Most cited papers in Tableau
As the temperature and the diurnal temperature range (DTR) influence our life in many fields like agriculture and health, changes in either parameter may affect our current and future plans in such areas. This paper investigates the... more
"This essay explores the worktables of architects, especially architecture students, as crucial sites of dramatic knowledge construction. More than an instrumental platform for drawing operations, the space and occasion of worktables... more
In this paper we give relational semantics and an accompanying relational proof system for a variety of intuitionistic substructural logics, including (intuitionistic) linear logic with exponentials. Starting with the (Kripke-style)... more
In 2020 the world has generating 52 times the amount of data as in 2010, and 76 times the number of information sources. Being able to use this data provides huge opportunities and to turn these opportunities into reality, people need to... more
We give a novel deterministic tableau-based satisfiability algorithm for Hybrid Propositional Dynamic Logic (i.e. PDL with nominals) with satisfaction statements, denoted as HPDL @. The algorithm builds tableaux which are essentially... more
In this essay, the author discovers an intriguing anomaly in Pathé’s early catalogs—the presence and yet absence of “tableaux vivants.” From 1897 until 1907, Pathé Frères produced no less than about fifty films consisting in realizations... more
Tableaux vivants, which invade contemporary art and cinema, as well as music videos, series, advertisements and social network posts in the 2000s-2010s, are to be considered beyond simple postmodernity. While they do not abandon... more
In Phenomenology of Perception (1945) Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s warns against considering depth and breadth as interchangeable. Rather than following Merleau-Ponty’s thinking, this article considers the productive potential of equating... more
Introducción a la VIsualización de datos: Visualización de datos: influencias, conceptos, procesos, tipos; ¿ Cómo alcanzar una visualización efectiva ?; Tips para mejorar tus gráficos; Herramientas para la visualización de datos; Tableau... more
This is a study of the first cinematic appearances of the naked body. Nudity emerged in early cinema using a pictorial alibi. Models posing in the artist’s studio were a key topic, but tableaux vivants, namely films that imitate... more
Regional Income and Expenditure Budget (APBD) is a very important thing in the progress of a region. APBD is an indicator of public welfare level in a region. Data of APBD that is shared on the official website is still hard to... more
A research proposal submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Degree of Master
Autour de 1900, une "tableau-mania" règne dans les théâtres et les music-halls et vient imprégner le cinéma émergent. Tandis que la terminologie même de "living picture" vient s'entrecroiser avec celle des "moving pictures", les tableaux... more
Selon Ray Harryhausen, maître des effets spéciaux cinématographiques, « Gustave Doré aurait été un grand chef opérateur […] il regardait les choses avec le point de vue de la caméra ». L’œuvre de Doré a marqué de manière indélébile... more
"In 1983, the artist Daniel Spoerri created "Lunch on the Grass", a work designed to be excavated decades later. between archeology and contemporary art ... En 1983, le plasticien Daniel Spoerri crée "Le déjeuner sous l'herbe", une... more
Cet article étudie la place de la citation dans les films muets qui se sont approprié le récit évangélique. On se penchera d'abord sur les modalités de référence au texte biblique dans les intertitres, en analysant le statut énonciatif... more