accounting teachers in their teaching learning process based on SOLO Taxonomy curriculum approach in secondary level schools. Further, the study explored the... more
Artykuł dotyczy problemu kluczowego dla kształtowania środowiska nauczania i uczenia się: ustalania programowych założeń, procesu ich wdrażania i rezultatów w nauczaniu. W przypadku nauczania języka czeskiego okazuje się, że ich oderwanie... more
Up to the last century, teachers and their lecture notes were the only resources available for the learning community. Some of the reference books, publications, and research manuscripts available in the libraries in the form of hard... more
• Teachers' pedagogical design capacity is their ability to perceive and mo-bilise existing resources to create productive instructional episodes in the classroom. To a certain extent, this ability is dependent on the curricular resource... more
The purpose of the current research was to strength the production of non-literary written dialogues by using idiomatic expressions in the English-Language teaching-learning process, applied to second level students, class B in the... more
La aplicación de métodos tradicionales para la enseñanza de la administración financiera afectó el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes, la evaluación a docentes, y de cierta forma compromete la acreditación de la carrera. Esta... more
As the changing needs of the society create new responsibilities for universities, their missions and objectives shift from mere research and education to development of entrepreneurship. For that purpose, the higher education systems in... more
El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la posible incidencia que tienen los comportamientos disruptivos (instruccional y convencional) en el aula sobre el rendimiento académico. Respecto al método, la muestra se configuró con un... more
El presente estudio se basa en la problemática en cuanto a la aceptación de herramientas tecnológicas y la diferenciación del nivel de desempeño académico de los estudiantes que utilizan como instrumento una herramienta TIC como la... more
The new educational scenarios propose to adapt the teaching-learning process to the use of ICT, especially the semi-classroom or B-learning modality, the work in collaboration, the development of competences and communication skills to... more
This study has been done in an attempt to evaluate the fifth grade Mathematics class curriculum, of which the pilot scheme was carried on in 2004-2005 educatin year and which was put into practise in 2006-2007 education year, depending on... more
Bu çalışmada, eğitim kurumlarında yada okullarda toplam kalite uygulanmalarını olumsuz yönde etkileyen faktörler ele alınmıştır. Toplam kalite yönetimi (TKY), temel olarak bir kurumda ürün veya hizmetlerin sürekli geliştirilmesini, kurum... more
Dyslexia is a neurological disorder of genetic origin that affects reading. Importantly, the scholar performance of the dyslexic students depends on several aspects, including the educational system and the teaching-learning process used,... more
The group of educational innovation «Feminario ULL» has been working for several years to incorporate the gender perspective in university teaching. During the course 2017/2018 has continued with this task, whose objectives have been: a)... more
In the main part of this text an analysis of the objectives expected as part of the assessment of a student's " performance " in sociopolitical education subjects is provided. Αt the same time, a detailed explanation is given of how... more
Výzkumná monografie se zabývá analýzou edukačního procesu žáků s lehkým mentálním postižením ve školách hlavního vzdělávacího proudu a analýzou role školních speciálních pedagogů při práci s žáky s lehkým mentálním postižením. Teoretické... more
ABSTRACT ITALIANO Il contributo presenta il tema dell’alternanza scuola-lavoro attraverso le esperienze di alcune scuole delle “Avanguardie educative”, un movimento culturale, nato per iniziativa di Indire e di 22 scuole italiane che, nel... more
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 emphasizes on Every child of the age of six to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in the neighborhood school till the completion of... more
The present academic approach suggests that e-learning will become a normal part of the educational practice over time, complementing traditional methods, and that students will expect e-tools and experimental work to be available to... more
En 2003 la Junta de Andalucía pone en marcha un ambicioso programa institucional en toda la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, para integrar de manera progresiva y masiva, los ordenadores en todas las aulas de los centros de educación... more
Up to the last century, teachers and their lecture notes were the only resources available for the learning community. Some of the reference books, publications, and research manuscripts available in the libraries in the form of hard... more
Bu çalışmada, eğitim kurumlarında yada okullarda toplam kalite uygulanmalarını olumsuz yönde etkileyen faktörler ele alınmıştır. Toplam kalite yönetimi (TKY), temel olarak bir kurumda ürün veya hizmetlerin sürekli geliştirilmesini, kurum... more
La integración de las TIC en los centros educativos: percepciones de los coordinadores y directores