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along with the participants in the Cape Town Global Administrative Law Workshop for invaluable comments. I would also like to thank Hima Lawrence for providing excellent research assistance. A more extensive, but somewhat less up to date,... more
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      Intellectual PropertyReferenceTRIPs
Apresentação - na confraria do vinho Fornace - sobre indicações geográficas, abordando especialmente as indicações de procedência e as denominações de origem relacionadas aos vinhos. A base normativa é o TRIPs e a Lei 9279.
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      Intellectual PropertyWine EconomicsIntellectual Property LawIntellectual Property Rights
The Jungian analyst Ann Shulgin, wife of the chemist Sasha Shulgin, discoverer of the psychoactive qualities of MDMA, talks of her psychotherapeutic practice of using MDMA to facilitate the first step of C.G. Jung individuation process,... more
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      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Jungian psychologyJungian and post-Jungian psychologyArchetypes
This paper provides a broad-ranging review in a global context of many aspects of developing changes in intellectual property rights (IPR) in response to the currently rapidly changing technological and information industries. As such, it... more
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      Developing CountryTRIPsIntellectual Property Right
The trend of continued rejection of compulsory licence applications in India goes against the local generic drug manufacturers and public health safeguards incorporated in the Indian patent law. It raises serious questions about the... more
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      PatentsTechnology transferPublic HealthPatent law and patent policy
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      LawIslamic LawConstitutional LawInternational Economics
In compliance with its obligations under the World Trade Organisation, Qatar issued new laws on intellectual property. With the rapid development of the country's economy, a patent regime has, undoubtedly, become a critical issue. This... more
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    • TRIPs
Technology can be of both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ in nature. While both kinds of technologies are applicable for climate change mitigation technologies, the latter kind is more appropriate for climate change adaptation. This is because unlike... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationIntellectual Property LawCommunity Based Adaptation to climate changeTRIPs
This chapter assesses the future trends and trajectory of the optical media piracy. Media piracy is an evolving cybercrime which can easily adapt to the current technological and global environment. It traces briefly the development of... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyIntellectual PropertySociology of Law
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Over 60% of deaths in the world are due to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), principally referring to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory disease. Nearly 80% of these NCD deaths occur in low-and middle-income... more
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      Public HealthTRIPsLMICNcds
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      PatentsIndustrial DesignsInfringementsRights
This chapter deals with the international protection and promotion of indigenous traditional knowledge (TK) associated with agriculture, with a special focus on biodiversity-related knowledge. Interest in this knowledge has intensified... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeIntangible cultural heritageRights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples Rights
This Article examines the role of international law in the innovation and transfer of green technologies in the context of South-South cooperation. It argues that collaboration merely between developed and developing countries is... more
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      Climate ChangeInternational LawRenewable Energy PoliciesClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
British pie aficionados associate the town of Melton Mowbray with the production of pork pies of exceptional quality. The “Melton Mowbray” name became a Geographical Indication (GI) in 2009. However, the Melton Mowbray Pork Pie... more
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      Intellectual PropertySpace and PlaceAuthenticityRural Tourism
This study argues that trade policies regarding financial services are an important-but typically neglected-determinant of capital flows and financial sector stability. Financial services trade liberalisation which promotes the use of a... more
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A non-cultural sustainable development policy contains a cultural policy that adheres to the hegemonic model of neo modernization.That is, the desire to make as much money as possible in the shortest possible time and, of course, without... more
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      Human RightsSustainable DevelopmentIdentity (Culture)Indigenous Knowledge
Ai sensi della legge sui diritti d'Autore e del codice civile è vietata la riproduzione di questo libro o di parte di esso con qualsiasi mezzo, elettronico, meccanico, per mezzo di fotocopie, microfilms, registrazioni o altro, senza il... more
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      Intellectual PropertyWTO Trade TopicsIntellectual Property LawInternational Trading System And Wto
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      LawComparative LawOrganizational ChangeInternational Business
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original docum and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
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      SociologyTransport EconomicsClimate ChangeUrban Planning
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      LawIntellectual PropertyGlobalizationCorporate Law
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      Agricultural EngineeringIntellectual PropertyAgribusinessAgricultural Economics
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    • TRIPs
Page 1. Access to Knowledge in South Africa Part of the Access to Knowledge Research Series Edited by Andrew Rens & Rebecca Kahn Published by The Intellectual Property Law Research Unit, University of Cape Town, in collaboration with the... more
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      GlobalizationCopyrightIntellectual Property LawWTO
The term ‘Method Champenois’ connects champagne to its rich history, geographical location and image. Few words evoke luxury and good cheer as much as champagne. Behind the bubbles is an international trade rivalry between the EU and the... more
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      European LawFrench LawIntellectual Property LawInternational trade law
TRIPS raises an array of complex questions and its implications for development, trade, and competition are dij cult to identify in the abstract. On the one hand, it risks favouring IP owners, traditionally residing in developed... more
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      Intellectual PropertyPublic HealthWorld Trade OrganizationFree trade agreements
Recent reports published in Sri Lankan newspapers suggest that local industries (particularly cinnamon producers) have raised concerns about the lack of a registration system for geographical indications (GIs) in Sri Lanka. They have even... more
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      Intellectual PropertyGeographical IndicationsTRIPs
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      Intellectual PropertyTRIPs
Intellectual property frameworks today reflect an increasing emphasis on framing knowledge and culture within a property rights paradigm. This tendency is evident in all sides of current debates about global intellectual property... more
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      Intellectual PropertyInternational LawDeveloping CountriesTRIPs
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      Air QualityForestryClimate ChangeRenewable Energy
The purpose of this research is to discuss whether and to what extent the patent rights to be implemented in times of an emergency with the requirement of accessing essential medicine around the world. To discuss the above, the researcher... more
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      Intellectual Property LawTRIPsIntellectual Property and Access to MedicinesAccess to Medicines
As a result of the unexpectedly quick development of vaccines to prevent COVID-19, the Canadian government was pulled in two opposite directions. On the one hand, Canadians exerted extreme pressure on the government to purchase and roll... more
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      EthicsIntellectual PropertyVaccinesGlobal Health
(SPANISH) Part TWO, contains a secondary sources review, as part of field work preliminary research. The theoretical framework, the focal orientation, as well as the characterizations of characters, situations, ceremonies and places,... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthicsCommunicationVisual Studies
to help develop a framework and advise on methods and approaches for integrating CO2 concerns into urban transportation in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC 1 ). The UC Berkeley team conducted an analysis of the current portfolio of... more
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      Climate ChangeAccessibilityTransport PlanningCongestion Pricing
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    • TRIPs
Patent protection for pharmaceutical products as mandated in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) represents a potentially signicant obstacle to public health... more
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      HIV/AIDSPharmaceuticalsWorld Trade OrganizationTRIPs
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      Information TechnologyIntellectual PropertyICTEconomic Development
The paper discusses upon the implication of TRIPs agreement relating to life forms in USA, EPO, India and Japan. It also sets the grounds on which patent are granted across these jurisdictions on life forms and the reasons for not... more
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      Intellectual PropertyBiotechnologyPatentsIntellectual Property Law
This consultancy report for the Eurasian Economic Commission explores the compatibility of various forms of differentiated international exhaustion with WTO law (TRIPS and GATS).
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      Intellectual PropertyCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)Trademarks
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      Property RightsEconomic DevelopmentIntellectual Property RightsTechnical Change
Any system for the protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs) has three main kinds of distributive effects. It will determine or influence: (a) the types of objects that will be developed and for which IPRs will be sought; (b) the... more
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      Intellectual PropertyScience PolicyGlobal HealthGlobal Justice
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      FolkloreIntellectual PropertyInternational LawDeveloping Countries
This paper examines innovation and knowledge generation processes and the supporting role of intellectual property rights (IPR) both for systematized investigative science and traditional community led activities. Options for protection... more
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      BiotechnologyDrug DiscoveryTRIPsIntellectual Property Right
This brief chapter in the SAGE Handbook of Intellectual Property (Halbert and David, eds) examines available data and analyses concerning the impact of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) on... more
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      Economics of InnovationTechnology transfer to developing countriesTRIPs
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      Intellectual PropertyWTO Trade TopicsTRIPs
Reducing cross-border dissonance of intellectual property laws has shifted decisively to international investment agreements (IIAs). Substantive provisions which mirror IP text found in multilateral trade agreements appear in the United... more
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      Intellectual Property LawInternational trade lawInternational Investment LawPatent Law
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      Environmental EngineeringIslamic LawIntellectual PropertyGlobalization
This study examines the influence of socioeconomic characteristics of commuters on their level of bus accessibility and usage in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria. Structured questionnaires and past literature were used as sources of data. This... more
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      AccessibilityPublic TransportService Quality (Business)TRIPs
Plain packaging is the WHO’s new concept to fight the global tobacco epidemic. Already adopted in Australia, other countries are certain to follow and are already evaluating its introduction. However, plain packaging is not as carefree... more
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      TobaccoTobacco control policyTobacco AddictionSmoking