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      Discourse AnalysisReligionHistoryGender Studies
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      HistoryTalmudMidrashJewish Thought
a) Jacob and Esau: A Fractured Reunion b) The Torah’s Most Human Sense Of An Ending c)Samson: A Life Squandered d) Samuel: i)Saul’s Beginnings: The Eyes Have It (I,9) ii)David as Anarchy Personified (I,29) iii)David As... more
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      Hebrew BibleBiblical StudiesBiblical TheologyBiblical Interpretation
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      HistoryTalmudHermeneuticsLiterary Theory
David Sarna explores the complex calculations behind the calendar and the possible use of ancient computers to achieve startling accuracy
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      HistoryTalmudMidrashJewish Thought
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      HistoryTalmudJewish HistoryMidrash
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      HistoryTalmudMidrashJewish Thought
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      HistoryTalmudMidrashJewish Thought
Introduction to Messianic Judaism provides a description of what the Messianic Jewish community looks like today at its center and on its margins. The first section of the book traces the ecclesial contours of the community, providing a... more
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The Books of Joshua and Judges give what can be seen as contrasting views of the conquest of the Land of Canaan by the Hebrews. Joshua portrays a quick and decisive conquest of the Land whereas Judges portrays a more gradual conquest of... more
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      Jewish StudiesOld TestamentJewish HistoryJewish Thought
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בספר זה מופיעה מהדורה ביקורתית של תרגומו ופרשנותו של רב סעדיה גאון לספר אסתר, שנכתבה בערבית-יהודית. מהדורה זו, מלווה בהקדמה ובתרגום ללשון הקודש, הערות ועיונים, ובהם מושם דגש על השפעתו פרשנותו של רס"ג על הבאים אחריו, בפרשנות המקרא ובהלכה.... more
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      Jewish StudiesExileRabbinicsHebrew Manuscripts
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      HistoryJewish LawJewish StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)
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      HistoryTalmudMidrashJewish Thought
Es el Volumen I de la Tanaj
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    • Tanach
Sources of Knowledge and Time Oscillations: R' Yehuda Ha-Chassid's will in the Modern Era. Rabbi Yehuda Ha-Chassid's will, a short, vague and enigmatic document attributed to the thirteenth century, played an important role in the... more
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      HistoryHistory of the BookTalmudMidrash
An accessible, full-color OT survey textbook focusing on the message of each book: Written from an irenic, evangelical perspective, this Old Testament survey is designed to unpack what the biblical authors most intended to communicate in... more
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament TheologyBiblical StudiesOld Testament
Pic is after return of Sennacherib 3313 anno-mundi epic loss at Jerusalem with King Hezekiah (3199-3228). One question is how long after his 3313 return before his execution? Then how long after this execution until Esarhaddon?. What adds... more
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      AssyriologyAncient Civilization (Archaeology)AssyriaTanach
s"xc rpx ohypua rpx kg aa hsdc ,ubuhdvu ohbuhg ',ucajn hxhxr ',ushxjvu rxunv hkusd ubh,ucr p"g kusdv ivfv ,ru, p"g rehgcu 'k"mz ihkcukn ivfv eusm wr m"vdv k"mz ohburjtu ohbuatr vcajnv hkgc r,hu ohhj ubt ovhpn rat rpuvec kthrcd ;xuh vnsev... more
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      Hebrew BibleJewish MysticismOld Testament ProphecyJewish Thought
" Shows with remarkable sophistication and an acute visual sense how [medieval haggadot] did much more than illustrate the story of the Exodus, creating, rather complex statements about the role and place of Jews in the society of the... more
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      HistoryIconographyJewish StudiesJewish Studies
The Contents of the book, Book of Secrets of Creation / Sefer Sod Bereshit : 1. The First Day (0-1000 of the Hebrew Calendar) 2. The Second Day (1000-2000) 3. The Third Day (2000-3000) 4. The Fourth Day (3000-4000) 5. The Fifth Day... more
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesIsrael StudiesJewish Mysticism
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      GnosticismHistoryEarth SciencesEnvironmental Science
Theme of the Pentateuch:  Tripartite covenant; progeny, relationship with God, and Land.
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      Ancient HistorySovereigntyHebrew BibleOld Testament Theology
A. Perícopa 1. La perícopa está en el libro de Efesios el capitulo 2, delimitada entre los versos 11 al 22 1 B. Argumentos 1. Antes de la perícopa: Los versos antecedentes, Efesios 2:1 al 10, desarrollan el tema del perdón por la Gracia... more
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      HistoryJewish LawJewish StudiesTalmud
Este es el Calendario de Enoc 2017-2018. Funciona para todos los años, sólo deben cambiar la fecha del equinoccio de primavera en Israel, que no es en la misma fecha que el equinoccio vernal, deben buscar el día exacto en páginas de... more
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      HistoryBiblical StudiesCalendarsTanach
בספר זה מופיעה מהדורה ביקורתית של תרגומו ופרשנותו של רב סעדיה גאון לספר איכה, שנכתבה בערבית-יהודית. מהדורה זו, מלווה בהקדמה ובתרגום ללשון הקודש, הערות ועיונים, ובהם מושם דגש על השפעתו פרשנותו של רס"ג על הבאים אחריו, בפרשנות המקרא ובהלכה.... more
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      EthicsJewish StudiesRabbinicsHebrew Manuscripts
To assert that only theological interpretation of the canonical texts is legitimate is surely only another kind of reductionism.
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Throughout Rabbinic literature—the Talmud and the Midrash—a mysterious creature known as the Salamandra is mentioned. This creature is also mentioned by various early philosophers and scientists. It is reported to have been created in... more
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      HistoryGreek LiteratureTalmudJewish Mysticism
A critique of the earliest chains of transmission that exist in Jewish literature, assessing whether the Torah was transmitted from generation to generation, and if the claim of the so called unbroken chain of transmission that spans from... more
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      TalmudSecond Temple JudaismIslamic StudiesHebrew Manuscripts
Ein äußerst umfangreiches Kompendium wird dem Leser präsentiert: Trotz eines gewissen Alters, ist der Inhalt nach wie vor für jeden Rezipienten wert- und gehaltvoll. Zuweilen stellen sich die Folgerungen aus den Darlegungen als aktueller... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryHebrew LiteratureIconography
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      HistoryTalmudEarly ChristianityHistory of Religions
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      HistoryTalmudMidrashJewish Thought
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      HistorySociologyTheologyMiddle East Studies
The dialect spoken and written by the Jews of Babylonia from the third century CE onwards is known as “Jewish Babylonian Aramaic”. This is the first comprehensive description of this dialect since Levias’ “Grammar of Babylonian Aramaic”... more
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      HistoryDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsSemitic languages
The outline presents the chiastic, linguistic, and thematic structure of the book of Daniel.
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      Hebrew BibleOld TestamentBook of DanielWisdom Literature
רבי זכריה בן סרוק היה רב ספרדי שחי לפני כ-450 שנה, בדור הגירוש. הוא כיהן בקהילות חשובות בקסטיליה וארַגון, ועם גירוש ספרד שהתרחש בשנת ה'רנ"ב / 1492, ברח כמו רבים אחרים לאלג'יריה. לאחר כחצי שנה, לקראת אדר ה'רנ"ג / 1493, רבי זכריה החליט... more
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      Medieval Jewish PhilosophyTanachגירוש ספרדBiblical commentaries
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      HistoryCommentaries: History and TheoryTalmudHermeneutics
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      HistoryTalmudMidrashJewish Thought
"An exploration of the ways in which medieval Jews used art and literature as means of social and political self-expression. Europe's Jewish minority culture was subjected to a barrage of public images proclaiming the dominance of the... more
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      HistoryIconographyJewish StudiesMedieval Studies
The article focuses on the author's research on the chronographical background of the Zodiac Mosaic Calendar in Synagogue at Hammath-Tiberias. He researched to find the origin of mosaic decoration, the twelve zodiac sign, the four... more
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      ReligionHistoryHistoryAncient History
Stamm hatte sein eigenes Oberhaupt (Richter), welches für alle Aspekte des Stammeslebens verantwortlich war. Er war Richter, Feldherr und geistlicher Führer seines Stammes. Oft waren die Stammesoberen Propheten, so wie die Prophetin... more
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      ReligionHistorySociology of ReligionJewish Law
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      Critical TheoryMarketingPhilologyReligion
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      HistoryAnthropologyTalmudGender and Sexuality
2018-2025 _ Βασικές Αρχές του Ιουδαϊσμού: Κοινές Αξίες με τον Χριστιανισμό (επικαιροποιημένη 2025) με αναφορές και βιβλιογραφία και λειτουργικούς υπερσυνδέσμους _ new updated hyperlinks
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      TheologyTalmudModern Greek HistorySephardic Studies
In Torah Discovery Chronology for the alignment of Torah testimony and ancient civ. volume III of the YeC Moshe Emes series for Torah and science alignment we conclude: David is Taita, see this 8 page excerpt. Updated Feb 28, 2021. First... more
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      PhoeniciansArchaeology of Ancient IsraelLevantine ArchaeologyJudaism
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      HistoryTalmudMidrashJewish Thought