Recent papers in Ta
We criticize speculations to the effect that quantum mechanics is fundamentally about information. We do this by pointing out how unfounded such speculations in fact are. Our analysis focuses on the dubious claims of this kind recently... more
Pembangunan kesehatan masyarakat desa (PKMD) adalah rangkaian kegiatan mayarakat yang dilaksanakan atas dasar gotong royong dan swadaya dalam rangka menolong diri sendiri dalam memecahkan masalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya di bidang... more
- by anisa dian
- Ta
Pompa mer upaka n mes in fluida yang digunakan untuk memindahkan fluida cair dari suatu tempat ke tempat lainnya melalui sistem perpipaan. Pada prinsipnya, pompa mengubah energi mekanik motor menjadi energi aliran fluida. Penggunaannya... more
In light of recent technological advancements over the decades especially with Information Technology (IT), the ‘Building Information Modelling’ (BIM) is one of those advancements that have attracted significant attention in UK... more
Uncertainties in renewable energy resources are the main challenges in maintaining a high quality of supply in stand-alone Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES). Conventionally, a battery bank is used as an auxiliary source to reduce the... more
In the recent times with the increase in the population, the number of retail shopping environments has increased significantly in Dhaka city. But these shopping environments are developing into high consumption areas of electricity... more
The scaled boundary finite element method caters well for soil-structure interaction problems, but the formulation does not cater for the presence of changing pore pressures with time, body loads and tractions. A detailed formulation is... more
The self-referential ͑SR͒ method incorporating thermodynamic integration ͑TI͒ ͓Sweatman et al., J. Chem. Phys. 128, 064102 ͑2008͔͒ is extended to treat systems of rigid linear bodies. The method is then applied to obtain the canonical... more
Consumption of groundwater containing fluoride exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) 1.5 mg/L standard leaves people vulnerable to fluorosis: a vulnerability not well characterised in Malawi. To evaluate geogenic fluoride source and... more
Computer Integrated Construction (CIC) systems are computer environments through which collaborative working can be undertaken. Although many CIC systems have been developed to demonstrate the communication and collaboration within the... more
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is both valuable and harmful since it contains a large number of profitable and hazardous materials and elements at the same time. At component level, many parts of the discarded equipment... more
Highlights Six means of functionalising graphene electrochemically is reviewed Electrochemical functionalization is relatively new to other standard methods The technique is expected to improve graphene's application range considerably
In the presented work, an effort has been put to clear up the theoretical interlink between local adhesion capacity and macroscopic fracture energies by bridging different length scales, such as nano-, meso-, and macro-scale. Crystal... more
consider including shale gas extraction in their research programmes, and possibly a cross-Research Council programme. Priorities should include research into the public acceptability of the extraction and use of shale gas in the context... more
The paper is focused on analytical prediction of the effective bulk and shear modulus for particulate composites reinforced with solid spherical particles surrounded by graded interphase zone. A three-dimensional elasticity problem for a... more
Shale gas and coal-bed methane show remarkably similar opportunities for the in situ stimulation of microbial methane generation. The vast literature available from bioremediation studies can significantly improve our understanding of... more
The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the 'permanent WRAP URL' above for details on accessing... more
The lowest stationary quantum state of neutrons in the Earth's gravitational field is identified in the measurement of neutron transmission between a horizontal mirror on the bottom and an absorber/scatterer on top. Such an assembly is... more
Visualization and interpretation of the optic nerve and retina are essential parts of most physical examinations. To design and validate a smartphone-based retinal adapter enabling image capture and remote grading of the retina. This... more
Emerging economies with rapidly growing population and energy demand, own some of the most expensive power plants in the world. We hypothesized that corruption has a relationship with the capital cost of power plants in developing... more
This study investigates the effect of two important parameters (length of curing period and percentage of the added binder) on the strength of soil treated with OPC. An intermediate plasticity silty clayey soil with medium organic content... more
Fluid and melt inclusions are tiny pockets of fluid and melt trapped in natural and synthetic minerals. Characterizing the 3D distribution of fluid and melt inclusions within minerals, their shape and the volume fraction of their... more
The importance of remanufacturing has been increasing since stricter regulations on protecting the environment were enforced. Remanufacturing is considered as the main means of retaining value from used products and components in order to... more
Remanufacturing is the process of returning a used product to like-new condition with a warranty to match. The efficiency and effectiveness of this process greatly depends upon product design; there are certain product properties that may... more
A model simulating the effluent nitrogen (N) concentration of treated animal farm wastewater in a pilot on-site constructed wetland (CW) system, using dewatered alum sludge cake (DASC) as wetland substrate, is presented. The N-model was... more
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The accurate and up to date measurement of work in progress on construction sites is vital for project management functions like schedule and cost control. Currently, it takes place using traditional building surveying techniques and... more
Advancement of techniques for 3D reconstruction of the optic disc could lead to affordable objective detection of glaucoma. Applying computer stereo vision techniques to image pairs is particularly promising. More data, along with the... more
Scour is the leading cause of bridge failures worldwide. In the United States, 22 bridges fail every year, whereas in the UK scour contributed significantly to the 138 bridge collapses recorded in the last century. Monitoring an entire... more
With a growing number of elderly people in the UK, more and more of them suffer from various kinds of cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment can be divided into different stages such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and severe... more
Reverse logistics network problems are accepted as sophisticated research areas in the existing literature due to difficulties of the prediction of the material flow in the network and the conflicting objectives of minimizing total cost... more
We definitively show, using an explicit and broadly applicable model, that local phase noise that is capable of eliminating state coherence only in the infinite-time limit is capable of eliminating nonlocality in finite time in three... more