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This study explores the textual delineation of the Promised Land’s boundaries in the Tanakh, highlighting the variations and underlying factors shaping these definitions. Different passages present divergent territorial demarcations; for... more
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      Ancient IsraelTanachاليهوديةHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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    • קבלה
The renaissance of literary approaches to the Bible brought with it a (re)discovery of Scripture's comedic elements. While texts such as the book of Jonah have been approached with the utmost seriousness, they were now retold as comedies... more
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      ViolenceGenre studiesBook of JonahTanach
A literary analysis of the agada in Bavli Sanhedrin 68a about the death of Rabbi Eliezer, with methodological reflections.
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      TalmudRabbinic LiteratureJewish LiteratureTalmud Midrash Genizah Judaism Rabbinic-Literature Conversion Gender Haggadah
This exegetical research paper explores Genesis 4:1–16, the account of Cain and Abel, focusing on its theological, literary, and historical dimensions. The study begins by addressing authorship, dating, and the broader literary context of... more
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      TheologyOld Testament TheologyBiblical StudiesOld Testament
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המאמר סוקר את מרשם חסרי היישות המשפטית שהוקם בשע"ם, את הצורך בו ואת הבעיות שנועד לפתור. המרשם נותן פתרון מלא לכל אותם גופים במדינת ישראל שאין להם רשם בחוק אשר רושם אותם. מרשם חסרי היישות המשפטית מקצה מספר מזהה לכל גוף כזה בצרוף לפרטיו... more
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    • Database Systems
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    • Case Study Research
דוגמא מתוך המהדורה הכוללת (בהכנה) של ספר המספיק לעובדי השם
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Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die chronologische Berechnung der 69 Jahrwochen aus Daniel 9, wobei verschiedene Berechnungsansätze namhafter Theologen und Bibelausleger analysiert und verglichen werden. Ausgehend von der... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyBook of DanielJesusTanach
í"òùá éìàåèñ÷è òãéî øåaeçà úëøòî íåùéé éøåøã øôò íéðëåîî íéãåáéò úåøù í"òù .1 áåùçî éúåøù úðúåð äðéãîä úåñðëä ìäðî ìù áùçîä úãéçé ,íéðëåîî íéãåáéò úåøù -í"òù áùçî éúåøù í"òù ïúåð óñåðá .ùåëø ñîå óñåî êøò ñî ,äñðëä ñî :õøàá íéñîä éôâàì... more
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    • Information Retrieval
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    • Hypertext
úããåîúä éëøãå úåàéöî -òãéîä úåööåôúä éøåøã øôò äðéãîä úåñðëä ìäðéî ,î"òù àåáî éúåøù úðúåð äðéãîä úåñðëä ìäðéî ìù áùçîä úãéçé ,íéðëåîî íéãåáéò úåøù -î"òù éúåøù î"òù ïúåð óñåðá .ùåëø ñî ,óñåî êøò ñî ,äñðëä ñî :õøàá íéñéîä éôâàì áåùçéî (ïéã... more
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    • Data and Information Management
The many inner parallels in the Palestinian Talmud are commonly studied from a redactional (post-factum) perspective. In this paper, I adopt a different vantage point, asking instead, what might have motivated the creation of these sugyot... more
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      TalmudRabbinic LiteratureRedaction Criticism
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    • Jewish Studies
Çalışmanın amacı, Ebû Ca’fer Muhammed b. Cerîr et-Taberî’nin Câmi’ul-beyân isimli eserinde kullandığı tefsir rivayetleri arasında hatırı sayılır miktarda yer tutan Ehl-i kitaba ait birikimin, bir bilgi değeri olarak, Tefsir disiplinindeki... more
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Understanding the Hebrew verbal system is crucial for interpreting the Old Testament, yet its complexity often challenges readers. This comprehensive guide by Peter Streitenberger, M.A. (phil.), who studied Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic at... more
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      Biblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)TanachOld Testament ExegesisHebrew Bible/Old Testament
מטרת המאמר הזה היא להראות כיצד ציטוט
של פסוק מקראי או שימוש בלשון מקראית עשויים לפתוח אפיקים פרשניים חדשים להבנת המקרא
.ויחד עם זאת גם לפתוח אפיקים חדשים להבנת המשנה ודרכי עריכתה.
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      Hebrew BibleTalmudBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
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      Yiddish LiteratureJewish StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryJewish History
ניתוח יחסם של עורכי המשנה והתוספתא למעמדו ההלכתי של הסומא (עיוור). ידועה שיטתו של ר' יהודה הפוטר את הסומא מכל המצוות, לעומת חכמים החולקים עליו וסבורים ש'הרי הוא כפיקח' לכל דבר ועניין. עיון בכל המחלוקות בין ר' יהודה לחכמים כפי שהן מופיעות... more
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      LiteratureBengali LiteratureAfganistanBengali Novel
Twentieth Century Rabbinical Rulings on Rent Control.
Drelivered at Jewish Studies Washington, D.C., December 3, 2019
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      HasidismHistory of Jews In PolandHasidic LiteratureHistory of Jews in Kraków
"Connected Heresy"  explores the intriguing form of heretical religiosity formative of, and included within the Rabbinic literature of late antiquity.
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      Philosophical TheologyTalmudCritical ThinkingDialogue
Die hebräische Bibel, auch Tanach genannt, ist der heilige Text, der von Christen auch als Altes Testament bezeichnet wird. Der Tanach weist eine charakteristische Dreiteilung in Torah (Weisung), Nevi'im (Propheten) und Ketuvim... more
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      Old Testament TheologyAncient HebrewBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Tanach
‫ביאור ‬‫רחב‬ ‫על‬ ‫מסכת‬ ‫חולין‬ ‫מרישא‬ ‫עד‬ ‫גמירא‬ ‫ואור‬ ‫חדש‬
‫על ‬‫פסקי‬ ‫הרמב''ם‬ ‫ז''ל‬ ‫שאינם‬ ‫מתאימים‬ ‫עם‬ ‫דעת‬ ‫יתר‬ ‫הראשונים‬
‫טעמו ‬‫ונימוקו‬ ‫עפ''י‬ ‫דרכו‬ ‫שדרך‬ ‫בהבנת‬ ‫המשנה‬ ‫והגמרא‪.‬‬
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    • Halacha
The story of Daniel in the lions' den is one of the most emblematic narratives in the entire Tanakh. In fact, it is no secret that the narrative in question has been the subject of interest by various disciplines related to biblical... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish ThoughtJewish PhilosophyTanach
Mishnah Tractate Shekalim: Featuring Reader-Friendly Formatting, Summaries, and Tables
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      TalmudSecond Temple JudaismMishnah
This volume is based on papers presented at a conference held at New York University on 4-5 June 2018 and organized by the editor of the volume in order to stimulate scholarship on rabbinic narratives and provide a venue for its... more
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This paper explores the relationship between metaphorical extension and argument alternations. It applies the cross-linguistic methodology of McNally (2018) to different senses of a single verb. McNally (2018) demonstrates that... more
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      MetaphorLexical SemanticsDiathesis
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      RabbinicsRabbinic LiteratureMaimonidesHalacha
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En 1127, l'installation en Égypte de Masliah ha-Kohen, président de l'académie talmudique (yeshivah) de Palestine et la réunion de cette fonction prestigieuse à celle dite du ra'is al-yahûd (Chef des Juifs d'Égypte) constituent une étape... more
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With Introduction and Bibliography
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      Italian JewsJewish Liturgy
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      Italian JewsJewish Liturgy
áéáà ìúá .ø.ò ñåôãá ñôãð ã"ôùú øééà ùãåçá ‫באב‬ ‫לתשעה‬ ‫ערבית‬ ‫סדר‬ ‫הסעודה‬ ‫הפסקת‬ ‫באב‬ ‫לתשעה‬ ‫מחזור‬ ìëåàäå .ïéìéùáú éðéî éðù ìåëàì øåñà äá ÷éñôîä äãåòñáå íåé ãåòáî åúãåòñ ÷éñôäì íãà êéøö á"è áøòá úáùá úåéäì ìç íà ìáà .íúåîöò ìò... more
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      Italian JewsJewish Liturgy
The Byzantine synagogue at Umm el-Qanatir - the excavtion and reconstruction project
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      Classical Archaeologyancient Synagogues
n a talk the Lubavitcher Rebbe delivered on October 28, 1967, he addressed "the meaning of the events that occurred in the Land of Israel the past summer," clearly a reference to the Six-Day War that had taken place some four months... more
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      Jewish StudiesModern Jewish PhilosophyHasidismModern Jewish History
A formal book review of Jason DeRouchie's How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament.
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      TheologyOld Testament TheologyBaptist TheologyBook Report
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      TalmudIsraeli CultureJewish Theatre
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Jewish StudiesJewish ThoughtJewish PhilosophyModern Jewish Philosophy
Die Übersetzung des hebräischen Tanach entstand durch Vergleichen des hebräischen Textes mit etlichen vorliegenden Übersetzungen. Bei den wenigen schwierigen Lesarten der Bibila Hebraica Stuttgartensis wurden erst die Kollationen... more
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      Old TestamentOld Testament Textual CriticismHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Ten Historical Solar Eclipses, 11 -1 repetition, reconciled with Seder Olam Rabba, this being 5,784 anno-mundi to date. Pearlman Chazal based Torah Discovery Chronology / Bible Chronology untying the knot, is the alignment of Torah... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEgyptologyCosmology (Physics)
The Mishnah is always thought of as a book of law, but within its pages appear personalities, most just for a brief moment, who exemplify some aspect of the law under consideration. By taking those brief vignettes are literature and... more
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      Rabbinic LiteratureJewish Ritual Purity LawAncient JudaismMishnah
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      TajikistanArchaeology of Central AsiaCentral Asian Archaeology
This teaching was first presented before a Messianic congregation to ready them for the inclusion of the V'ahav'ta into the standard liturgy.
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    • Messianic Judaism