Talent Development
Recent papers in Talent Development
Стаття описує соціокультурну діяльність Будинку дитячої творчості Подільського району міста Києва як важливого елемента позашкільної освіти. Заклад реалізує свою роботу за кількома напрямами: організація дозвілля школярів, робота з... more
Bioecological theory posits three interacting principles to explain developmental outcomes such as fluctuating achievement levels and changing heritability coefficients. Here, we apply the theory to the domain of talent development, by... more
The reliability of the scales utilized in research are crucial elements that contribute to the generation of valuable outcomes. This study aimed to develop a practical and reliable measure of the Talent Development Environmental... more
Ineffective retention strategies for niche information technology (IT) employees can negatively impact business technological capabilities. Talent acquisition managers who struggle to retain niche IT employees beyond 2 years are at a high... more
Talent management (TM) has been increasingly recognized as a key strategic factor for organizational success, particularly in competitive industries such as tourism and hospitality. The systemic attraction, identification, development,... more
The article identifies the influence of Human Resource Management (HRM) and Entrepreneurial Leadership on organizational performance, considering the role of Competitive Advantage as a mediating variable. The case study was conducted at... more
Abstract: Knowledge management is one of the significant fields in the current organization in order to improve the performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between knowledge management practices and academic... more
Talent development (TD) is widely recognised as a non-linear and dynamic process, with psychology a key determinant of long-term success in sport. However, given the role that positive characteristics play in the TD process, there is a... more
There appears to be general agreement that interaction with significant challenge should be a central feature of the development pathways for future high performers. There is, however, far less clarity about how such programmes should be... more
The UAE has made significant strides in inclusive education, with gifted education gaining attention as part of the broader agenda for educational excellence. However, the implementation of gifted education by educational leaders faces... more
Introduction: The main aim of this study was to examine which criteria coaches considered in the talent identification of youth male soccer players aged 13–16. The second aim was to describe how the coaches considered these criteria when... more
There is a consensus that the use of information technology, such as new media, mobile communication, and the Internet, in HR management contributes to the enhancement of personnel strategies within organizations. Utilization of these... more
Developing athletes from novices to elite requires a supportive talent development environment (TDE). Growth is fostered through quality coaching, psychological support, and cooperation among family, coaches, peers and educational... more
Psychological support systems for retiring elite athletes can assist them in making career transitions out of sport. The purpose of this study is to further advance research in this area, with a specific focus the developmental... more
Psychological support systems for retiring elite athletes can assist them in making career transitions out of sport. The purpose of this study is to further advance research in this area, with a specific focus the developmental... more
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) remain the viable solution to challenges faced in agriculture and agribusiness through innovations targeted to improve crop yield, value chain processes, and access to market information... more
Despite extensive research on talent management, its direct effects on employee commitment and well-being are often overlooked, particularly in the construction industry. This study addresses this gap by exploring the relationships... more
Junior tennis coaches commonly argue that parents must push their children and be very involved to develop their talent, despite the strain on the parent-child relationship that may occur from these tactics. To examine parental influence... more
The future of Malaysia as a high-income and competitive nation largely depends on its pool of highly skilled human capital. Hence, the issue of human capital development has taken centre stage in numerous reform agendas of Malaysia. This... more
This article presents a study regarding a school for young talented artists. Within this context and based on systems thinking and a holistic ecological approach to talent development, the researchers seek to identify emergent contextual... more
Focusing on a period of just over two decades (1997–2023), this essay charts how the most salient approaches to valuing and defending the arts in Hong Kong reflect the changing political circumstances of the city. I select two approaches... more
Het is tijd voor wetenschap & techniek in groep 1/2 van basisschool De Tamarisk. Alle kinderen zitten in een kring en de leerkracht zet een glas met water en een flesje met olie op een tafeltje in het midden van de kring. Samen met de... more
Het is tijd voor wetenschap & techniek in groep 1/2 van basisschool De Tamarisk. Alle kinderen zitten in een kring en de leerkracht zet een glas met water en een flesje met olie op een tafeltje in het midden van de kring. Samen met de... more
I know I seem to just be meddling again but with the new UKA Coaching Development Strategy underway it is important that everyone keeps on trying to make a contribution as each new step is taken. The words contained in the strategy are... more
- by Kelvin Giles
The purposes of this study were threefold: to explore former rugby league players' experiences of professional academy environments, to understand their reasons for dropping out of the sport, and to explore their recommendations for... more
Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu „Opracowanie i wdrożenie kompleksowego systemu pracy z uczniem zdolnym”. The publication was produced as part of the project ‘Development and implementation of a comprehensive system of work with... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate how rhythmic gymnastics coaches perceive the factors influencing sports talent development. Participants (30 female coaches) were administered a demographic survey, an open-ended questionnaire... more
There is an increasing interest in optimizing sport talent development. One of the crucial factors that infl uence all talented athletes throughout their careers is the quality and the appropriateness of the coaching environment. Numerous... more
This study explored the process followed by a small manufacturing company in a rural area to implement a planned training program to develop the technical skills of its engineering/production workers as the company expands its operation.... more
The current study had two objectives: (1) to explore which psychological skills (e.g., self-talk and imagery) and characteristics (e.g., motivation and focus) (PSCs) parents deemed important for their children's development, and (2) to... more
This article is rooted in an understanding of talent as something you do rather than something you either are or have. Talent is hereby seen as a phenomenon that comes into being through actions, rather than as an individualized, inherent... more
Effective communication within organizations is essential for talent development, boosting employee engagement, promoting knowledge sharing, and encouraging growth. This study examines the various factors that affect communication in... more
FC Barcelona is a multi-sport organization that adopts a talent identification approach that emphasizes the technical, psychological, and perceptual-cognitive attributes. It is unclear within this type of sporting selection model whether... more
The purpose of the current paper is to advocate that the athletic skills model (ASM) serves as a suitable framework to structure (developmental) movement programs to enhance physical literacy as a foundation for expertise. Taking the... more
In the 21st century, gifted education and talent support, just as many other earlier values and solutions, is undergoing reassessment. In the age of rapidly changing values, the way to keep provision up-to-date is through the continual... more
This study examines the necessity of continuous training through reskilling and up-skilling for employees within Indonesian companies. As the global market evolves, technological advancements and changing business landscapes require firms... more
The goal of this article is to fill the gap in research about the development of talented students in emerging regions, including Eastern Europe, partially by highlighting the importance of talent development among university students and... more
A tanulmány célja, hogy elméleti áttekintést nyújtson a tehetségmenedzsment fogalmáról, bemutassa a terület aktuális kérdésköreit, ez alapján pedig egy általános érvényű munkahelyi tehetségmenedzsment-modellt állítson fel. Néhány... more
Social development were assessed. Following MANOVA analysis within both the FDP and YDP, significant differences were observed for Technical/Tactical and Social subcomponents (P<0.05). Further differences were observed for Physical and... more
A framework for curriculum design and a set of guidelines for curriculum development in gifted education are presented. The major dimensions guiding curriculum development for gifted students are: content, process, product, and learning... more
https://search.informit.org/toc/ajge/33/2 In this 21 st century context, communities and nations cannot afford to lose the talents of any young people. Shifts in thinking and practices are needed: from one-dimensional definitions to... more
The study was conducted to establish the athlete support personnel’s knowledge on talent identification and development, the study also aimed at establishing the process used by athlete support personnel during talent identification and... more
Opus et Educatio 11. évfolyam 1. szám 14 HEGEDŰS Roland A tanulási zavarral küzdő gyermekek eredményessége a tehetséggondozás és az iskolán kívüli sporttevékenység alapján Bevezető A tanulmány célja áttekintést nyújtani a tehetségről való... more
Society and clubs invest a lot of effort, time and money to discover young people who have the potential to develop into top athletes. But, there are still many questions about a universal theoretical approach, agreed terminology and... more