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The literature on using scoring rubrics in writing assessment denotes the significance of rubrics as practical and useful means to assess the quality of writing tasks. This study tries to investigate the agreement among rubrics endorsed... more
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      Language TestingWritingLanguage AssessmentWriting Assessment
If you are in any way familiar with the Korean education system, you most likely have seen something that made you ask yourself, “Why do they still do it that way?”
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
An extensive number of studies have examined the effectiveness of incidental focus on form (FonF) measured through uptake in primarily communicative activities and established an association between learners’ uptake of linguistic features... more
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      Applied LinguisticsFormulaic LanguageCorrective feedbackTESL/TEFL
This article considers how developing an understanding of the beliefs, values, norms, and ways of thinking and learning of students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) is central to effective instruction for this... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionTESOLLanguage and Culture
Scholars who use English as an additional language confront challenges when disseminating their research in the global market of knowledge production dominated by English. English for Research Publication Purposes analyses the experiences... more
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      Latin American StudiesEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesCritical Pedagogy
The purpose of the present study was to examine the relations between emotions, classroom environment, and willingness to communicate using the advanced quantitative methodological procedure of doubly latent multilevel analysis. To this... more
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      Multilevel Modeling of Educational DataTESOLApplied LinguisticsForeign Language Anxiety
The role of students’ first language(s) in foreign language classrooms has been hotly debated in the last decades. Although this line of research has advanced our understanding of language choice in the L2 classroom, it has mostly dealt... more
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      Conversation AnalysisConversation Analysis (Research Methodology)Classroom Discourse AnalysisClassroom Interaction
Metacognitive awareness has been shown to have a significant role in second or foreign language (L2) learning (Anderson, 2002; Ohata & Fukao, 2014; Öz, 2015). The present study investigated the role that metacognitive awareness plays in... more
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      Teacher EducationTESOLApplied LinguisticsMetacognition
The present research investigated listening strategy utilization among 60 Iranian EFL senior high school learners. Furthermore, it tried to distinguish 1) the strategies utilized all the more frequently by learners, 2) the relationship... more
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      TESL/TEFLTeaching English as a foreign language (TEFL)
This quasi-experimental study explored the impact of a seven-week intervention in reciprocal teaching (RT) on improving pre-service English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers' (PSEFLTs) reading comprehension skills. The experimental... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeaching English As A Foreign LanguagePre Service Teacher EducationTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
In this study, we examine the fundamental difference hypothesis in language motivation, which suggests that language learning-at the motivational level-is qualitatively different from learning other school subjects. Despite being a... more
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      Mathematics EducationTESOLApplied LinguisticsChinese Language and Culture
The aim of this study is to discuss the needs of learners who stutter (LWS) in the skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) learning based on their levels of anxiety, and their experiences... more
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      StutteringForeign Language AnxietyTESL/TEFLLearning EFL
This study sought to investigate the role of personality traits on metacognitive awareness among preservice English teachers in a Turkish context. A total of 102 students participated in the study. The International Personality Item Pool... more
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      Personality PsychologyTeaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationApplied Linguistics
Prior research on pre-task planning examines its effects on the quality of second language (L2) learners' planned output. Planning mitigates the cognitive overload placed upon L2 learners' oral performance, thus improving language... more
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      Educational TechnologyApplied LinguisticsSecond LifeTeaching and Learning Languages in Second Life
The aim of the present study is twofold. First, it tests a model of willingness to read (WTR) based on L2 motivation and communication confidence (communication anxiety and perceived communicative competence). Second, it applies the... more
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      CommunicationEducationIntercultural CommunicationMotivation (Psychology)
The analysis of advising sessions has recognized common standards of the profession in areas such as advising skills employed and non-verbal communicative practices. There are however numerous variations in advisor behavior due to... more
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      Learner AutonomySelf Access Language LearningTESL/TEFLInner Speech
This study uses a novel approach to describe modern English academic texts in terms of the amount and distribution of syntactic subordination, coordination and phrasal structures. Inconsistent results have been reported in previous... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish languageAcademic WritingApplied Linguistics
The present study aimed at testing a model of intercultural willingness to communicate based on ethnocentrism, ambiguity tolerance, and sensation seeking between English and non-English major university students in Iran. A significant... more
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      CommunicationEducationIntercultural CommunicationEducational Psychology
Since advances in computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools have made virtual exchanges readily available in educational practices, telecollaboration has been gaining traction as a means to provide practical experiences and cultural... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural EducationApplied LinguisticsEducational Linguistics
While translation has recently had a comeback in language pedagogy, its applicability in classrooms with students from diverse linguistic backgrounds has been underexplored. In countries with increasing immigration and high intakes of... more
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      English for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationMultilingualism
Mobile technologies offer new affordances for teacher observation in teacher education programs, albeit under-examined in contrast to video technologies. The purpose of this article is to investigate the integration of mobile technologies... more
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      Reflective PracticeTeacher EducationMobile TechnologySecond Language Teacher Education
The purpose of the present study was to explore English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher's motivations for teaching and testing a model of burnout based on motivations and emotions using structural equation modeling (SEM). For this... more
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      EmotionEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher Education
Writing is a great challenge whether performed in the mother tongue or in a second or foreign language (L2/FL). Studies in L2 writing show that writing is a complex cognitive activity comprising a number of processes which includes the... more
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This paper reports on an SFL-based writing intervention in a university global histories course and examines differences in developmental trajectories among students after the intervention. Based on our previous research on writing in... more
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      Academic WritingTESOLArgumentationSecond Language Writing
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      SociolinguisticsTESOLApplied LinguisticsSTEM Education
Teaching materials developed in-house are commonly used in EAP courses; however, research on their linguistic content, which can have important pedagogical implications, is scarce. This study examines the occurrence and repetition of... more
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      VocabularyLanguage TeachingESL-EFL- EAP-Teachers' educationTESL/TEFL
The linguistic, social, and intercultural benefits of overseas experiences for English as a foreign language (EFL) learners continue to gain attention as the significance of English as a lingua franca proliferates. As the use of English... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguagePragmaticsTESOLTeaching English As A Foreign Language
Using 696 questionnaires from grade 12 students from four senior secondary schools in Beijing, this study investigates the types, cost, determinants and disparities caused by shadow education from the perspectives of the students. The... more
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      Peace EducationClassroom InteractionTESL/TEFLShadow Education or Private Tutoring
This volume demystifies the procedures and practical uses of Grounded Theory, a well-established research methodology used around the world today by social scientists, teachers, and qualitative researchers. Intended for graduate students,... more
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      Mixed MethodsQualitative methodologyGrounded Theory (Research Methodology)TESOL
Saudi government is striving to integrate technology at all school levels. In many schools English language is being taught through modern digital technology. Intel program has been launched to integrate technology in teaching and... more
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      Rural DevelopmentVirtual SchoolingRural educationTESL/TEFL
The motivation will drive the EFL learners to be successful in reading. This study examined the Indonesian EFL learners' motivation in reading activity based on Deci & Ryans' theory of motivation including intrinsic and extrinsic. This... more
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Classroom humor is still a subject of spirited debate in (formal) language settings. While some language teachers frown upon humor as a distraction from the serious business of learning and teaching, it is regarded as an insightful... more
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      HumorHumor and laughter in educationScience Teaching MethodsLanguage Play
This paper reports on findings of an investigation that explored the role of academic motivation in predicting the academic performance of pre-service English teachers. Participants were 98 university students enrolled in an English... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)Student Achievement MotivationStructural Equation ModelingTESOL
In order to enhance our understanding of the Japanese "culture of learning," we need to adopt a variety of approaches, use different research instruments, and deepen our understanding of learners' affective filters. We need also to... more
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      Cultural StudiesTESOLApplied LinguisticsTESL/TEFL
This study tried to find out whether or not teaching techniques of critical thinking through writing to the Iranian English students at university level can lead them develop writing argumentative essays. We received the help of 63... more
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      Critical ThinkingArgumentative WritingEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)TESL/TEFL
This study aimed at exploring the effect of Edmodo use on developing Saudi English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students' Self-Directed Learning (SDL). It employed a quasi-experimental design that included a one group design. The... more
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—Vocabulary is a key element of students' understanding and communicative ability in any language. However Saudi students of English are observed to face many difficulties with vocabulary, which have been attributed to the widespread use... more
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      TESL/TEFLTEFL methodologiesEnglish EFL TEFL learning
Zambia is a landlocked country in south central Africa. While its only official language is English, seven other languages are recognized as national languages. In addition, many other local languages are used. In education, however, not... more
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      Game TheoryLanguage Planning and PolicyTESOLZambia
This study aims at analyzing the writing anxiety of English students of STAIN Kediri. Writing anxiety is one of anxiety that occurs in foreign language anxiety. It is a fear of writing when a person has to start, work on, or finish a... more
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This study used qualitative research methods to explore English language teachers’ perceptions about the use of technology for language learning at Northern Border University (NBU) in Saudi Arabia. Data collection relied on interviews.... more
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      Rural DevelopmentVirtual SchoolingRural educationTESL/TEFL
Teacher self-efficacy has been identified as an important characteristic of teachers that can positively influence both teacher and student outcomes. The relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and their linguistic proficiency,... more
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Meta-analyses of research show that notetaking enhances listening, active learning, and recall (e.g., Kobayashi, 2006). Unsurprisingly, taking notes leads to better performance than not taking notes (e.g., Fischer & Harris, 1973).... more
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      English for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageTESOL
The current study was conducted with the aim of understanding Turkish EFL instructors' perceptions towards in-class language assessment and its reflection in their classroom practice. The purposes of this research are: (1) to find out... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageMotivation (Psychology)TESOLAssessment in Higher Education
This paper reports on a study that explored five student-teachers' beliefs regarding the usability of three digital flashcard websites that can be used in a blended learning approach in English Language Teaching (ELT) classrooms. These... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionComputer Assisted Language LearningLanguages and Linguistics
This paper examines the widespread contention that, as a result of their cultural and educational backgrounds, students from Asia lack the critical thinking skills required when they study abroad at Western universities. It scrutinises... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAsian StudiesJapanese StudiesTeaching and Learning
This study was aimed at analyzing the similarities and differences between English and Indonesian essays made by EFL undergraduate students. The problems rise from the transfer of first language (L1) cultural conventions to second... more
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      Research MethodologyCurriculum and InstructionLanguage Testing and AssessmentTESL/TEFL
Note taking in EFL classrooms has been gaining attention in recent years, likely due to growing numbers of EFL students who attend lectures given in English and the importance of note taking during language proficiency tests. While... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTESOLEFL coursebooksTeaching English As A Foreign Language
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageParticipatory Action ResearchAction ResearchTESOL
News reports are regarded as a reflection of world reality. People around the world are watching the news reports to get the first aid information about incidents or events they need. Hence, languages in the news reports are, of course,... more
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