Recent papers in TESL/TEFL
Sometimes we need to look backwards in order to look forward. Th at is to say, in order to understand the world of science today and where it may be heading tomorrow, it helps to know where it has been in the past. How did we come to our... more
While the role of culture in second and/or foreign language (L2/FL) learning and teaching has often been unquestioned, empirical research on culture learning and teaching in L2/FL education has been less common than opinion-oriented... more
Modal expressions allow us to talk and think about states of affairs which are not present in the current situation and may never occur in the natural world. They can be used to convey different meanings and attitudes in given situations.... more
The need to address culture in the language learning process has been emphasized as a means to promote both intercultural awareness and communicative language curricula. In countries such as Turkey, this has been an ongoing concern in the... more
This is a individual lesson plan for the course that I took in 2016, Faculty of Education, Chula. Univ. This one need to be improved before using it in the classroom. I WARNED YOU!
As I mostly teacher low-level classes conducted usually entirely in L2, sometimes the issuing of instructions can be protracted and problematical. I would like to become more aware about this aspect of teaching and learn how to give... more
Public Speaking is a main subject in the English Departments to be mastered by EFL learners. However, its supporting materials are insufficient and causing problems for the learners in mastering the skills. Therefore, education... more
Language is used for various purposes and has many functions. Every language has a different structure and rules. The most common mistakes that make mistakes in writing are in the process of learning a foreign language. Students cannot... more
Online education can play a crucial role in increasing access to educational opportunity and in promoting lifelong learning. The Covid-19 pandemic has done even more to raise awareness of the importance of online education. The pandemic... more
Learner motivation is considered a vital factor in second language instruction. An analysis of motivation types and degrees can reveal learners’ expectations and learning objectives. The present study analyzes the motivational patterns of... more
This session presents research conducted in a Grade 5 English as a Second language This session presents research conducted in a Grade 5 English as a Second language classroom in Malaysia where despite the English-only policy, students... more
The lesson featured in this magazine article gives students the opportunity to watch a “claymation” video of an invention and then to create a unique invention in small groups. Students then develop a poster presentation and deliver it in... more
By the middle of the 11th century, Old English seemed secure. However, it was very soon to face the greatest challenge ever to its existence.
This article considers research into special educational needs (SEN) and technology, focusing on how technology may be able assist SEN students learning English. The term 'special education' accommodates a very wide range of needs, from... more
Abstract This study uses a novel approach to describe modern English academic texts in terms of the amount and distribution of syntactic subordination, coordination and phrasal structures. Inconsistent results have been reported in... more
Topic Selection: A Motivational Variable in ELT. By Mohamed Ismail Abu-Rahmah & Jhon Burgess.The Researcher, School of Education, Manchester University, I (2), 12- 28 (1996). (Abstract): Topic selection is considered a crucial... more
The research aimed to discover what strategies learners employed in using dictionaries and examine the EFL learners' perspectives in using dictionaries to learn English. Dictionaries were considered meaningful by EFL learners as they were... more
Hubbard (2007) noted that contemporary language teachers not only need to have competent theoretical knowledge and social power, but they must also be responsible for the maintenance and growth of their technological proficiency. In this... more
An English as a foreign language test for reading, writing, and cultural diversity awareness for high-school students. In G. Gorsuch (Ed.), Tests that second language teachers make and use (pp. 129-155). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
English language teaching (ELT) at rural schools may pose challenges like insufficient resources and a lack of students' interest. Integrating real-life-based and learner-centred methods like project-based learning (PBL) into rural... more
With a high-quality, user-friendly interface that is both easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing, Busuu delivers, but the reason to choose Busuu over others would be to purchase the premium version for the social networking aspects.... more
CITATION / REFERENCE - Ab Manan, N. A., Zamari, Z. M., Pillay, I. A. S., Adnan, A. H. M., Yusof, J., & Raslee, N. N. (2017). Mother Tongue Interference in the Writing of English as a Second Language (ESL) Malay Learners. International... more
Crossing boundaries is a key issue in EFL teaching and Postcolonial Studies. It is an objective not only for the foreign language classroom that is facing increasingly global influences in terms of more heterogeneous societies, but also... more
In this study, we examine the fundamental difference hypothesis in language motivation, which suggests that language learning—at the motivational level—is qualitatively different from learning other school subjects. Despite being a... more
This was the authors undergraduate dissertation to the University of Central Lancashire and was submitted in 2017. The vast majority of studies into video games in language-learning settings have focused on games designed for... more
This is the full version of American Headway 2 Student Book third Edition pdf
The present research investigated listening strategy utilization among 60 Iranian EFL senior high school learners. Furthermore, it tried to distinguish 1) the strategies utilized all the more frequently by learners, 2) the relationship... more
Translanguaging has been largely implemented in bilingual classrooms, but there is a paucity of research investigating this approach in classrooms where more than two languages co-exist. Moreover, it is still unclear what particular... more
This paper reviews and discusses research on notetaking during academic listening conducted in both first (L1) and second language (L2) contexts and is organized into two main categories: research that is beginning to impact English for... more
The second TEFL Day "Drama in Foreign Language Teaching" offered EFL researchers, teachers and students the opportunity to engage with various aspects of drama – both as a literary genre as well as an action-oriented teaching approach.... more
Abstract The proposed model consists of four components: language input, guiding notes, matching visuals, and written output. Applying the proposed model, the students are provided with somebody of written or spoken information (i.e.... more
At the heart of this study is the fostering of learner autonomy in the language classroom, in particular how learner autonomy can be developed through pedagogical tasks. The work focuses on four different approaches: the... more
Contributions by Lindsay Herron, Bryan Hale, Maria Lisak, and Jonathan Moffett
Heterogeneity is highly regarded in today’s modern societies, boastful about the defence of every people’s rights. However, the story might be a little bit different inside the classroom for students and teachers alike. How do teachers... more
Although English for Tourism (EfT) is an acknowledged branch of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in both research and pedagogy, a clear definition of EfT and a clear methodological framework for EfT research seems to be lacking in the... more
The purpose of the current research was to develop the students' English Language Skills at the Faculty of Commerce. The target English Language skills were: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The treatment tool was a Blended... more
Περίληψη Σημαντική θέση στην καθημερινή επικοινωνία καταλαμβάνει η διαγλωσσική διαμεσολάβηση (cross-language mediation) –μια λειτουργία που απαιτεί την παράλληλη χρήση δύο ή περισσοτέρων γλωσσών, η επιτυχία της οποίας εξασφαλίζει την... more
Increasingly, university students around the world are demanding courses that target vocational skills. This paper outlines the design of an advanced business English skills (ABES) course which aims to introduce students at a private... more
—Vocabulary is a key element of students' understanding and communicative ability in any language. However Saudi students of English are observed to face many difficulties with vocabulary, which have been attributed to the widespread use... more
It is widely believed that critical thinking in language teaching and learning is more closely connected to adult learners to foster their speaking and writing skills so many readily available teaching materials are designed for the same... more