Recent papers in Takeovers
This paper tests the hypothesis that irrational market misvaluation affects firms' takeover behavior. We employ two contemporaneous proxies for market misvaluation, pre-takeover book/price ratios and pre-takeover ratios of residual income... more
The competition reforms brought about by the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 have intentionally overlooked the uncertainties that still engulf ‘public interest mergers’ in the UK. The Secretary of State retains a residual power... more
本論文嘗試利用國史館典藏之司法院、司法行政部等相關機關的一手資料,透過當時南京中央與臺灣往返之公文紀錄,以及當時各地方法院、地方檢察處等呈送之「年度政績比較表」等工作考核資料,考察當時法院接收的交接情形,探究接收時的具體運作過程。追溯政權移轉後,司法人事嬗遞、文化置換的變動軌跡,以瞭解當時臺灣接收的特殊性。期望能透過這樣的研究,追本溯源的瞭解戰後臺灣司法的轉型情形,並作為日後進行比較研究之基礎。 Takeover of Judicial System in Early... more
SEBI in its board meeting held on 19th November, 2014 has taken some major decisions related to Takeover, Insider Trading and Delisting regulations. These tough regulations will give SEBI much needed strength to tackle with wilful... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2. Vicende della disciplina italiana delle offerte al pubblico. – 3. Le offerte pubbliche di strumenti finanziari nella c.d. mini-riforma delle società. – 4. Le offerte pubbliche di acquisto nella l. n. 149/1992.... more
Mr. Pavan Kumar Vijay has delivered a presentation at ASSOCHAM 3rd National Seminar on “Due Diligence” on Due Diligence for M&A, Corporate Restructuring and Takeover.
ACQUISITION UNDER THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA [SUBSTANTIAL ACQUISITION OF SHARES AND TAKEOVERS] REGULATIONS, 2011- Nutshell on the SEBI Acquisition and Takeover Procedure in reference to the Case concerning the Acquisition... more
Parties to a merger or an acquisition may have their own ideas as to how the transaction is to be structured or carried out, or the rights and obligations of each party. However, in order for the transaction to be enforced or upheld in a... more
This paper looks at the developments of merger and takeover activity in relation to Kenya, especially with regard to the heightened activity that has been observed in the securities markets. The applicable laws are considered and set out... more
This article examines the administrative takeover of Hà Nội as a Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) state-making project in the immediate postwar period (1954–1960). This administrative takeover happened in two stages. First, the DRV... more
This critical case study analyzes Michigan's implementation of Public Act 4 (PA4), also known as the emergency management (EM) takeover law. PA4 grants the state control of school districts with dire budgetary problems. As most U.S.... more
Sub: Thanks giving letter to the respective faculty member.
We explore Time-Phased Voting (“TPV”), an arrangement in which long-term shareholders receive more votes per share than short-term shareholders. TPV has gained prominence in recent years as a proposed remedy for perceived corporate... more
The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and the related containment measures have immediately affected the market: namely, through a significant decrease of the stock price of the largest listed companies, sometimes resulting in a real... more
A ocultação de relações de concertação entre acionistas é suscetível de desencadear assimetrias de informação relativamente a sociedades cotadas, distorcendo os mecanismos de formação de preços e representando – se em causa estiver uma... more
New evidence from acquisition decisions suggests that antitakeover provisions (ATPs) may increase firm value when internal corporate governance is sufficiently strong. We document that, in Germany, firms with stronger ATPs, and... more
ΠΡΟΣΚΛΗΣΗ Διεθνές Συνέδριο Εταιρικού Δικαίου στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου “Η Οδηγία για τις Διασυνοριακές Συγχωνεύσεις Εταιριών: Ενωσιακές Προοπτικές και Εθνικές Εμπειρίες”\“Cross-border Mergers Directive: EU perspectives and national... more
Non costituisce violazione delle regole di correttezza e di parità di trattamento, di cui agli artt. 103, comma 1, TUF, e 42, Regolamento emittenti, la condotta dell'offerente (o di persona che agisca di concerto con l'offerente), il... more
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have long attracted managers’ attention and have been researched in different perspectives and using different theories. In this study we grasp the wealth of extant research in the field of M&As. We... more
The purpose of this paper is to document and explain the allocation of takeover purchase price to identifiable intangible assets (IIAs), purchased goodwill, and/or target net tangible assets in an accounting environment unconstrained with... more
A common perception in society is that shareholders can freely decide whether to accept a takeover bid on their shares or not. However, this is not correct, as shareholders suffer from pressure to tender under current takeover law in... more
This article discusses takeover and corporate reorganization control in Brazil and the purpose behind the creation of the Brazilian Takeover Panel (CAF). The article aims analyze the effectiveness of the Takeover Panel in the United... more
Recent commentary has suggested an increasing trend in delistings from the NZX, driven by offshore takeovers. However, some of that commentary has been driven by anecdotal evidence. In order to shed light on this discussion, we examine... more
Takeover bids have been coming to the attention of the public due to the increase in mergers and acquisitions of publicly-owned companies. They have also become an increasingly important technique for making acquisitions in Turkey. After... more
A listing of lectures presented in legal conferences or seminars
This paper argues that endogenizing how acquirers finance their cash bids is just as important for understanding bidding in takeovers as endogenizing acquirers׳ payment method choice. The paper shows that acquirers finance their cash bids... more
This exploratory study extends the analysis of narrative disclosures from routine reporting contexts such as annual reports and press releases to non-routine takeover documents where the financial consequences of narrative disclosures can... more
We explore Time-Phased Voting (“TPV”), an arrangement in which long-term shareholders receive more votes per share than short-term shareholders. TPV has gained prominence in recent years as a proposed remedy for perceived corporate... more
Essay published on the primary Italian law web magazine “DIRITTO & DIRITTI – Digital Law Review, available on the website http://www.diritto.it, ISSN 1127-8579, February 6th 2014.
A superveniência de uma posição de controlo na estrutura accionista de uma sociedade aberta é susceptível de desencadear interesses conflituantes e antagónicos, que embora dignos de tutela jurídica se revelam difíceis de conciliar. O... more
This paper sheds the light on multiple models of takeover offers in the following jurisdictions, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and the United Kingdom. The paper attempts to examine and investigate these models through a classical process... more
In Australia, from 1988 to 2004, amortisation of purchased goodwill to the income statement over a maximum twenty year period was mandatory. By contrast, accounting for identifiable intangible assets was completely unregulated. There was... more
Cross-border acquisitions lead to significant improvements in shareholder rights and more dispersed ownership structures in a large sample of intra-European takeovers. This is evidence of corporate gov-ernance convergence toward the... more
This article evaluates the provisions for information disclosure to employees contained in the UK Takeover Code, following the implementation of the Directive on Takeover Bids (2004/25/EC) in 2006 and further amendments resulting from the... more
Despite the importance of profit forecasts to investors, little attention has been given so far to their publication, presentation and content. The object of the paper is two-fold: • Firstly, the paper examines disclosures in... more
India and Afghanistan share a long history of cultural and social linkages. Postindependence relations between India and Afghanistan were complicated by various power dynamics in the region. After 2001 India managed to have an amicable... more
This paper examines the effectiveness of UK takeover law and asks whether the US model should be implemented. It concludes that the US Federal System should not be implemented into the UK, but Delaware'a should.
Op-ed piece for "The Age", "The Courier Mail", "The Canberra Times" on the takeover of the National Film and Sound Archive by the Australian Film Commission
Some studies have provided evidence that dual class shares reduce firm market value. Other studies have shown that dual class shares are more common in countries where the proxies for private benefits of control are low. In this paper we... more
This book presents the results of a study of workers' rights during company takeover situations in Europe. Takeovers are extremely important for workers because a change in ownership frequently leads to restructuring in the firm,... more