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إن "التوحيد" جوهر الإيمان الذي أرسى القرآن دعائمه، وشاد أركانه وبنيانه، وهو أعلى قيم القرآن المجيد وقمة مقاصده. ولكي يحيا، ‏ويكون فاعلا، وليحقق كل ما أنيط به، لا بد أن يوجد في الأمة، ويتحرك وينشط بالدعوة ويحيا الثلاثة - التوحيد والأمة... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesIslamIslamic Science
This volume is a record of the 2016 Building Bridges seminar for theological dialogue between Muslim and Christian scholars. Chaired by Daniel Madigan, SJ, and hosted by Georgetown University, the seminar explored some of the complex... more
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)Qur'anic StudiesTrinityBiblical Theology
p. 1 from several criticisms. First, proofs of God have been severely critiqued over the centuries. Second, the notion of finding a discernable God of biblical witness within creation alone has proved challenging. Pannenberg adds to this... more
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      Science and ReligionTrinitarian TheologyMuslim-Christian RelationWolfhart Pannenberg
İslâmî edebiyatın sacayağı Besmele-Hamdele-Salvele olarak özetlenebilir. Bir edebî tür olarak tevhîdde Allah‟ın birliği meselesi, Cemâl ve Celâl yönleriyle beraber bazen şer„î merkezde bazen de tasavvufî merkezde işlenmiş ve neredeyse... more
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      MetaphysicsWesternization in TurkeyTawhid
Fiqh al akbar in q&a format
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      TheologyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic StudiesIslam
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      ChristianityTrinityIslamic StudiesTawhid
Fitrah: the Islamic Concept of Human Nature explores what such luminaries as Ibn Abd al-Barr, the great scholar of Spain, ar-Raghib al-Isfahani and Ibn Taymiyyah have said about this pivotal term from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Yasien... more
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      PsychologySufismIslamFree Will
If the concept of tawhid is central to Islam and everything Islamic, it is because of its centrality to ‎existence and everything that exists. Indeed, Islamic science, whether religious, moral or natural is ‎essentially a quest to... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesIslamIslamic Science
My first reaction to this eminent book of collected articles and lectures given by Professor Ismail ‎Raji al-Faruqi is one of frustration that I was not able to meet the man. He died in 1986. I would ‎have loved to have known him, for I... more
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      ChristianityQur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesIslam
Sh. ʿUmayrī’s conception of shirk and its underpinning typology are the subject of separate articles. This article is aimed at engaging his definition of worship (ʿibāda) in a more direct manner.
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic TheologyWorshipTawhid
Dara Shikoh (1615-1659) was reknowed Sufi, author, poet, and translator of Hindu Religious Testimonies. He is the eldest son of Shahjahan and designated crown prince. He occupied a unique position among all Mughal princes because of his... more
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      Islamic MysticismHindu PhilosophyTawhid
This article presents a study of an 18/19th-century Kabyle Berber manuscript from the Lmuhub Ulahbib library (Béjaïa, Algeria) dealing with theology (the Sanusi Creed). First, the manuscript is placed in its historical and religious... more
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Tawhid and Shura Based Approaches to Corporate Governance
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      Islamic LawIslamic EconomicsIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic Philosophy
This article problematizes Western biases and practices in the current system and structure of mass communication as they relate to the Islamic world. It calls for the need of a professional association of Muslim journalists that aims to... more
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      Media StudiesPropagandaCommunication EthicsIslamic Studies
There can be no doubt that the essence of Islamic civilization is Islam; or that the essence of Islam is ‎tawhid, the act of affirming Allah to be the One, absolute, transcendent Creator, Lord and Master of all ‎that is. These two... more
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      Islamic HistoryIslamHistory of Islamic CivilizationIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
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      The unity of GodTawhidHZ. PeygamberŞirk
Terdapat pelbagai teori kecerdasan telah dikemukakan di Barat termasuk mutakhir ini kecerdasanspiritual atau kecerdasan rohani (SQ atau SI). Teori kecerdasan spiritual yang terawal telahdikemukakan oleh Emmons (2000) dan dipopularkan oleh... more
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      Islamic PsychologySpiritual IntelligenceIslamic SpiritualityHuman nature
Reconciliation of Divine omnipotence with human responsibility seems impossible for many. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether this is really the case by analyzing how concept of kasb was understood in a major “orthodox”... more
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      AsharitesOccasionalismIslamic TheologyFreewill and Determinism
Written as part of a class assignment, this paper starts off by listing the types of Tawassul which are allowed by all Muslims, the one's declared impermissible by all Muslims and the ones which are a matter of debate between Muslims and... more
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      TheologyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic StudiesIslam
Traduction introduite et annotée d’Ibn Taymiyya, « Bayān Talbīs al-Jahmiyya », édition M. b. ‘A. R. Bin Qāsim, t. I, p. 446-459. Réfutation en douze points de vue d’une thèse empruntée par Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī à l’astrologue Abū Ma‘shar... more
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)Pre-Islamic ArabiaFakhr al-Din al-RaziIdolatry
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      ChristianityTheologyTrinityIslamic Studies
Traduction, introduite et annotée, d’Ibn Taymiyya, « al-Jawāb al-ṣaḥīḥ », édition BIN NĀṢIR, AL-‘ASKAR, & AL-ḤAMDĀN, t. VI, p. 22-45, « Section sur la nécessité de la justice, l’objectif des actes d’adoration et leurs caractéristiques ».
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      AngelologyIslamic StudiesIslamic EthicsAvicenna
Bassam Zawadi has responded to our second article, 1 which deals with Sh. ʿUmayrī's conceptualisation and definition of ʿibāda. We do not think a page by page refutation from us is merited. We would like to draw attention however to an... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic TheologyTawhid
This dissertation is an inquiry into the nature of the Deity in view of human relationships. Human relationships exist and are definitive of what it means to exist as a human. In this sense, human relating is an inherent aspect of the... more
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      Comparative ReligionAnthropologyKalam (Islamic Theology)Trinity
Tawhīd is expressed as unity and singularity of God. The common understating of Tawhīd as Oneness of Allah and describing him as unique with no partners, has often come in conflict with the monistic understanding held by some Sufis... more
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      Islamic StudiesSufismIslamic Thought & PhilosophyPolitical Islam
Öz Bu makalede öncelikli olarak tevhid hakikati kavramsal olarak incelenecek. Ardından ezeli kelamda tevhidin dört hakikat unsurundan ilki olması üzerinde durulacak. Daha sonra başta Resul-i Ekrem (asm) olmak üzere tüm peygamberlerin en... more
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Samuel Bendeck Sotillos: You have authored numerous books about spiritual traditions of the world, including sacred science or sciencia sacra, and spiritual psychology; one sees an underlying gestalt. Could you elucidate on your... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionPsychology
Kecerdasan spiritual merupakan konstruk psikologi yang telah dipelopori oleh sarjana Barat dengan pelbagai teori dan kerangka konsep. Walau bagaimana pun, asas epistemologi yang dikemukakan oleh sarjana Barat adalah kurang bersesuaian... more
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      Islamic PsychologySpirituality & PsychologySpiritual IntelligenceIslamic Spirituality
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      Islamic StudiesTawhidShirk
«We are standing up for our rights as women in Islam. We will no longer accept the back door or the shadows, at the end of the day, we'll be leaders in the Muslim world. We are ushering Islam into the 21st century, reclaiming the voice... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic feminismTawhidIslam, femminismo
A Booklet on a range of issues related to tawhid; its nullifiers; its categories; its conditions; its foundations; kufr bit-taghut; al-wala wal-bara; the subject of labels of the shari‘ah; Islam and shirk; the clear and hidden matters;... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamTawhidTakfir
This paper will explore the similarities between the unity of Allah and that of the Triune God of the Bible. The concept of the unity of the Triune God of the Bible will be shown to be internally consistent within its own theological... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamIslam and ChristianityTawhid
Bu bilgi notlarına geçmeden önce, doğrusu din ile özellikle İslam ile ilgili gerçek verileri toplayan ve yorumlayan bir bilim adamı olarak bir şeyler yazmak istediğimde zorlanıyorum. Çünkü: a) Dindarlar ve özellikle Müslümanlar dinlerini... more
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      Islamic StudiesReligious StudiesProphet MuhammadBiography of the Prophet Muhammad
A tawḥīd-centric worldview is imperative for a life of inner peace according to Nursi. The prime focus of a tawḥīd-centric worldview is how life and events are interpreted and the meaning given to those events. This worldview could be... more
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      IslamPhilosophy of GodBediüzzaman Said NursiSuffering
Objective – The objective of the study is to formulate a concept of transcendental and social accountability in the management of waqf assets as a trustworthiness from God (Triyuwono, 2004). The concept is expected to be an Islamic... more
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لا شك أن جوهر الحضارة الإسلامية هو الإسلام، وأن جوهر الإسلام هو التوحيد؛ أي أن الله هو الخالق الواحد المطلق المتعال، رب ‏الكائنات جميعاً وسيدها. هذان المبدآن الأساسيان باديا الوضوح، ولم يتطرق الشك بهما قط إلى من كان ينتمي إلى هذه الحضارة... more
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      Islamic HistoryIslamHistory of Islamic CivilizationIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
The phenomenon of not believing in a higher power, commonly known as atheism, although popular amongst some of the millennials of the modern West, has since its existence never claimed a significant enough spot to be mentioned as a... more
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      AtheismIslamic StudiesHistory of AtheismIslam
Nusayrī-Alawīsm, a sect of Shi’ite Islam with an esoteric character, developed in the 3rd/9th century around the views and teachings of Abu Shuayb Muhammad ibn Nusayr an-Namirī’s (d. 270/883), but was only systematized in the 10th century... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic sectsNuṣayrī -ʿAlawī StudiesTawhid
How do conceptions of Allah's being in Islam in relate to conceptions of God's being in Christianity? Two Qur'anic passages that describe Allah's being, Surah 112 and Surah 24:35, lead to the claims Allah is unity and Allah is the light.... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyKalam (Islamic Theology)Trinity
ملخص قدم‎ ‎إسماعيل‎ ‎الفاروقي‎ ‎نظريته‎ ‎للفن‎ ‎الإسلامي‎ ‎التي‎ ‎تقوم‎ ‎على‎ ‎الكشف‎ ‎عن‎ ‎العلاقة‎ ‎القيمية‎ ‎الحميمة‎ ‎بين‎ ‎التوحيد‎ ‎والجمال، والنظر‎ ‎إلى‎ ‎القرآن‎ ‎الكريم‎ ‎بوصفه‎ ‎المأثرة‎ ‎الفنية‎ ‎الأولى‎. ‎وهذا‎ ‎البحث‎ ‎هو‎... more
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      Islamic ArtIslamic AestheticsTawhidIslamic Origins
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This article seeks to identify the driving factors, features, and significance of the transformation of Salafism in contemporary Muslim societies, a development labeled ‘post-Salafism’. Throughout the 20th century, Salafism grew into a... more
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      SociologyPoliticsSaudi ArabiaReligions
Given contemporary discussion on two apparently opposed yet fundamental principles--Christianity's Trinity and Islam's tawhid, it might be worthwhile reflecting upon the nature of Divine Oneness and Unity and how this touches upon... more
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      Christian-Muslim DialogueMonotheismTawhidHomoousios
إنَّ‎ ‎التعامل‎ ‎مع‎ ‎أيِّ جانب من جوانب‎ ‎الحضارة الإسلامية،‎ ‎سوف يؤكِّد لنا أنَّ العامل الأكبر في وجودها والقاعدة الأساس في إبداعاتها ‏إنما هو القرآن الكريم. فالثقافة الإسلامية في الحقيقة هي ثقافة قرآنية؛ فمفاهيمها، وتكويناتها،... more
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      Islamic HistoryIslamHistory of Islamic CivilizationIslamic Civilization
مقدمة:‏ لباب هذه المقاربة المعرفية هو: إطلالة خاطفة على خارطة النواة التوحيدية للنظام ‏المعرفي الإسلامي كما بينها العلامة الراحل إسماعيل راجي الفاروقي. ويمكن القول بأنَّ ‏جوهر مشروعه الفكري متضمن في كتابه الذي صدر بالإنجليزية، ومنَّ الله... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamIslamic thoughtIslamic Civilization
My first reaction to this eminent book of collected articles and lectures given by Professor Ismail Raji al-Faruqi is one of frustration that I was not able to meet the man. He died in 1986. I would have loved to have known him, for I... more
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      ChristianitySociologyIslamic StudiesIslam
İslâm dininde Allah’ın birliği, “tevhid” olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda Kur’an’da Yahudilerin tevhide aykırı anlayışları benimseyip, bu inançtan saptıklarına dikkat çekilmiştir. Kur’an’ın bu yaklaşımı, Müslümanların Yahudiliğe dair... more
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There can be no doubt that the essence of Islamic civilization is Islam; or that the essence of Islam is ‎tawhid, the act of affirming Allah to be the One, absolute, transcendent Creator, Lord and Master of all ‎that is. These two... more
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      Islamic HistoryIslamHistory of Islamic CivilizationIslamic History and Muslim Civilization