Talal Asad
Recent papers in Talal Asad
For more than a decade, criticisms levied against Muslims and Islam in Western European countries such as France and the Netherlands have been shielded under the auspices of a call for increased security and a desire to protect liberal... more
Jürgen Habermas und Talal Asad zählen zu den bedeutendsten Protagonisten des Diskurses um die postsäkulare Gesellschaft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit unternehme ich eine vergleichende Lektüre zentraler Schriften beider Autoren. Dabei... more
‘[A] valid concept of “Islam” must denote and connote all possible “Islams,” whether abstract or “real,” mental or social’ (104)... Ahmed seeks to avoid two major pitfalls: (1) making Islam into a static essence or a category within an... more
C o m p a r a t i v e S t u d i e s o f S o u t h A s i a , A f r i c a a n d t h e M i d d l e E a s t V o l . 2 7 , N o . 3 , 2 0 0 7 d o i 1 0 .1 2 1 5 / 1 0 8 9 2 0 1 x -2 0 0 7 -0 4 1 © 2 0 0 7 b y D u k e U n i v e r s i t y P r e s... more
A short essay on the intersection of affect theory and critical secularism studies.
Originally published as part of The Immanent Frame's "A Universe of Terms" project. (http://tif.ssrc.org/2020/04/17/affect-schaefer/)
Originally published as part of The Immanent Frame's "A Universe of Terms" project. (http://tif.ssrc.org/2020/04/17/affect-schaefer/)
Every scholarly attempt to define-and, by extension, theorize, interpret, and conceptualizereligion is based on the sovereign "force of decision." Such theory-decision translates religion into a symbol or category, accounting for it,... more
The main objective of this work is to sharpen some of the concepts we have in the sociology of religion, with specific focus on the categories of secularization and secularism. The objective is to show how both concepts are managed not... more
Talal Asad’s essay “What do Human Rights Do?” was published in the year 2000 in the immediate aftermath of the NATO bombing campaign against Serbia. That same year, Amnesty International (AI) and Human Rights Watch (HRW) both released... more
No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher,... more
Talal Asad has developed his famous “idea of an anthropology of Islam” (1986) based on Alasdair MacIntyre’s understanding of tradition and virtue and on Michel Foucault’s definition of power and discourse. Through Taha Abderrahmane’s... more
ستفيضُ الدكتور عصام عيدو (Issam Eido)، الأستاذ الزائر بكليّة اللاهوت في جامعة شيكاغو، في هذا الحوار المطوّل حول قضايا ترتبطُ بشكلٍ أساسيّ بالاستشراق عمومًا، والاستشراق القرآنيّ خصوصًا، خاصّةً بعد اكتشاف مخطوطات برمنغهام للقرآن الكريم، وهو... more
Open Innovation in EVs: A Case Study of Tesla Motors
Sekülerliğin Biçimleri Hıristiyanlık, İslamiyet ve Modernlik Özgün adı: Formations of the Secular Christianity, Islam, Modernity Çeviri: Ferit Burak Aydar Yayına Hazırlayan: Bülent Doğan Kapak Resmi: Emîr Husrev Dehlevî Kapak Tasarımı:... more
In Euro-American Islamic Studies, the terms orthodox and orthodoxy have a history of imprecision and collusion in theological axe-grinding. Yet despite their oft-noted inadequacies, scholars continue to invoke and retool the terms with a... more
Curto capítulo de Apresentação do autor para coletânea organizada por R. Menezes e F. Teixeira, Editora Vozes.
From its headquarters in Karachi, the traditionalist Sunni movement, Dawate Islami, has spread to a number of other countries and in 1996 it founded a branch in South Africa. South Africa, in turn, has witnessed a mushrooming of Dawate... more
As guest editor, Tabayyun, issue 37, 2021.
This article pursues an immanent critique of a scholarly movement and mood that I call “the new genealogy of religious freedom” and sketches an alternative proposal. The new genealogy of religious freedom claims that religious freedom is... more
This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part enunciates the argu- ment about Hindu Orientalism and identifies the strategies of its operation. In the second part, I demonstrate the argument by discussing the responses to the... more
For almost three decades the concept of “Protestant Buddhism” has been the object of critique by numerous scholars such as John Holt, Charles Hallisey, Anne Blackburn, Erik Braun, Alicia Turner, Sven Bretfeld, Steven Kemper, and others.... more
In this paper I discuss selected aspects of the case of the Sami people in Norway, their struggle for influence over their own education institutions, and for equal as well as special rights in the Norwegian education system. Compared to... more
I am grateful to a range of people who helped me, supported me, or discussed aspects of my work in formal or informal settings. I am thankful to my supervisor, Jon Hellesnes, for his flexibility, patience, friendliness and qualified... more
I wrote this for profs wanting to assign Geertz and Asad to early undergraduates without overwhelming them. Those who have used it say it works! In the volume as a whole, there are other helpful articles written for UG teaching (see table... more
Tafsir studies, due to its focus on reception history and tradition rather than on the origins of Islam, may be a locus of fruitful cooperation between the new field of Islamic theology and 'regular' Islamic studies that transcends the... more
Articles's Summary on Talal Asad: The Idea of Anthropology of Islam
In questo libro, uscito presso Queriniana all'inizio del 2019, ricostruisco il dibattito recente sulla secolarizzazione, analizzando i lavori di H. Blumenberg, D. Martin, C. Taylor, H. Joas, T. Asad, M. Gauchet, J. Habermas e G. Vattimo.... more
Nagar kirtans are street assemblies with Sikh spiritual music, political marches, and free food distribution. They are especially large in April during the Punjabi harvest festival of Vaisakhi but also take place in other months. This... more
For the 2020 Religion and Society "Portrait" of Talal Asad, an overview of how Asad's work has reshaped the field of religious studies.
This essay focuses on a paradoxical transformation that happened within Soviet ideological discourse at the very end of perestroika, around 1990-91. The Party's attempts to revitalize Soviet ideology by returning to the original word of... more
Part of the symposium "Portrait: Talal Asad"
The role the religious 'heritage of Islam' plays in the life of Muslims around as a lived tradition is both dynamic and multifaceted. It has been subject to numerous shifts as Muslim reflect on their own moral, political, social, and... more
Lighthouse Chapel International (LCI) is a Ghanaian Pentecostal -charismatic organization with a transnational reach. In this article , I analyze the pedagogical system whereby this denomination has introduced converts into its 'church... more
Based on data from the Prison Statistics India, this article demonstrates an over-representation of minorities such as Muslims, Adivasis, and Dalits in Indian jails. It offers an anthropological and sociological analysis of this... more
Ce texte s’intéresse aux embarras qui touchent – ou que suscite – la parole religieuse dans nos sociétés contemporaines, dès lors qu’elle se manifeste en public et tombe dans l’oreille de tiers. Par "parole religieuse", on entend ici tant... more
To say that secularism is the ideology that upholds the separation of church and state, or religion and politics, while true, says as much about secularism as the assertion “Islam means submission to one God” says about Islam. In other... more