Tamil shastric literature
Recent papers in Tamil shastric literature
ABSTRACT: This article will explore the various conceptions underlying the use of the expression ticai-c-col (approximately “regional words”). After describing the role assigned to these by Tamil grammarians and Tamil grammatical... more
This article examines the organisation of the Uriyiyal, which is the 8th chapter inside the 2nd book of the Tolkāppiyam, the most ancient Tamil grammatical work preserved. That chapter, because it provides (approximate) synonyms for 120... more
After a long preliminary exposition, this article will examine, as its core topic, the strategy used by traditional Tamil grammarians for dealing with the ninth vowel of standard (ancient) Tamil, which is usually represented by “ai” in... more
This article examines a subset of the vocabulary which has been used over the centuries for referring to “language professionals” in the treatises and the thesauri which constitute Ancient Tamil technical literature. It concentrates on... more
ABSTRACT: In writing a history of the Tamil Grammatical Tradition, one must try to make explicit the genesis, the constituent elements and the purpose of an ensemble that was gradually put together during the First Millenium of the Common... more
Although the Tamil lexicographic tradition has a long history and could play a more important role in improving our understanding of the many ancient Tamil works which have reached us (technical, literary and devotional), it is not often... more
"This article examines, from the perspective of the History of Linguistics, the specifications and the genesis of two distinct lists of four sets of words which are often found in the ancient shastric corpus of the Tamil-speaking South.... more
and key words In what we have of ancient Tamil literature (and notably its sizeable devotional component) a pervasive feature is the repetition of some sequences of phones and this results in the highly visible alliterative quality of... more
Some language varieties are acquired in a natural (or effortless) way and are called “mother tongues” [பிறந்து மொழி பயிறல்], whereas other language varieties are learnt “the hard way”, through explicit training and personal effort [கசடறக்... more
ABSTRACT: Classical Tamil made a threefold spatial division (between « distant », « proximate » and « intermediate ») by means of a set of three deictic clitics {a-, i- & u-). The Tamil grammatical tradition refers to these clitics by the... more
providing a language with a grammar in a monolingual context is to equip it with tools that will allow one to talk about what might otherwise be difficult to talk about (or even unspeakable). The result is the advent of a grammarians'... more
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Armand Colin.
La tradition grammaticale tamoule a spécialisé plusieurs termes de la langue courante pour faire référence aux différentes facettes des mots, qu'il s'agisse de leur dimension phonique et de leur analyse en lettres, ou bien qu'il s'agisse... more
Cet article examine les proprietes et les caracteristiques (sur les plans formel, semiotique, et epistemologique) de l'exemple comme fait de discours, a partir de la confrontation et de la comparaison de plusieurs traditions... more
In what we have of ancient Tamil literature (and notably its sizeable devotional component) a pervasive feature is the repetition of some sequences of phones and this results in the highly visible alliterative quality of that literature,... more
In order to become a scholar in classical Tamil (South India), one had to master a grammatical system, which included being able to translate poetical texts in an artificial language, used for paraphrases. Theoretical discourse displays... more
In: Histoire Épistémologie Langage. Tome 14, fascicule 1, 1992. L'Adjectif : Perspectives historique et typologique. pp. 37-58. Résumé RÉSUME : Dans ses classifications morphologiques la tradition tamoule ne reconnaît pas d'adjectifs même... more
Ecrire l’histoire de la tradition grammatical tamoule, c’est essayer d’expliciter la genese, les elements constitutifs et la finalite d’un dispositif qui s’est progressivement mis en place au cours du premier millenaire de notre ere. La... more
... (ni) arum « difficile » = ariya « quiestdifficile » (n2) ila « jeune » = ilaiya « qui -est -jeune » (n3) in « doux » = iniya « qui-est-doux » (n4) of « brillant » = olliya « qui-est-brillant » (n5) nal « beau/bon » = nalla «... more
La pratique de la combinatoire dans les descriptions traditionnelles de la poésie tamoule ancienne Jean-Luc Chevillard HTL (UMR 7597), CNRS -Université Paris Diderot https://univ-paris-diderot.academia.edu/JeanLucChevillard [Conférence... more
Abstract : This article is devoted to a brief examination of a set of eight Tamil technical terms: {ammai, aḻaku, toṉmai, tōl, viruntu, iyaipu, pulaṉ, iḻaipu}, for which I am tempted to give as approximate set of English equivalents... more
Extracts from a book published in 2008 ( ISBN 9782855396699 (EFEO). ISSN 0073-8352 (IFP)
Le meilleur hommage que nous puissions rendre à ceux qui nous précèdent dans un domaine est de lire ce qu'ils ont écrit et d'en prendre toute la mesure. Avec T.V. Gopal Iyer (த . வ . வ ப ல யர [Ti. Vē. Kōpālaiyar]), désormais TVG) qui nous... more