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eODL is the ITU component description language. Its current status is that it is defined textually and there are several transformation into other languages. There are also ideas about a graphical representation for eODL. In this article... more
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      System Simulation Modeling and AnalysisGraphical Representation
In this study, a mathematical tunable gain model free PID-like sliding mode fuzzy controller (GTSMFC) is designed to rich the best performance. Sliding mode fuzzy controller is studied because of its model free, stable and high... more
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      Electronic EngineeringRoboticsArtificial IntelligenceSystem Dynamics
Creating and maintaining tools for domain-specific modeling languages (DSML) demands time and efforts that often discourage potential developers. However, several tools are now available that promise to accelerate the development of DSML... more
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      ModelingDomain specific languageDomain specific modeling languageLessons Learned
This paper presents a new approach to TCP congestion control. The new scheme includes two parts: (1) the Smooth-Start algorithm, which replaces the Slow-Start algorithm at the start of a TCP connection or after a retransmission timeout,... more
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      Computer ScienceArtPacket SwitchingProtocols
The User Requirements Notation (URN) combines the Goaloriented Requirement Language (GRL) with the Use Case Map (UCM) scenario notation. Although tools exist in isolation for both views, they are currently not meant to work together,... more
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      ModelingSpecification LanguageScalabilitySystem Simulation Modeling and Analysis
Graphical system design techniques like Message Sequence Chart (MSC) and Unified Modelling Language (UML) are gaining more and more acceptance because they ease the development, understanding, and maintenance of software systems. In the... more
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      Graphic DesignSystem Simulation Modeling and AnalysisSoftware Systems
Understanding software-based systems is a task essential not only for engineering new applications but also for evolving existing ones. For complex systems, the graphical representation of various attributes and projections contributes to... more
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      Reverse EngineeringComplex SystemWork in ProgressSystem Simulation Modeling and Analysis
A regeneration-theory approach is undertaken to analytically characterize the average overall completion time in a distributed system. The approach considers the heterogeneity in the processing rates of the nodes as well as the randomness... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer NetworksComplexityPerformance
Requirement Specification is gaining increasingly attention as a critical phase of software systems development. As requirement descriptions evolve, they quickly become error-prone and difficult to understand. Thus, the development of... more
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      Program SlicingNon Functional RequirementSystem Simulation Modeling and Analysis
Scenario-driven requirement specifications are widely used to capture and represent functional requirements. Use Case Maps are being standardized as part of the User Requirements Notation (URN), the most recent addition to ITU-T's family... more
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      Wireless SystemsTime UseFormal SemanticsNon Functional Requirement
Requirement Specification is gaining increasingly attention as a critical phase of software systems development. As requirement descriptions evolve, they quickly become error-prone and difficult to understand. Thus, the development of... more
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      Program SlicingNon Functional RequirementSystem Simulation Modeling and Analysis
This paper presents a new approach to TCP congestion control. The new scheme includes two parts: (1) the Smooth-Start algorithm, which replaces the Slow-Start algorithm at the start of a TCP connection or after a retransmission timeout,... more
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      Computer ScienceArtPacket SwitchingProtocols
In November 1999, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T, SG 17) initiated a question on the standardization of a User Requirements Notation (URN) for complex reactive, distributed, and dynamic systems and applications. URN is... more
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      Non Functional RequirementSystem Simulation Modeling and AnalysisDynamic SystemInternational Telecommunication Union
Abstracting the behaviour of a specification is a key technique for dealing with the complexity of such tasks as reachability analysis and test generation. We adapted classical data-flow analysis techniques to abstract variables in SDL... more
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      Liquid State MachineSystem Simulation Modeling and AnalysisData Flow DiagramReachability Analysis