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Course book German (FL) with emphasis on professional language.
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      German as a Foreign LanguageTeaching German As a Foreign LanguageGerman Language Teaching
This document outlines requirements for both F-10 and 7-10 German under the Australian Curriculum. It provides the information in a side-by-side and more easily digestible format.
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageAustralian CurriculumThe Australian Curriculum
This PowerPoint gives explicit instructions, marking criteria, vocabulary help and resources for the Eurovision task, aligned to the Australian Curriculum: Languages (German).
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesGerman langugage and teachingTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studiesMusic and Song in Language Teaching
In: Interkulturelle Kompetenzen im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Intercultural Literacies and German in the Classroom. Festschrift für Manfred Prokop. Ed. Caroline L. Rieger, John L. Plews and Christoph Lorey. Tübingen: Narr, 2007. 103-124.
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      German Language and CultureTeaching German As a Foreign Language
Poems by Günter Grass are presented here together with their corresponding didactic proposals for students and teachers involved in innovative foreign language classes of German.
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingCreation of Didactic MaterialsGerman as a Foreign Language
A conference presentation given at multiple state and national German teacher conferences about the possibilities and benefits of using Eurovision in the German or language classroom.
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesGerman langugage and teachingTeaching German As a Foreign LanguageAustralian Curriculum: Languages (German)
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      Deutsch als FremdspracheTeaching German As a Foreign Language
Teachers of German Second Additional Language (SAL) in South Africa face a number of obstacles both with regard to teaching, and with regard to their professional development. A professional development model was designed focusing on... more
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      Instructional DesignTeachers' professional developmentSelf-directed learningSelf-Directed Learning (Education)
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    • Teaching German As a Foreign Language
Invited guest speaker 21 April 2020 With special thanks to the contributors to these resources: Ms M. Carty Ms N. Benhalima - Ms M. Waret - Ms L. Pigott Mr C. Hill at Orleans Park School With thanks to: my colleagues at... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesTeaching Spanish as a Foreign LanguageTeaching French as a foreign languageLanguages and Film Studies
for teaching
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      Methodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingTeaching German As a Foreign Language
While the production of lexical abbreviations in German is nothing new, there has probably been no other time quite like today in which all the possibilities of this process of word formation have been used. Knowledge of different types... more
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      Academic WritingGerman LanguageDeutsch als FremdspracheTEACHING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES - GERMAN, ENGLISH
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      Primary EducationDeutsch als FremdspracheDidaktikDaF-Unterricht
Unterrichtsbeobachtung stellt heutzutage eine oft verwendete Technik im Fremdsprachenunterricht dar: Sie ermöglicht sowohl eine Verbesserung von der Unterrichtsgestaltung als auch eine Selbstreflexion des Beobachters hierzu. In diesem... more
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      Lesson PlansForeign languagesClassroom ObservationTeaching German As a Foreign Language
sich durchsetzte, dass das Begreifen des Gehӧrtens etwas mehr umfasst. Einerseits wurde die pragmatische Dimension betont, andererseits wurde der Prozess als Ergebnis einer Wechselwirkung von Textdaten und Hörervorwissen und -intention... more
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      DidacticsTeaching German As a Foreign Language
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      Teaching Spanish as a Foreign LanguageTeaching French as a foreign languageLanguages and Film StudiesTeachers' CPD
Στο άρθρο αυτό περιγράφονται οι βασικότερες δυσκολίες που συναντούν οι μαθητές με δυσλεξία κατά την εκμάθηση της Γερμανικής ως ξένης γλώσσας και ορισμένοι τρόποι ενίσχυσής τους στο πλαίσιο της τάξης.
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      DyslexiaDevelopmental dyslexiaInterventionReading difficulties
Die hier präsentierten 12 Kurzfilme wurden vor allem unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Lernerorientiertheit ausgewählt, d.h. nicht nur nach linguistischen Kriterien, sondern ebenfalls nach thematischen. Von besonderem Interesse erschienen uns... more
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageTeaching of Foreign LanguagesMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
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    • Teaching German As a Foreign Language
Z głębokim żalem żegnamy Pana Krzysztofa Gołdę, wieloletniego i nieocenionego redaktora Wydawnictwa Naukowego Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, wielkiego erudytę, który zawsze z ogromnym zaangażowaniem i największą starannością redagował nie... more
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      Creative WritingWriting SkillsTandem language learningGerman as a Foreign Language
The phenomenon of gender neutrality in the German language has been a subject of linguistic observation since a few decades. This topic is still seen as controversial because of its specific, feministic character. The main aim of the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsLinguisticsDeutsch als Fremdsprache
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      Creative WritingGerman as a Foreign LanguageTeaching German As a Foreign LanguageDeveloping Writing Skills in a Foreign Language
Im ersten Teil zeichnet die Arbeit den veränderten Stellenwert von literarischen Texten im Fremdsprachenunterricht seit den 1970er Jahren nach, um dann zahlreiche Überlegungen der Rezeptionsästhetik (vor allem von Bredella, Ehlers, Heyd)... more
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      Creative WritingIntercultural CommunicationReception TheoryReading Comprehension
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      Deutsch als FremdspracheTeaching German As a Foreign LanguageDidaktik der Landeskunde
The paper discusses the question of creative writing in business language teaching, using the example of writing fairy tales about taxes. For learners who do not have previous knowledge of the subject and need to acquire a similar level... more
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      Creative WritingCreativityTeaching Writing and Professional CommunicationTeaching German As a Foreign Language
Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den Gemäldezyklus 18. Oktober 1977, den Gerhard Richter zwischen März und November 1988 malte, der aus fünfzehn Bildern besteht. Unter Beachtung ihrer eigenen Ästhetik wird die Malerei in den Mittelpunkt... more
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      Visual StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesVisual LiteracyMuseum Education
In dieser Arbeit werden die 2002 und 2005 benutzten 224 Wahlplakate der sechs deutschen politischen Parteien (SPD: 42, Grüne: 46, CDU: 44, FDP: 38, CSU: 16, PDS: 39) untersucht, welche bei den Bundestagswahlen 2005 die Fünfpro- zenthürde... more
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    • Teaching German As a Foreign Language
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      Intercultural CommunicationFilm StudiesIntercultural EducationTeaching of Foreign Languages
Abstrakt Im heutigen Fremdsprachenunterricht hat die Fertigkeit Sprechen nach wie vor Vorrang. Die Fähigkeit, sich bei der Kommunikation richtig zu verhalten und sich verbal auszudrücken, ist immer noch das erwünschte Ziel in vielen... more
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    • Teaching German As a Foreign Language
En los estudios de traducción, pero también en la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras en general, ya no se discute la importancia del enfoque funcional-comunicativo puesto que todo discurso natural se genera a partir de unas ideas que se... more
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      Functional AnalysisTeaching of Foreign LanguagesTeaching German As a Foreign Language
Despite efforts to integrate all levels of foreign language (FL) instruction, reading remains on the periphery of beginning language study. Reading extended texts is outcast to an even greater degree. This article addresses this issue... more
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      Extensive ReadingSecond Language ReadingTeaching Second Language ReadingTeaching German As a Foreign Language
Trends in research on teacher development in recent years have shown a shift away from merely studying what teachers learn to how they learn, how they improve their learning, and how they transform their skills and knowledge into practice... more
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      Blended E-LearningTeachers' professional developmentSelf-directed learningSelf-Directed Learning (Education)
Films – my window to the German speaking world. Considerations on the possibilities for stimulation of intercultural dialogue in GfL-classes by using films It is an undisputed fact that watching films is a great way to learn a foreign... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesDeutsch als FremdspracheDidáctica lenguaje
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      Language errorSelf-evaluationSelf-CorrectionLanguage Teaching Methods
Unser Aufsatz diskutiert aktuelle Debatten zu Sprachen und Mehrsprachigkeit im Bil-dungssystem in Lettland. Theoretischer Hintergrund sind Debatten zur Mehrsprachigkeit, zu Spracheinstellungen und zur heteroglossischen... more
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      MultilingualismGerman LanguageLanguage AttitudesLanguage Learning motivation
Discutimos aqui duas plataformas eletrônicas usadas para o ensino de alemão, em combinação com materiais didáticos em suporte convencional (livro e CD). O projeto dá continuidade a uma longa tradição de pesquisa por soluções que atendam... more
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      E-learningTeaching of Foreign LanguagesTeaching German As a Foreign Language
Resumo: Fornecemos aqui um breve panorama do uso das novas mídias no ensino de línguas, num contexto em que os recursos virtuais incorporam-se cada vez mais à prática profissional e à vida privada num mundo globalizado. Vislumbram-se três... more
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      E-learningTeaching of Foreign LanguagesTeaching German As a Foreign Language
Translation process is an irreplaceable activity which brings societies and individuals together and ensures all kinds of dialogues or communication among them in our day. In view of improving the quality of translation, the importance of... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureGerman LanguageGerman langugage and teaching
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      German StudiesTeacher TrainingGerman as a Second languageTeaching German As a Foreign Language
This document is based on the personal experience of a student while completing an internship in a language school, within the university course "Methods of teaching German"
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    • Teaching German As a Foreign Language
2015.-2017.godine provedeno je istraživanje na ukupno 363 hrvatska učitelja i nastavnika engleskoga i njemačkoga kao stranoga jezika kako bi se utvrdilo na koji način stječu kompetencije za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom i smatraju li... more
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      Teacher TrainingTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageDyslexiaCroatia
A "Spielerisch Deutsch lernen" (= Játékosan németül tanulni) sorozatban megjelent 40 ol-dalas A4 alakú füzet tetszetős, színes tananyag alsó tagozatos német, mint idegen nyelvet ta-nuló diákok számára, akiknek már van némi német... more
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    • Teaching German As a Foreign Language
Setiap orang mempunyai kemampuan dan kecepatan belajar tertentu, tetapu dalam mengajar terkadang pengajar menuntut hasil belajar yang sama dari setiap pembelajar. Bagaimanakah pengajar dapat membantu pembelajar untuk mengenal serta... more
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      Autonomous learningGerman as a Foreign LanguageTeaching German As a Foreign Language