The Projected Aggregation Methods (PAM) for solving linear systems of equalities and/or inequalities, generate a new iterate x k+1 by projecting the current point x k onto a separating hyperplane generated by a given linear combination of... more
In this paper we compare direct and preconditioned iterative methods for the solution of nonsymmetric, sparse systems of linear algebraic equations. These problems occur in finite difference and finite element simulations of semiconductor... more
. All existing methods have to overcome at least one of the following problems: 1. Computational complexity, which is expressed with the number of arithmetic operations required in order to determine a 400
Several mesh-based techniques in computer graphics such as shape deformation, mesh editing, animation and simulation, build and solve linear systems. The most common method to build a linear system consists in traversing the topology... more
When the equations of linear elasticity are solved by the standard Galerkin method the equations become stiff for nearly incompressible materials. This results in a perturbed numerical approximation. To avoid this problem a well known... more
When the equations of linear elasticity are solved by the standard Galerkin method the equations become stiff for nearly incompressible materials. This results in a perturbed numerical approximation. To avoid this problem a well known... more
A new method for the solution of pentadiagonal systems of linear equations is presented. The method is a generalization of ordinary odd-even elimination used for tridiagonal systems. Using n processors, an n X n pentadiagonal system can... more
A new method for the solution of pentadiagonal systems of linear equations is presented. The method is a generalization of ordinary odd-even elimination used for tridiagonal systems. Using n processors, an n X n pentadiagonal system can... more
Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling has been applied in a wide variety of fields such as Decision Making, Engineering and Management Sciences etc. In particular, applications of this Modeling technique in Decision Making by involving complex Systems of... more
Nowadays sparse systems of equations occur frequently in science and engineering. In this contribution we deal with sparse systems common in cryptanalysis. Given a cipher system, one converts it into a system of sparse equations, and then... more
Solution of linear algebra systems may come out with "ill-condition" or "well-condition" based on input information and solution methods. The aim of this study is to determine and correction of problems that may come out from the solution... more
Solution of linear algebra systems may come out with "ill-condition" or "well-condition" based on input information and solution methods. The aim of this study is to determine and correction of problems that may come out from the solution... more
Numerical methods are used to approximate solutions of equations when exact solutions can not be determined via algebraic methods. They construct successive approximations that converge to the exact solution of an equation or system of... more
ABS mthods are direct iteration methods for solving linear systems where the i-th iterate satisfies the first i equations, and therefore a system on m equations is solved in at most m ABS steps. In this paper, using a new rank two update... more
The formulation of steady-state initialization problems for fluid systems is a non-trivial task. If steady-state equations are specified at the component level, the corresponding system of initial equations at the system level might be... more
This paper compares the efficiency of the preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method and the LDLTfactorization for solving a sparse system of linear equations in large‐scale structural analysis with both single‐ and multiple‐load... more
In this article, the problem of model reduction of 2-D systems is studied via orthogonal series. The algorithm proposed reduces the problem to an overdetermined linear algebraic system of equations, which may readily be solved to yield... more
In this paper, we develop an approach for finding the cofactor, ad joint, determinant and inverse of a three by three matrix under the Cell Arrangements method using the coefficient matrix of a given systems of linear equation in three... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Nowadays, we face many equations in everyday life, where many attempts have been made to find their solutions, and various methods have been introduced. Many complex problems often lead to the solution of systems of equations. In... more
We will consider Rohde's general form of {1}-inverse of a matrix A. The necessary and sufficient condition for consistency of a linear system Ax=c will be represented. We will also be concerned with the minimal number of free... more
This paper considers the solution of systems of algebraic equations that are expressed by a global rectangular system of equations, and a set of conditional equations that are expressed as disjunctions. These disjunctions are given by... more
This paper considers the solution of systems of equations that are expressed by the two sets of equations: a global rectangular system of equations involving more variables than equations, and a set of conditional equations that are... more
We give a short overview over existing iterative algorithms for solving complex symmetric systems of linear equations, which can take advantage of this special structure. This type of system occurs when the method of moments is used to... more
The Projected Aggregation Methods (PAM) for solving linear systems of equalities and/or inequalities, generate a new iterate x k+1 by projecting the current point x k onto a separating hyperplane generated by a given linear combination of... more
We study systems of String Equations where block variables need to be assigned strings so that their concatenation gives a specified target string. We investigate this problem under a multivariate complexity framework, searching for... more
Solving large scale system of Simultaneous Linear Equations (SLE) has been (and continue to be) a major challenging problem for many real-world engineering and science applications. Solving SLE with singular coefficient matrices arises... more
We design a new model of preconditioner for systems of linear equations. The convergence properties of the proposed methods have been analyzed and compared with the classical methods. Numerical experiments of convection-diffusion... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This paper discusses a 1D one-dimensional mathematical model for the thermoelasticity problem in a two-layer plate. Basic equations in dimensionless form contain both temperature and displacement. General solutions of homogeneous... more
Linear Programming problems and System of Linear equations have many applications in various science and engineering problems like network analysis, operations research etc. In general Linear Programming Problem (LPP) and the system of... more
We derive an explicit determinantal formula for the least squares solution of an over-determined system of linear equations. From this formula it follows that the least squares solution lies in the convex hull of the solutions to the... more
This thesis is dedicated to my family. To my husband and children for their love and support. To my parents, who have raised me to be the person I am today. Thank you for believing in me along the way.
The estimation of the axial and radial component distributions of the blood velocity during its flow in a diverging artery is attempted. To this scope part of the Navier-Stokes equations and the continuity equation were treated... more
Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain ... more
We demonstrate a method using linear congruence equations to generate solutions to the N-Queens problem. There are only a few papers in the literature generating solutions for every N. Our method generates solutions for every N, and the... more
Linear and non-linear bending analysis of laminated plates with different boundary conditions is presented using generalized differential quadrature (GDQ) method. Governing equations are based on the first-order shear deformation theory... more
We introduce GPLS (Genetic Programming for Linear Systems) as a GP system that finds mathematical expressions defining an iteration matrix. Stationary iterative methods use this iteration matrix to solve a system of linear equations... more
In this paper, we describe some new variants and applications of the wavelet algebraic multigrid method. This method combines the algebraic multigrid method (a well known family of multilevel techniques for solving linear systems, without... more
In this paper, we develop an approach for finding the cofactor, ad joint, determinant and inverse of a three by three matrix under the Cell Arrangements method using the coefficient matrix of a given systems of linear equation in three... more
Previously, the authors proposed a general method for finding particular solutions for overdetermined systems of partial differential equations (PDE), where the number of equations is greater than the number of unknown functions. In this... more
This paper compares the efficiency of the preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method and the LDLTfactorization for solving a sparse system of linear equations in large‐scale structural analysis with both single‐ and multiple‐load... more
Coarrays have been part of the Fortran standard since Fortran 2008 and provide a syntactic extension of Fortran to support parallel programming, often called Coarray Fortran (CAF). Although MPI is the de facto standard for parallel... more
This paper studies a semi-linear system of equations in R N , which comes from a mathematical model for a new tax system proposed in Chile's 2014 Tax Reform. The system of equations involves a non negative coefficients matrix and... more
We c haracterize the complexity of some natural and important problems in linear algebra. In particular, we identify natural complexity classes for which the problems of a determining if a system of linear equations is feasible and b... more
A system of equations in the l-calculus is a set of formulas of A (the equations) together with a finite set of variables of ,4 (the unknowns). A system Y is said to be P-solvable (fiq-solvable) iff there exists a simultaneous... more
A system of equations in the I-calculus is a set of formulas of ,4 (the equations) together with a finite set of variables of A (the unknowns). A system 9' is said to be /?-solvable (&solvable) iff there exists a simultaneous substitution... more
The current study investigates the solvability conditions and the general solution of three symmetrical systems of coupled Sylvester-like quaternion matrix equations. Accordingly, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the... more