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This paper establishes the decidability of SR ⊔ IQ which has composition-based role Inclusion axioms (RIAs) of the form Motivation for this kind of RIAs comes from applications in the field of manufactured products as well as other... more
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      Computer ScienceDescription logicsTableauAxiom
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    • Computer Science
Cris des cœurs by Jean-Victor Pellerin consists of the three parts, each of them corresponds to a different genre: melodrama, tragedy and misterium. Rejecting the reality, the writer resignes also from the scene’s materiality what leads... more
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The proliferation of machine vision systems and generative AI models has recently transformed part of our visual culture, giving rise to new typologies of moving images that require us to reexamine certain key concepts. Organised by the... more
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      Computer VisionMachine VisionMontageFilm Editing
The coronavirus outbreak in 2020 devastated the world's economy, including Nigeria, even resulted in a severe recession. Slowly the country is building back again, and the vaccines are helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Since the... more
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      R programming languagePopulationVaccinationTableau
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPure MathematicsModal
The purpose of this paper is to use of Tableau in HEIs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Tableau can use large data sets to analyse, visualize and share knowledge, such as: whole Egypt, HEIs, governorate, university,... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsInformation Technology
The energy production, fuel load, financials and environmental impact of plants in the United States is publicly available from a variety of sources such as the Energy Information Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency or... more
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      Computer ScienceInteractive ArtsProduction economicsData Science
The energy production, fuel load, financials and environmental impact of plants in the United States is publicly available from a variety of sources such as the Energy Information Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency or... more
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      Computer ScienceInteractive ArtsProduction economicsData Science
We provide a sound, complete and terminating tableau procedure to check satisfiability of downward XPath= formulas enriched with nominals and satisfaction operators. The calculus is inspired by ideas introduced to ensure termination of... more
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      Computer ScienceXPathBoolean Satisfiability
Esperti esterni (fascicolo n. 5) / External referees (issue no. 5
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    • Art
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      MathematicsModal LogicLogicInference
Where there is sport there is statistics and cricket is no exception to this. The game of cricket has a wide wealth of complex statistical data associated with the game. This study provides an outstanding application of Principle... more
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      Computer ScienceStatistical AnalysisCricketComponent Analysis
Chapitre3: les algorithmes de tri ~ Résumé des algorithmes de tri 4 ème Scie ces de l'i fo ati ue
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In today's dynamic business landscape, the ability to harness the full potential of data is a critical differentiator. As organizations navigate the complexities of data-driven decision-making, the role of advanced analytics becomes... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyTechnologyComputer Engineering
The paper surveys two modes of representation present in contemporary Hungarian and Romanian cinema, namely magic realism and minimalist realism, as two ways of rendering the "real" in the Central Eastern European geocultural context. New... more
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      AestheticsArtFilm StudiesIntermediality
Sentential Calculus with Identity ($$\mathsf {SCI}$$ SCI ) is an extension of classical propositional logic, featuring a new connective of identity between formulas. In $$\mathsf {SCI}$$ SCI two formulas are said to be identical if they... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmBoolean Satisfiability
A lot has happened in the last few years since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic. Forcing every business to change the way they work to survive in this changing world. However, even though the lockdown... more
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      VisualizationCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Doing economics" is an important theme of undergraduate economics programs. Capstone courses increasingly include instruction in "data literacy" and the STEM-related skills of quantitative and empirical methods. Because the professional... more
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      Computer ScienceVisualizationData VisualizationSocial Science Research Network
The photography of August Sander is unique, both in how he made his pictures, as well as in the method of their presentation. To argue this point, this paper analyses more generally the status of the photograph, and more specifically... more
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      Michel FoucaultPhotography & PortraitureRealismTableau
Sales forecast is very important in Organizational decisions. There are many data analysis and visualizations tools that are helping to visualize and analyze sales. Tableau is a widely used tool for data analysis and visualization. In... more
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    •   4  
      Data VisualizationTableauSales forecastingDecision Science
Ontology-driven content-based systems are content-based systems (ODCBS) that are built to provide a better access to information by semantically annotating the content using ontologies. Such systems contain ontology layer, annotation... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringInformation RetrievalOntology
Aujourd'hui, le nom de Picasso s'est attaché à une version prétendue innovante d'un modèle de voiture autant qu'à une oeuvre qui aura marqué le XXe siècle. Outre la notoriété de l'artiste, ce qui semble avoir convaincu le fabricant... more
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My principal research interests are in modal logics. Thus fa r I have focused on deontic logic, a modal logic used to study reasonings that involve norms. In this doctorate, I attempt to enlarge my horizons, dealing wi th the (potential)... more
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Bu araştırma, Scopus veri tabanında taranan sosyal bilimler alanındaki dijital ikiz teknolojisi üzerine yapılan bilimsel çalışmaların bibliyometrik analizini yapmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, 2018-2022 yılları arasında... more
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      EducationDistance EducationDigital TechnologyOnline Learning
Notes vagabondes sur le « portrait vivant » Type de publication: Article de revue Revue: Écrans 2020-2, n° 14. Tableaux vivants-images en mouvement Auteur: Moncond'huy (Dominique) Résumé: Le portrait vivant comme catégorie spécifique du... more
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    • Portrait
El enfoque de este proyecto es demostrar cómo una empresa transnacional y de manufactura, cuyos procesos internos son complejos, es capaz de alcanzar los niveles buscados de calidad tanto en productos como en servicios, gracias a una... more
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      Business IntelligenceData WarehousingData WarehouseITIL
Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi Sulawesi Utara sebagai Lembaga Pemerintahan, setiap tahunnya melaporkan Realisasi Keuangan dan Kinerja, sebagai pertanggungjawaban atas kerja yang dilaksanakan selama satu tahun anggaran. Permasalahan... more
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      PhysicsHumanitiesData MiningBusiness Intelligence
In this study, rainfall data from 19 stations in Saudi Arabia (SA) for the period 1985–2019 was utilized to investigate interannual, monthly, and seasonal rainfall variations and trends. The magnitudes of these trends were characterized... more
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      Environmental ScienceClimatologyRoot-Mean Square ErrorTrend Analysis
A q-deformation of the middle convolution was introduced by Sakai and Yamaguchi. We apply it to a linear q-difference equation associated with the q-Painlevé VI equation. Then we obtain integral transformations. We investigate the... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysics
Zero pronominals challenge Type Logical Grammar in two ways. One, TLG displays a linear resource management regime for semantic composition, meaning that pronominals call for special treatment if they want to do resource multiplication.... more
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      Computer ScienceComplexityDecidability
The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has raised concerns about its impact on human employment. Many experts have debated whether AI will take away jobs from humans or not. This paper presents arguments from both sides of the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAccountingData AnalysisHuman Development
The logic of information flows (LIF) is a general framework in which tasks of a procedural nature can be modeled in a declarative, logic-based fashion. The first contribution of this paper is to propose semantic and syntactic definitions... more
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      Computer ScienceKnowledge Representation and ReasoningRepresentation Politics
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      ChristianityWater PurificationCult of SaintsChurch History
The non-pharmaceutical intervention to reduce the impact and spread of COVID-19 requires the development of policies and guidance through a collaborative effort among government, academia, medicine, and citizens. To operationalize this... more
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      Computer SciencePandemicCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Traditional abduction imposes as a precondition the restriction that the background information may not derive the goal data. In first-order logic such precondition is, in general, undecidable. To avoid such problem, we present a... more
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      MathematicsComputer SciencePure Mathematics
When a computer program is written to implement a nondeterministic algorithm, it must have a strategy for choosing the next step that is going to be performed. Automated Theorem Provers (ATP's) usually implement nondeterministic... more
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    • Aspect Oriented Programming
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 23 septembre 2019. © AFRHC Les cartons du parlant Quelques cas d'expériences soviétiques d'intertitres dans des films sonores du début des années trente * Valérie Pozner 1 On sait que le passage... more
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Black and brown ink wash with India white heightening. 14" x 12 ¼" (35.6 x 31.1 cm). Inscribed on verso at center right in brown ink beneath brown watercolor brush stroke: Lgt plus les frais Vente Michel G. Doré no 614.
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      Gustave Doré19th Century French Art
Data visualisasi adalah sebuah proses mengubah informasi menjadi sebuah gambar atau grafik yang dapat mudah dilihat dan dipahami oleh orang lain. Tujuan dari data visualisasi adalah untuk memudahkan pemahaman tentang data yang cukup... more
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      Video GamesData VisualizationTableau
Indonesia is a country that use democracy system and one of the largest in the world. The process of democracy continues every 5 years and always raises the pros and cons in the community especially on social media. This research explains... more
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      Information SystemsArtificial IntelligenceInformation TechnologyNew Media
Management accountants are positioned to play a key role in the implementation and application of business analytics in their organizations as they move beyond traditional, transaction based accounting to analytics. This emerging trend... more
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      BusinessManagement Information SystemsAccountingManagement Accounting
Rapport de stage de fin de formation sur le thème :LE TABLEAU DE BORD PROSPECTIF
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      Balanced ScorecardTableauTableaux
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The paper surveys two modes of representation present in contemporary Hungarian and Romanian cinema, namely magic realism and minimalist realism, as two ways of rendering the “real” in the Central Eastern European geocultural context. New... more
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      ArtFilm StudiesIntermedialityIntermediality In Cinema
A historical drama that can be interpreted at the juncture of theoretical discourses (heritage film, auteur film), genres (historical film, western, road movie) and representational modes (connecting to, but subverting the master... more
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      ArtFilm StudiesIntermedialityFilm Analysis
Minimal Herbrand models of sets of first-order clauses are useful in several areas of computer science, for example, automated theorem proving, program verification, logic programming, databases, and artificial intelligence. In most... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMathematicsComputer ScienceProof Theory
The coronavirus outbreak in 2020 devastated the world's economy, including Nigeria, even resulted in a severe recession. Slowly the country is building back again, and the vaccines are helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Since the... more
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      R programming languagePopulationVaccinationTableau
The processing of information in real-time (through the processing of complex events) has become an essential task for the optimal functioning of manufacturing plants. Only in this way can artificial intelligence, data extraction, and... more
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      Computer ScienceVisualizationData VisualizationAutomation