System analysis and development of information systems
Recent papers in System analysis and development of information systems
Currently, career counselling services are offered in most of the higher education institutes in Saudi Arabia, however, there are no systems installed to automate these services. This paper takes Dar Al Hekma College (DAHC) in Saudi... more
Design and implementation of inventory management system is a project research done with the intention of providing better solutions to firms.
The information systems analysis and design methodologies devised at the outbreak of the third industrial revolution shaped the systems analysis disciple and have trickled down to all systems influencing most aspects of human development.... more
Check Teck Foo discusses the interdisciplinary and holistic roots of Systems Engineering (SE) in the paper Systems Engineering Perspectives on the 2500-Year-Old Art of War by Sun Tzu. He identifies the importance of subsystems... more
Systems of systems exhibit characteristics that pose difficulty in modelling and predicting their overall performance capabilities, including the presence of operational independence, emergent behaviour, and evolutionary development. When... more
Using the descriptive and developmental design, the study developed and evaluated an eHealth application for women using decision tree classifiers. It focuses on the development of an eHealth application system using open-access datasets... more
The purpose of this study is to know the library needs and to implement new library system for the development of the Dumaguete City Public Library. The methods in conducting the study is a one-on-one interview with the library-in-charge... more
The increasing number of times that water was announced to be off at the National University of Samoa (NUS) IHE1 campus during working hours has caused alarming concerns among staff and students about a quality, healthy working... more
Technological innovation in a business organization becomes the trend in the 21st century. With more progress on hand, e-commerce has paved its way to the mainstream giving transformation opportunities such that in socioeconomic field.... more
Elsewhere* we proposed a systemic methodological support for information systems development. One of our conclusions was about the importance of paralleling analysis and synthesis, and its internal detailed steps, which are usually... more
Данная рецензия посвящена монографии Ю.Ю.Юмашевой, опубликованной в издательстве DirectMEDIA в 2020 году. Монография представляет собой результат комплексного исследования, в рамках которого автором был осуществлён источниковедческий и... more
In this paper we will try to show that the software crisis is effectiveness, not an efficiency one as it is assumed, explicitly or implicitly, by most authors, practitioners and methodologists. Indeed, some efficiency problems are rooted... more