Recent papers in THIRD WORLD CITIES
From the land of zero, i delve deeper in to what creates fluidity in Indian classrooms, was it the same in the times of Aryabhatt, same in times of Raghuram Rajan or will it be the same for the child who is yet to be born. The goal of the... more
Considering the difficulties that the public authorities are facing to manage a space that neither belongs to the town, nor to the countryside, regular failures characterized the implementation of a “peri-urban” urban policy. These... more
Abstract: This paper situates ‘bazaar’ as a site of multifaceted exploration. It is as much an inquiry into a bazaar (‘Janpath’ in New Delhi) as it is into the modes of knowledge about the bazaar. Challenging the representation of the... more
Over decades, many reports about urban transport in Africa have appeared in government and consultancy reports, and in academic papers and the media.
An ethnographic introduction to the Nigerian movie industry, written to order for Transition - with directions to make it readable and free of academic jargon.
"Le nombre de plus en plus élevé de villes moyennes en Afrique nécessite de développer une analyse du phénomène urbain qui ne soit subordonnée ni à l’étude des métropoles ni à celle des communautés, lesquelles ont fait les beaux jours des... more
This landmark study builds on international practice and knowledge in urban revitalisation, city competitiveness, place branding and marketing, urban regeneration, tourism, retail and town centre management, among others to offer a... more
This chapter is based on fieldwork in the slums of Ahmedabad, India. It examines the strategies that slum dwellers employed to secure their housing rights in response to the local government’s eviction drives. It addresses two different... more
RESUMEN En las últimas décadas, olas de calor urbano, sequías extremas e incendios forestales se han reportado cada vez con mayor frecuencia, perturbando la dinámica ambiental y la calidad de vida de los habitantes localizados en las... more
CRRID, Chandigarh proposes to organize an International Conference on “Mountain Cities, Climate Change and Urban Sustainability” and 1st Chandigarh Climate Meet from November 6-8, 2017 and a two days Pre Conference Workshop on “Towards... more
Il saggio prende le mosse dai disastri "naturali" che investono tra il 2004 e il 2005 l'Asia meridionale e il sud degli Stati Uniti. Città così diverse per taglia demografica, collocazione geografica e appartenenza geopolitica, come la... more
He escuchado muchas veces decir que todo depende del cristal con que se mira y no fue hasta hace mucho que traté de utilizar la frase para momentos cotidianos y aplicarla cada vez que podía. Mi situación instantáneamente cambiaba, ¿por... more
The widespread collapse of modernisation places the cities of the Global South as explanatory references of the urbanisation process worldwide. In this essay, based on a theoretical reflection built with an extensive literature review on... more
ABSTRACT This paper provides evidence for the existence of inflexibility of employment in the jute weaving industry of Bangladesh. Such inflexibility exists in relation to changes in manufacturing operating capacity at the plant level.... more
In a global economy where philanthropy is more important than ever, educational pursuits are often weighed down in its inability to find adequate funding from traditional means, and so the poor and underprivileged societies are in a... more