Recent papers in Talmud
Over the past fifty years, archaeological excavations in Israel have unearthed about half a dozen ancient synagogues that were in use at different points in time between the first century BCE through the outbreak of the Bar-Kochba... more
I trace the religious significance of rain in Tractate Taanit, a 6th century volume of the Babylonian Talmud that addresses fasts in response to drought among rabbinic Jewish communities in late antiquity. Tractate Taanit incorporates... more
"שרידי ירושלמי - כת"י אשכנזי: לקראת פתרון חידת "ספר ירושלמי," קבץ על יד יב (תשנד) 1-120
"כתב-יד ליידן של הירושלמי : לפניו ולאחריו," בר-אילן כו-כז (תשנה) 203-220
An introductory article for Kodashim in Mishnah (Korean).
"פרקי ירושלמי," מחקרי תלמוד ב (תשנג) 220-283
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
This article attempts to advance a number of claims concerning the Zohar’s exegetical presentation of the biblical story of the blasphemer (Lev. 24: 10-23). The major thesis of the article is that the Zoharic interpretation contains a... more
Rabbi Yitshak Hutner (1906-1980) was a remarkable scholar, an enigmatic religious intellectual and a charismatic teacher. Drawing upon his public discourses and his written letters, I argue that Hutner's vocabulary-which remained rooted... more
Abraham Joshua Heschel tarafından yazılmış olan " God, Torah and Israel" makalesini Türkçe'ye çevirdim. Bu makale ilk kez Türkçe olarak sunuluyor.
Türkçe'ye Çeviren: Gökhan Duran
Türkçe'ye Çeviren: Gökhan Duran
Ayalon Eidelstein’s Openness and Faith focuses on the centrality of the idea of openness, or open-mindedness, to the educational sphere. The first half presents the challenges in modern ‘divided-consciousness’ and its consequences of... more
הנאה וקנינים בתלמוד", דיני ישראל ג (תשל"ב), עמ' 145-115"
One of the great ironies of the financial meltdown of 2008 -which was really more of a values meltdown -is that very few U.S. laws were actually broken. This paper investigates the financial crisis from a different legal perspective -that... more
This article aims to provide an overview of the current state of corporate governance in Zimbabwe. Corporate governance has gained relevance and prominence in the global society since the big corporate scandals such as Enron and Worldcom.... more
הצעה לבחון את מבנה מסכת שבת, בת 24 הפרקים, לאור סדר הפסוקים המקראיים העוסקים בנושאים ההלכתיים של השבת
בעולם של משחקים אינטראקטיבים קיימת אתגר. כיצד לאפשר לשחקן חופש פעולה ובו זמנית לערוך חוויה רציפה ושלימה (קוהורנטי)? אני רואה בגמרא מערך מדהים, שבו קיימת כוונה של המחבר ובכל זאת קיימת חופש פעולה של הלומד (ונראה לי שהתורה שבכתב היא האב... more
התנאים ספרות בעלות: דפוסי 63 הבבלי לפירוש ושוב 65 מבחן כמקרה מאיר ר' דעת 66 גאונים של תורתם רביעי: פרק 66 ורציונל הגדרה לעולם: בא לא 69 לעוּבריה בהמה מכירת 70 עתידיים) (רווחים במציאה... more
Logic in the Talmud is a ‘thematic compilation’. It collects in one volume essays that he has written on this subject in Judaic Logic (1995) and A Fortiori Logic (2013), in which traces of logic in the Talmud (the Mishna and Gemara) are... more
Epilogue to the book, published in 2018 by Cambridge University Press
This article traces the narrative source of Avinu Malkenu (Our Father, Our King) through two stories in the Babylonian Talmud, and one in the Jerusalem Talmud. By examining these stories, we can gain clarity on the purpose of this prayer... more
This paper offers a critical analysis of Rabbinic sources concerning the the history of Loshon HaQodesh. The paper first attempts to define the language known as "Loshon HaQodesh" and then trace its origins through Midrashic and Talmudic... more
Providence, Rhode Island 280 Studies in Rabbinic Narratives also appears that some of these story-cycles were compiled in order to address larger theological issues, such as 5, about righteous gentiles; 4, about astrology and fate; and... more
Im Folgenden wird der Hauptwortschatz des hebräischen Alten Testaments (TANACH) und aus der Mischna alle Traktate der 1. Ordnung (Berakhoth, Pea, Demai, Kilayim, Scheebi‘it, Trumot, Ma‘aserot, Ma‘aserot Scheni, Challah, Orla und... more
This essay was written in response to a prompt question posed by the editors of an anniversary edition of the Sixteenth Century Journal: "How have present political issues affected the way you do research?" In arguing that what once... more