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This paper provides an overview of cellular networks and wireless Internet. It focuses on the problems of providing multimedia services over these networks, and highlights the latest developments in the area. This is done by providing... more
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      Distributed ComputingHandoverMobile IPMobile Application
Stored fast ion beams in atomic and molecular collision experiments are discussed with an emphasis on electron-ion interactions at low relative energies. Recent progress was obtained in electron collision spectroscopy using an... more
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      Hyperfine InteractionsFine Structure ConstantTcpIon Beam
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      PhotosynthesisModelingBiological SciencesElectron Transfer
Data centers provide resources for a broad range of services, such as web search, email, web sites, etc., each with different delay requirements. For example, web search should cater to users' requests quickly, while data backup has no... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer NetworksComputer SoftwareData Center
Most of future digital services for home and office users will be deployed and delivered through the Internet and wireless connectivity. However, employing regular access points (APs) and protocols will not allow an efficient coexistence... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksProtocolsReal Time Systems
LTE (Long Term Evolution) networks have been introduced in 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) release 8 specifications, with an objective of high-data-rate, low latency and packet-optimized radio access technology. This paper... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsLTESAELTE-Advanced
Traditional analysis on the TCP performance attributes the overhead of TCP mainly on these aspects: many times of memory access and copy, much data transmission on bus and a large number of CPU cycles required by the protocol processing.... more
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      Computer ArchitecturePerformanceComputersProtocols
Data centers provide resources for a broad range of services, such as web search, email, web sites, etc., each with different delay requirements. For example, web search should cater to users' requests quickly, while data backup has no... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingComputer NetworksComputer Software
TCP is the most widely used transport protocol on the Internet today. Over the years, especially recently, due to requirements of high bandwidth transmission, various approaches have been proposed to improve TCP performance. The Linux 2.6... more
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      Distributed ComputingCommunicationCommunication systemsNetworking
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      EngineeringResource AllocationSlaCPU
The past decade has seen the rapid development of new strategies for the design of biodegradable macromolecular compounds, with properly suited architecture and tailored properties, functioning as temporary support for the engineering of... more
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      EngineeringTissue EngineeringCADVEGF
Titanium and its alloys are widely used as implant materials. Their integration in the bone is in general very good without fibrous interface layer. However, titanium and its alloys have certain limitations. Metal ions are released from... more
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      EngineeringMass SpectrometryImpedance SpectroscopySEM
Replacing malfunctioning tissues with titanium-based implants has become a widespread practice spurred by population aging. Advances in biomaterials, technology and implantation protocols have led to increasing expectations on the... more
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Current wireless sensor devices are facing a lot of issues to integrate with the global internet communication networks due to incompatible Application messaging protocols. Currently various heterogeneous application messaging protocols... more
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Designing efficient transmission mechanisms for advanced satellite networks is a demanding task, requiring the definition and the implementation of protocols and architectures well suited to this challenging environment. In particular,... more
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      Distributed ComputingSatellite CommunicationPerformance ImprovementSatellite
Transport connections set up in wireless ad hoc networks are plagued by problems such as high bit error rates, frequent route changes, and partitions. If we run transmission control protocol (TCP) over such connections, the throughput of... more
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      Distributed ComputingMobile Ad Hoc NetworksWireless Sensor NetworksInternet Routing Protocol
The widely used reliable transport protocol TCP, is an end to end protocol designed for the wireline networks characterized by negligible random packet losses. This paper represents exploratory study of TCP congestion control principles... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksCongestion AvoidanceTcp
Several objectives have been identified in developing the random early drop (RED): decreasing queueing delay, increasing throughput, and increasing fairness between short and long lived connections. It has been believed that indeed the... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceTechnologyComputer Networks
The new opportunities opened up by wireless technologies are also accompanied with new technical challenges. Principal among the challenges is the fact that wireless medium has limited bandwidth resources when compared with wired... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksThroughputTcp
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      PPPSelf-similarityOptical Burst SwitchingMPLS
In this paper, we compare the throughputs of two different TCP NewReno variants, namely Slow-but-Steady and Impatient. We develop analytic throughput models of these variants as a function of round-trip time, loss event rate, and the... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworksCongestion ControlThroughput
This review outlines the new developments on chitosan-based bioapplications. Over the last decade, functional biomaterials research has developed new drug delivery systems and improved scaffolds for regenerative medicine that is currently... more
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      EngineeringTissue EngineeringGene TherapyLife Sciences
Purpose: To quantify the mitigation of geometric uncertainties achieved with the application of various patient setup techniques during the delivery of hypofractionated prostate cancer treatments, using tumor control probability (TCP) and... more
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      Prostate CancerProbabilityLasersNormal tissue complication probability
Abstract: Audio/Video Streaming services enable us to watch videos or listen to music from anywhere and from any web enabled multimedia device like our personal computers or smart phones. All that the user requires other than a personal... more
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Corresponding developments in technology, information access more affordable and easier. Today, more communications media that can be applied as a medium of information access. One way is to use wireless technology or media without cable... more
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      Electrical EngineeringAlgebraProgramming LanguagesInstructional Design
IP spoofing is one of the most common forms of on-line disguise. Hackers have long employed the tactic of disguising their true identity. It exploits the security weaknesses in TCP/IP protocol suite. This paper evaluates basic techniques... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsTelecommunicationsMobile TechnologyMobile Communication
This paper introduces and analyzes a class of nonlinear congestion control algorithms called binomial algorithms, motivated in part by the needs of streaming audio and video applications for which a drastic reduction in transmission rate... more
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      Congestion ControlStabilityFeedbackThroughput
Implementing Network File System] protocol for larger block or packet transfer over to Network Attached Storage] from clients. Network Attached Storage scalability is habitually inadequate to the volume of the appliance. Addition of an... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworksUidLAN
Human microsomes from duodenum and ileum/jejunum were used. The toxic metabolite chlorpyrifos-oxon was the only one formed. 10-fold interindividual variability was observed. Bioactivation was confined in the duodenum, declining toward the... more
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      Western blottingInsecticidesTestosteroneRegression Analysis
a b s t r a c t E341 (tricalcium phosphate) (TCP) is commonly used as a food additive and also as a nutritional supplement. To evaluate the possible developmental effects, female Wistar rats were treated with E341 (TCP) by oral gavage... more
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      Environmental ToxicologyTeratologyMorphometryAdi
This paper describes the design, implementation and performance of an open, high performance, dynamically extensible router under development at Washington University in St. Louis. This router supports the dynamic installation of software... more
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      BioinformaticsComputer ScienceComputer ArchitectureDistributed Computing
Providing reliable data communications over wireless channels is a challenging task because time-varying wireless channel characteristics often lead to bit errors. These errors result in loss of IP packets and, consequently, TCP segments... more
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      Distributed ComputingMobile Ad Hoc NetworksWireless CommunicationsCommunication systems
The performance of a distributed system is affected by the various functions of its components. The interaction between components such as network nodes, computer systems and system programs is examined with special interest accorded to... more
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Computer network technologies have been growing explosively. Teaching computer networking principles can be enhanced using simulation through the use of interactive (not statistical based) simulation. The curriculum is based on the theory... more
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      Electrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringComputer ScienceAlgorithms
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    • Tcp
This paper introduces and analyzes a class of nonlinear congestion control algorithms called binomial algorithms, motivated in part by the needs of streaming audio and video applications for which a drastic reduction in transmission rate... more
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      Congestion ControlStabilityFeedbackThroughput
In this paper an effort has been made to study various Congestion control techniques used for reducing/easing the level of congestion and subsequently avoiding the congestion of the wired communication networks in general and High Speed... more
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      Congestion ControlPerformanceThroughputHigh speed networks
This paper presents a novel mathematical model for the TCP Tragedy of the Commons, using Game Theory concepts. This tragedy may appear in a TCP/IP-based network when hosts do not respect the protocol rules and try to monopolize the shared... more
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      Game TheoryTheoretical Computer ScienceTragedy of the CommonsMathematical Sciences
Please cite this article in press as: M. Noguero, et al., The role of the DNA-binding One Zinc Finger (DOF) transcription factor family in plants, Plant Sci. (2013), b s t r a c t
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      Molecular EvolutionPlant BiologyTranscription FactorsPlant Science
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      MultimediaCongestion ControlFlow ControlMobility
This paper discusses a case study, the co-design of an ATM Network Interface Card (NIC). The NIC is aimed to interface applications with the physical network line. It is composed of a stack of four protocol layers: TCP, IP, AAL and ATM.
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      Software EngineeringHardware/Software Co-DesignIPHigh Level Synthesis
Current IP-level mobility protocols have difficulties meeting the stringent handover delay requirements of future wireless networks. At the same time they do not give sufficient control to the network to control the handover process. This... more
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      Wireless networksMobile ComputingMobile IPPerformance Evaluation
The self-clocking principle (SCP) of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) had been analyzed for a network implementing a per-flow buffering scheme. The ideal SCP is yet unknown for the Internet which implements a first-in-first-out... more
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      EngineeringCongestion ControlMathematical SciencesAutomatica
Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a wireless network without infrastructure. Optimized Link State Routing protocol (OLSR) is a proactive MANET routing protocol used in (MANET).In this paperthe performance of OLSR protocol is evaluatedby... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksManetThroughput
The current congestion control mechanism used in TCP has difficulty reaching full utilization on high speed links, particularly on wide-area connections. For example, the packet drop rate needed to fill a Gigabit pipe using the present... more
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      Computer NetworksCongestion ControlPerformanceHigh Speed Network
There is a growing interest in the use of variants of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) in high-speed networks. ns-2 has implementations of many of these high-speed TCP variants, as does Linux. ns-2, through an extension, permits... more
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      Congestion ControlHigh SpeedHigh speed networksTcp
In networks with very large delay like satellite IPbased networks, standard TCP is unable to correctly grab the available resources. To overcome this problem, Performance Enhancing Proxies (PEPs), which break the end-to-end connection and... more
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      Satellite CommunicationsRouting protocolsSatellite CommunicationThroughput
Increasingly, multimedia applications need higher bandwidth to provide better quality, for example in multi-party HD video conferencing. This demanding class of interactive applications simultaneously require high bandwidth and low... more
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      AdaptationVideo ConferencingMultimedia NetworkingReal Time
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      AdaptationVideo ConferencingMultimedia NetworkingReal Time