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This paper presents the sharing of our experiences and lessons learned to modernize a warship with C6ISR utilizing the digital engineering MBSE models of complex systems. We captured Enterprise Architecture (EA) DoDAF views, KPP and KSA... more
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      EngineeringComputer EngineeringSystems EngineeringComputer Networks
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      Systems EngineeringSysMLModel Based Systems EngineeringSociotechnical Systems Modeling
Neurologie pédiatrique (3° Éd.) La pathologie neurologique infantile occupe une place majeure dans la pathologie pédiatrique, en raison de sa fréquence et de la gravité de ses conséquences sur le développement psychomoteur des enfants. La... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceProgramming LanguagesSystems Engineering
There are two major transformations currently occurring that significantly impact acquisition and management of military systems. Network Enabled Capability (NEC) demands careful consideration of interoperability for delivered systems;... more
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      Systems EngineeringThrough Life Capability ManagementDemonstration and Evaluation of Research OutputsNetwork Enabled Capability
Product-Service Systems, like all complex systems, are vulnerable to unpredictable environmental changes that can seriously undermine their ability to continuously deliver value to customers. The long-term consequences of volatile... more
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      Systems EngineeringProduct-Service Systems
One of the major unintended consequences of Acquisition Reform efforts during the 1990s was a reduction in rigor of sustainment planning and effectiveness throughout materiel development programs. As the evidence of this problem mounted... more
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      Systems EngineeringPlanningSystem Engineering
Psychological factors are the root causes of many disasters but are underemphasized in the systems engineering literature. The tacit premise is that decision makers are rational, that is, they will make decisions based on facts. Cognitive... more
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      Decision MakingSystems EngineeringCognitive Bias
This report investigates the current approaches to Concept of Operations (CONOPS) development in use in various DoD and commercial organizations with the goal of understanding why CONOPS creation is such a lengthy process, and how the... more
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      Systems EngineeringGraphicsOrganizationsAgile software development
We introduce and investigate a natural extension of Dung's well-known model of argument systems in which attacks are associated with a weight, indicating the relative strength of the attack. A key concept in our framework is the notion of... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputational ComplexitySystems Engineering
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      Software EngineeringSystems EngineeringComplex SystemsComplex System
This paper describes the development of a generalized agent -based simulation tool for studying manpower and personnel management behaviors. The subject matter of the simulation are complex organizational behaviors found within Uni ted... more
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      Organizational BehaviorDecision MakingSystems EngineeringFuzzy Logic
A team was assembled to examine the change approval process using the theory of constraints (TOC). The premise of the theory of constraints is that the performance of a system, in this case the change approval process, is constrained in... more
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      Systems EngineeringTheory of Constraints
This study has been undertaken to investigate the speed control ACIM using field oriented control. The principle of vector control of electric drives is based on the control of both the magnitude and the phase of each phase current and... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering
This article describes a deep space mission where more forthright information exchanges between teamed but rival agencies could have preserved the original plan as well as saved much time and money. The topic may be of particular interest... more
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    • Systems Engineering
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    • Systems Engineering
Students engaged in systems engineering education typically lack experience and understanding of the multidisciplinary complexity of systems engineering projects. Consequently, students struggle to understand the value, rationale, and... more
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      Systems EngineeringActive LearningReverse EngineeringRole Playing Games
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      Information SystemsSystems Engineering
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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      EngineeringManagement Information SystemsProject ManagementSystems Engineering
In military, civil, and commercial systems there exists a need to affordably manage the operational effectiveness of the system of interest through the acquisition and operational stages of its life cycle. Once a system design is... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware MaintenanceSystems EngineeringAccounting
The focus in this paper is on integration and combination, as two important concepts in management systems. In this paper, a definition of integration and combination as related to business management is proposed. The lack of resolution... more
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      Quality ManagementModels of Creativity & of Creative ProcessesSystems EngineeringAccreditation and Quality Assurance
— In digital communication system, digital information can be sent on a carrier through changes in its fundamental characteristics such as phase, frequency and amplitude. The use of a filter plays an important part in a communication... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringInstrumentation Engineering
 Abstract— Data Leakage can be referred as the unauthorized transfer of classified information from a computer or data centre to the outside world. Big data is an evolving term that describes any voluminous amount of structured,... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering
Bayangkan suatu saat Anda menjabat sebagai pimpinan DJKN. Pada suatu rapat terbatas dengan Menteri Keuangan, Anda mendadak ditanya nilai aset BMN yang dimanfaatkan saat ini, saldo Piutang Negara PSBDT, dan nilai dividen saham BUMN Persero... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyInformaticsDecision Making
As systems are called on to participate on demand within system-of-systems (SoS), system-of-systems integration (SoSI) has become a key concern. This capability is especially important in defense and aerospace where systems are... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringSystems EngineeringInteroperability
Systems Integration (SI) is an important element of Systems Engineering. It involves the integration of hardware, software, products, services, processes, and humans. The ever-increasing scale of complexity of systems and its impact on... more
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      Information SystemsGovernmentSystems EngineeringModeling
: Qualitative accelerated test methods improve system reliability by identifying and removing initial design flaws. However, schedule and cost constraints often preclude sufficient testing to generate a meaningful reliability estimate... more
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      EngineeringSystems EngineeringReliabilityStress Testing
The standard MIL-STD-1760 connecter is used to transfer guidance information to weapons. MIL-STD-1760 mission stores include, but are not limited to, the GBU-32 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM), the AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon... more
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    • Systems Engineering
Sound plays a huge role in the animal kingdom, and animals rely on sound to acoustically sense their surroundings, communicate, and locate food and predators. Therefore, I decided to use sound and sensors as my main components. I made a... more
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      Computer ScienceSystems EngineeringAgricultureMechanical Engineering Design
— Designing an efficient Distributed Database System (DDBS) is considered as one of the most challenging problems because of multiple interdependent factors which are affecting its performance. Allocation and fragmentation are two... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringInstrumentation Engineering
The cost of monitoring greenhouse gas emissions from landfill sites is of major concern for regulatory authorities. The current monitoring procedure is recognised as labour intensive, requiring agency inspectors to physically travel to... more
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      Electronic EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMechanical EngineeringInformation Technology
This paper briefly discusses the problem of poor requirements and how, while solutions are known, they are not being transferred from academia to industry. The paper then discusses a project to implement an approach for transferring the... more
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    • Systems Engineering
This paper describes a system for the investigation of railway interfaces that is under development within the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB). Going through its preliminary stages at the time of writing, the target is to adopt... more
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      Systems EngineeringHuman Factors EngineeringSafety ManagementRailway Safety
The systems approach is the foundation of systems engineering. It is fundamental to systems, systems thinking, systems methodology, systems design, and systems engineering. It is a set of top-level rules from which systems engineering... more
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      Systems EngineeringSystems Approach
E commerce project
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    • Systems Engineering
Problem Management is not recognized as a Systems Engineering process. Unlike risk management, where risks could impact a project at some future date, problems impact the project now. Therefore, a robust Problem Management process should... more
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      Information SystemsKnowledge ManagementSystems EngineeringRisk Management
Purpose of the study: The purpose of this research is to extend the review to which CPS implementation as part of the performance management system (PMS) in the fresh produce supply chain (FPSC), can improve performance, especially to... more
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      Systems EngineeringSupply ChainProduction and Operation Management
 Abstract— Distribution design involves making decisions on the fragmentation and allocation of data across the sites of a computer network. Multiple vertical splitting is the process of subdividing the attributes of a relation to... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringInstrumentation Engineering
L'ingénierie système traite de systèmes artificiels conçus par les êtres humains. Ces systèmes sont des combinaisons d'éléments visant un ou plusieurs buts définis. Un système sociotechnique comprend une partie technique, relevant de... more
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      HumanitiesResilienceSystems EngineeringAdaptation
— Thermo-physical properties of butter, hydrogenated fat, palm oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, and groundnut oil were examined. Experimental results revealed the highest slip melting point (38oC) and specific gravity for hydrogenated fat... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringInstrumentation Engineering
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      Systems EngineeringModeling and SimulationSimulation
We examine the use of real options valuation in the context of prioritizing advanced technologies for NASA funding. Further, we offer a set of computational procedures that quantifies the option value of each technology. Other researchers... more
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      Information SystemsSystems EngineeringTechnology AssessmentReal Option
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceProgramming LanguagesSystems Engineering
A thermodynamic model is developed for a novel underwater propulsion system called a hybrid aluminum combustor (HAC) that is based on the exothermic reaction of aluminum powder with sea water. The Rankine cycle-based propulsion system’s... more
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      Systems EngineeringCombustion modellingAutonomous Underwater Vehicle
Information overload is a new challenge in e-commerce sites. The problem refers to the fast growing of information that lead following the information flow in real world be impossible. Recommender systems, as the most successful... more
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      Information SystemsControl Systems EngineeringManagement Information SystemsDatabase Systems
Many large and complex systems have extended operational lives. Examples of such systems include the oil and gas drilling systems, defense systems, and air traffic control systems. A growing concern for many users is the difference... more
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      Information SystemsSystems Engineering
Scholars have focused on two primary characteristics that reflect the complexity of a system: the structure of the system and in the variability in the relationships between the elements. This paper discusses both aspects of the system... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceComplexity TheorySystems EngineeringComplex Systems
This paper reviews the discussions of work by teams of professional engineers, and some very closely related issues, in the INCOSE Annual Symposia to date. The purpose of this work is to identify the issues associated with teamwork among... more
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    • Systems Engineering
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    • Systems Engineering
The paper guides the reader through a commentary of Singapore’s development in its early stages, and how it balanced development with income equality. It then moves to the modern times, which informs the reader that Singapore of today... more
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      Systems EngineeringUrban PlanningSystem Dynamics ModelingUrban Poverty
: The United States Air Force and many of its Coalition partners have extended the original service life of some of their aging aircraft due to fiscal constraints. This life extension often requires increased periodic and in-depth... more
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      MethodologySystems EngineeringHealthAircraft Maintenance