The relationship between social capital and sport has been an increasing focus of scholarly literature in recent decades. However, very few of these studies consider social capital alongside theories of cultural consumption. Even fewer... more
Distribution électronique pour De Boeck Supérieur. © De Boeck Supérieur. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des... more
Scores of sociological studies have provided evidence for the association between broad cultural taste, or omnivorousness, and various status characteristics, such as education, occupation, and age. Nevertheless, the literature lacks a... more
This research aimed to understand how elitist thinking takes place regarding music consumption in Brazil. Fifteen music professionals were interviewed, as they were considered individuals with high cultural capital in the subject. The... more
The main aim of this article is to show to what extent social mobility weakens cultural barriers. The findings are based on the results of a study on the stratification of musical tastes conducted in Poland in 2019 on a nationwide random... more
Taste is a subject of longstanding academic interest. The question of how cultural interests and preferences are socially stratified is at the heart of the sociology of culture. This article adds to this literature by examining the tastes... more
Distribution électronique pour De Boeck Supérieur. © De Boeck Supérieur. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des... more
This paper adds a comparative perspective to the study of taste, cosmopolitanism and social organisation. Drawing on material provided by two similar projects in the UK and Finland it explores the relationships between national and... more
David Waine was the Head of Network Production, and subsequently, Head of Broadcasting at BBC Pebble Mill from 1983 to 1994. He held the top job at Pebble Mill during a period of great significance for the BBC Nations and Regions, with... more
When Alternative Comedy started in 1979, no university educated person went to stand up. But I suppose we attracted a new audience that's grown and grown. Audiences seem better behaved now. They will sit and let complex ideas be related,... more
The quest for social status is usually considered one of the main drivers of the demand for consumer credit. This article provides a nuanced take on consumer credit by exploring the interaction between consumption, borrowing, and class... more
Where's high? Who's low? What's new? Classification and stratification inside cultural “Repertoires”
This article uses a micro-qualitative approach to explore the apparent rise of eclecticism among the new upper middle class. It proposes an observation of six individual cases chosen from a Québec (Canada) sample made up of members of... more
We would like to acknowledge the help and support in carrying out this research by members of BBC Education, in particular, Jane Straw, Tony Matthews, Sylvia Hines and Catherine McCarthy. We would also like to thank Kate Mitchell and... more
The Belle Gibson scandal that broke in 2015 is a testament to the growing phenomenon of lifestyle gurus in the 21st century. In this article, our aim is not to explain the psychology behind Gibson’s lies. Rather, we focus on the social,... more
Finns are said to be homogenous when it comes to cultural taste. However, the division between the Finnish-speaking majority and the Swedish-speaking minority is often considered significant. Previous study shows that the Swedish-speakers... more
This research aimed to understand how elitist thinking takes place regarding music consumption in Brazil. Fifteen music professionals were interviewed, as they were considered individuals with high cultural capital in the subject. The... more
Kant's Critique of Judgment is a storehouse full of provocative concepts and structures, which is why, since at least the 1970's, many contemporary Kant scholars and philosophers of other sorts have attempted to mine and explicate this... more
This article offers a survey of the recently discovered scrapbooks collated over a number of decades by the Yorkshirewoman Dorothy Richardson (1748–1819). The large set of thirty-five volumes presents an important collection of press... more
Distribution électronique pour De Boeck Supérieur. © De Boeck Supérieur. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des... more
This article has been peer reviewed through the double-blind process of Open Library of Humanities, which is a journal published by the Open Library of Humanities.
In this paper we review recent sociological research dealing with the consumption of culture produced in the fine and popular arts realms. We note that most of the initial theoretical developments in the sociological study of culture... more
In this article we analyse class cultures by mapping out differences in ‘original taste’; that is, respondents’ classed preferences for food and drink. By employing Multiple Correspondence Analysis, we produce a relational model of... more
This article examines how upward mobility affects both class and ethnic social positioning of Mapuche indigenous people in Chile. The article builds on cultural class analysis dominated by Bourdieusian approaches, suggesting the... more
This article investigates taste preferences for one popular music genre: salsa. It is based on in-depth interviews with 40 Latin American immigrants in Switzerland and the Netherlands. Eight recorded pieces of salsa that represent... more
Scores of sociological studies have provided evidence for the association between broad cultural taste, or omnivorousness, and various status characteristics, such as education, occupation, and age. Nevertheless, the literature lacks a... more
Professor Mike Savage is Director of the ESRC's Centre for Research into Socio-Cultural Change at the University of Manchester. His recent works include the coauthored Globalisation and Belonging and The politics of method: identities and... more
The concept of omnivorousness has become influential in the sociologies of culture and consumption, cited variously as evidence of altered hierarchies in cultural participation and as indicative of broader socio-cultural changes. The... more
Drawing on two projects which develop the methodological model of Bourdieu’s Distinction in the UK and Finland, this paper explores the issues raised by the use of multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and mixed methods in comparative... more
This paper adds a comparative perspective to the study of taste, cosmopolitanism and social organisation. Drawing on material provided by two similar projects in the UK and Finland it explores the relationships between national and... more
This article investigates the critical interplay between utopian collectivity and post-industrial ruins as "apocalyptic commons" in Derek Jarman's film The Last of England. This film's Thatcher-era critique reveals... more
The objective of our research is to investigate fandom from a psychological perspective. As a departure from previous research relying on a sociological approach, we focus on the nature and strength of fan-idol relationships. To this end,... more
This study surveys recent research on print-era scrapbooks and contemporary social media to highlight commonalities between the two formats, both in terms of the practices they have historically promoted for users, and the methodological... more
The comment questions whether cultural distinctions in the 1960s were as rigidly aligned by class as is sometimes believed. Alan Warde’s data from focus groups and questionnaires bring out some fundamental ways in which people think their... more
This article is an analysis of how Hollywood stars are represented in three central celebrity genres – the fashion magazine interview, the endorsement advertisement and the appearance of the red carpet live broadcast. In contrast to... more
Cultural taste may appear to be one of the strongest marks of human individuality, yet the most consistent finding in the sociology of taste is that social position systematically shapes cultural preferences (Bourdieu 1984; Katz-Gerro... more
Distribution électronique pour La Découverte. © La Découverte. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions... more
Distribution électronique pour De Boeck Supérieur. © De Boeck Supérieur. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des... more
Nostalgia is not a singular phenomenon; it is multi-layered, diversely experienced and variously exploited, as I demonstrate by briefly outlining the history of nostalgia, especially the recent shift from modern to post-modern versions of... more
This paper presents a preliminary analysis of the survey components of an ESRC project on Cultural Capital and Social Exclusion focused on the relations of culture and class in contemporary Britain. It draws on the data produced by a... more
Let us, then, attempt explanation, not with the fantasy of the novelist, but with an intuition supported by the facts of history and science. (José Vasconcelos) No basta adaptarnos a una sociedad que cambia en la superficie y permanece... more
Licenza d’uso L’articolo e ̀ messo a disposizione dell’utente in licenza per uso esclusivamente privato e personale, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini direttamente o indirettamente commerciali. Salvo quanto espressamente previsto dalla... more
On May 10, 1876, the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia opened its doors to an excited and enthusiastic public. The Exposition marked the explosion of large-scale corporate capitalism and consumerism after the Civil War and functioned... more
Consideration of the "stakes" attached to participation is most clearly associated with the debate around Bourdieu's [(1984). Distinction: A social critique of the judgement of taste. London: Routledge] concept of cultural capital and the... more
The goal of this chapter is to question this observed eclecticism - or "omnivorousness" in the expression popularized by R.A. Peterson - in light of the results of a study conducted in Quebec (Canada) on art lovers and cultural consumers... more
This book's dual thrust is indicated by its title. _France on film_ suggests an interrogation of national identities and their filmic representation. Through consideration of history and heritage, gender and ethnicity, place and... more