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      Organizational ChangeOrganizational CultureOrganisational ChangeTalent management
For a long period, outstanding performance in complex domains was explained by innate abilities. Research on expertise questioned this assumption and showed that performance can tremendously be influenced by intensive deliberate practice.... more
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      Neural plasticityDomain SpecificityTalent Development
Elöljáróban szeretnénk leszögezni, hogy e helyütt nem kívánjuk érinteni a szaknyelv és a szaknyelvek oktatásának elméleti kérdéseit: nem tárgyaljuk tehát a szaknyelv(ek) és a köznyelv viszonyát, és nem foglalkozunk a kérdéskör viszonylag... more
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      EducationSpecial EducationTerminologyTalent Development
The banking industry and the desirable performance of banks have a significant impact on the country's economic development. The environmental factors affecting the industry, such as the complex global economy, the economic climate of the... more
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      Talent managementGrounded TheoryTalent DevelopmentTalent Detection
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    • Talent Development
While much has been written about what democracies should look like, much less has been said about how to actually train citizens in democratic perspectives and skills. Amid the social and political crises of our time, many programs... more
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      CommunicationEducationImprovisationPeace and Conflict Studies
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    • Talent Development
This article explores what two regional film production companies in Norway do to survive and succeed with their goals. The production of feature films in Norway is largely an Oslo-based effort, but despite this reality, there are... more
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      Organizational CultureSocial CapitalRural EntrepreneurshipTelevision and Film Production
The role of ecological constraints on the acquisition of sport expertise is gaining attention in sport science, although more research is needed. In this position paper we provide an ecological explanation for expertise acquisition, as... more
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      Ecological PsychologyTalent Development
A Debreceni Egyetem Tehetséggondozó Programjának keretében célunk egy olyan angol-magyar nyelvű szakszókincs-gyűjtemény összeállítása, melyet a Kar óvodapedagógia, szociálpedagógia és gyógypedagógia szakos hallgatói és oktatói, és a téma... more
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      Special EducationTalent Development
Physical and psychological differences related to birthdate amongst athletes of the same selection year have been characterised as the “relative age effects” (RAEs). RAEs have been identified in a variety of sports, both at youth and... more
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      Sport PsychologyTalent Identification and DevelopmentSports CoachingPhysical Education, Sports Sciences,sports Psychology
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of modified equipment on skill acquisition among novice badminton players. The participants (24 boys, 16 girls) aged between 7-9 years old, without any prior formal badminton experience,... more
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      Talent DevelopmentSkills Acquisition
We can change the future but we cannot change the past'. All the organizations seem to focus on acquisition and development of top quality talent and the organizations spend a lot for developing good quality talent but with little... more
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      Human Resource ManagementHuman ResourcesPerformance AppraisalFeedback
This article draws on case study findings of educator leadership in an online gifted education school, which emerged from a larger study exploring online engagement practices used by specialist gifted education teachers to (re)engage... more
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipLearning and TeachingStudent Motivation And Engagement
In recent years, economists have come to recognize the role of technology, as well as information, innovation, and creativity, in expanding economic potential towards sustainable development. An innovative economy that is driven by... more
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      Creative IndustriesKnowledge EconomySocial InnovationSmall Island Developing States (SIDS)
Buying talent is always costlier than developing talent pool. Pharmaceutical companies struggle for retaining the best talent to make their succession plan successful. If right talent management strategies (TMS) are used to attract,... more
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      Talent managementSuccession PlanningTalent RetentionTalent Development
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of modified equipment on skill acquisition of novice badminton players. The participants (24 boys, 16 girls) aged between 7 – 9 years old, without any prior formal badminton experience, were... more
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      PsychologyTalent DevelopmentSkills Acquisition
Sejak lahir seorang anak sudah di anugerahi bakat yang istimewa oleh yang maha kuasa, namun terkadang bakat ini tidak mampu untuk berkembang sebagaimana mestinya karena ktidakpahaman orang tua atau bahkan fasilitas pendukung yang tidak... more
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      Talent Identification and DevelopmentTalent Development
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    • Talent Development
This study examined the nature of developmental, psychosocial and contextual factors experienced by elite adolescent golfers in an effort to establish which factors might be important to achieve elite status in golf. Participants were... more
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    • Talent Development
This study investigates a business analytics model of talent management to predict the performance of construction companies in Bangkok, Thailand. The online convenience sampling method collected data from 394 managers and employees of... more
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      LeadershipPerformanceLeadership and ManagementTalent Development
Many research theories and frameworks have been proposed to describe the talent development environment in a variety of sports and other high-performance domains. None of these, however, have suitably described the context the first... more
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyHigher EducationNarrative
The study aimed to: Study the availability of talent management strategies in the companies under study, examine the extent to which the dimensions of employee engagement (Vigor, Dedication, Absorption) are influenced by the dimensions of... more
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      Psychological ContractEmployee engagementTalent AcquisitionTalent Retention
This paper explores the challenges of executive leadership and human resource development in a nonprofit setting. While human capital is a vital asset to any organization, it is particularly vital to nonprofit organizations, which expect... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentMergers & AcquisitionsHuman Resource ManagementHuman Capital
The purpose of the present study was to identify the existence of Relative Age Effect (RAE) on Turkish U14 athletes in 2016 U14 Turkish Indoor T&F Championship. The sample included 748 U14 athletes (455 girls, 293 boys) who were... more
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      Talent Identification and DevelopmentTrack and FieldSport ScienceTrack and Field Athletics
Abstract: The role of ecological constraints on the acquisition of sport expertise is gaining attention in sport science, although more research is needed. In this position paper we provide an ecological explanation for expertise... more
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      Ecological PsychologyTalent Development
You're searching for the truth. What sources of information should you use and trust ? Brian Martin recommends reflecting on a topic that you know a lot about and taking note of which information sources were useful or misleading. To... more
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      HIV and AIDSInformation SourcesTacticsWriting to Learn
This paper addresses the rapid growth, popularity, and structure of US Golf Academies. Specifically, we highlight a phenomenon from a non-US golfing community's perspective; namely, that of the " talent tourist " (i.e., youth golfer)... more
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      Talent Identification and DevelopmentSports CoachingSports Coaching and TrainingGolf
Relative age effects (RAEs) refer to differences among individuals in age-based cohorts typically used in sport. These effects usually favour relatively older members of the cohort and are thought to result from differences in maturation... more
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      General RelativitySkill AcquisitionBody SizeTalent Development
This article draws on case study findings of educator leadership in an online gifted education school, which emerged from a larger study exploring online engagement practices used by specialist gifted education teachers to (re)engage... more
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipLearning and TeachingStudent Motivation And Engagement
This article provides an outline of talent identification practices and challenges in Hungary. First, it gives a summary of gifted education in the country; then the general challenges of talent identification are introduced: difficulties... more
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      Gifted EducationTalent Identification and DevelopmentGifted and Talented EducationTalent
The digital transformation means that companies are redefining the process of talent management. Previous models involved functions, practices and processes that ensured a correct flow of employees towards key positions or a generic... more
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      Social NetworksHuman Resource ManagementE-HRMTalent management (Human Resource Management)
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      TransnationalismDocumentary FilmTransnational CinemaWorld Cinema
The impossibility of building a talent pool overnight along with the itching reality of talent shortage has enhanced the importance of talent management in organisations. Talented employees who are keen about their career growth are... more
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      HRM & Organisational BehaviourTalent management (Human Resource Management)Talent Development
Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) individuals have a unique constellation of strengths and weaknesses aligned to Howard Gardner’s Intelligences, with accompanying biological phenomena that serve as a precursor for each. Individuals with... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyInstructional DesignExecutive Functions (Cognitive Neuroscience)Williams Syndrome
For a long period, outstanding performance in complex domains was explained by innate abilities. Research on expertise questioned this assumption and showed that performance can tremendously be influenced by intensive deliberate practice.... more
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      Neural plasticityDomain SpecificityTalent Development
This article explains why leadership-as-practice development (LAPD) is a preferred leadership development approach in the contemporary digital era. It then goes into detail to show how a human resource development manager would put LAPD... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentLeadership DevelopmentLeadership, Personal Development, Talent ManagementTalent Development
Questioning and challenge, openness and candour, diversity, collaboration, and engaging and learning from the creative arts are all conducive of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship are... more
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the professional duties of Academy Managers in professional Rugby League. The aim was to explore the knowledge and application of best practice concepts as well as identifying potential gaps in... more
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyDevelopment StudiesCoaching Psychology
his paper explores the influence of parenting beliefs and practices on children’s talent deelopment through a specific perspectie of seeral Chinese American families with gifted children. In-depth interiews were employed to collect... more
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      ParentingGifted EducationTalent Identification and DevelopmentPsychology of Intelligence and Giftedness, Creativity Development, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cross-Cultural Education
The wish to make higher education more efficient can lead to highly structured educational programmes and courses in universities. This can contradict the development of academic skills (in the sense of 'Bildung'), to learn students to... more
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    • Talent Development
Het universitaire onderwijs moet steeds grotere aantallen studenten verwerken en loopt daarbij gevaar weinig effectief en nogal onpersoonlijk te worden. Bij hoorcolleges voor grote groepen worden studenten in een passieve rol gedwongen;... more
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    • Talent Development
Smart fraction theory supposes that gifted and talented persons are especially relevant for societal development. Using results for the 95th percentile from TIMSS 1995- 2007, PISA 2000-2006 and PIRLS 2001-2006 we calculated an ability sum... more
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      Cognitive developmentStudent AssessmentTalent Development
CALL FOR CHAPTERS Global innovative forefront talent management (GIFT) - GIFT Research and publication book series (vol. 2) THEME: The improvement of skills and talents in the workplace The GIFT entity of the Faculty of Economic and... more
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      ManagementDevelopment StudiesSocial SciencesTalent management
This study reports on an effort to create a sustainable, blended, mobile and online educational system for a U.S. based national vocational program. The research looked at the current ecosystems within each of the eight city sites before... more
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      Teaching and LearningE-learningDigital Media & LearningLearning Management Systems
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      PhysiologyPsychologySport PsychologyNutrition
Purpose: The current research aimed to design and explain the sports development processes in Iran. Methodology: The qualitative and grounded theory-based methods have been used for the current study. The snowball data sampling method and... more
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      Talent managementSports DevelopmentTalent Identification and DevelopmentTalent Identification in Sport
The paucity of talent in Nigeria’s agricultural sector is due to the limited engagement of youth in agribusiness, the outdated curriculum being utilized by agricultural universities, limited adoption of innovation and technology in the... more
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      EducationAgricultureTalent DevelopmentYouths
At a time when UK Sport are deciding how future funding for elite sport is to be allocated, this paper provides perspective from the manager of a sport funded for Talent but not for Performance. Qualitative data, collected through the... more
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      Sport PsychologyReflective PracticeNarrativeSports Management
Abstract: This article presents a short-term program, The Leonardo Laboratory, for children with coexisting learning disabilities and spatial gifts. The program was developed in collaboration with a museum and administered as an... more
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    • Talent Development