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An OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) home gateway system manages the integration of heterogeneous home networks protocols and devices to develop ubiquitous applications. Wired and wireless heterogeneous home networks have different... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComputer NetworksService Quality
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      GroundwaterSystem Management
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      Distributed ComputingInformation TechnologyDecision MakingSystem Management
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      EngineeringEthnographySituation awarenessSystem Management
An essential function for achieving security in computer networks is reliable authentication of communicating parties and network components. Such authentication typically relies on exchanges of cryptographic messages between the involved... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingComputer NetworksSystem Management
This paper describes possibilities of using a system dynamic model to simulate experience transfer scenarios in a construction and property management organization. This experience transfer simulation model can be used to evaluate... more
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      MethodologySystems ThinkingSystem ManagementSystem Dynamics Modeling
The subject of the research is theoretical and methodological aspects and practical recommendations for improving the system management of farms and agricultural enterprises by supplementing its structure with new components and platforms... more
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      AccountingSystem ManagementInformationControlling
In large networked systems, relationships between applications and the data that they use through multiple tiers of middleware systems are often invisible. While the benefits of knowing such relationships are clear from a systems... more
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      Object Oriented ProgrammingInformation ManagementSystem ManagementVirtual Machines
A work in progress of a tool designed to help sports coaches to analyze their players using an RFID technology connected to a 3-layer software is described in this paper. A few ranging techniques available in conventional RFID systems... more
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      System ManagementPervasive ComputingSystem EngineeringWork in Progress
School systems worldwide respond in particular ways to students' academic heterogeneity, and different countries have developed different strategies to manage such heterogeneity. Whereas some countries separate children according to... more
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      System ManagementInternational StudentsComparative EducationSocial Inequality
This paper examines the phenomenon of the oversupply of teachers but shortage of qualified teachers in Indonesia. Using a theoretical framework of governmentdominated market with government-set wage rate and demand for teachers, the... more
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      EconomicsEducationSystem Management
File system metadata management has become a bottleneck for many data-intensive applications that rely on high-performance file systems. Part of the bottleneck is due to the limitations of an almost 50 year old interface standard with... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDistributed ComputingRelational DatabaseGraph Theory
This contribution outlines the philosophy and procedures adopted in a major European research project focused on the development of video systems in support of coastal zone management. The CoastView project has developed video-derived... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyCoastal ManagementCoastal Engineering
The development of the Internet has led to new approaches to production systems management, which replaced the classic "four-wall" organisation to concepts that preceded that of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) such as: the... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceInformation TechnologySystem Management
This paper describes design and realization of the fiber sensor system. The metrology system was developed for construction mechanical stress control. The system is based on fiber Bragg gratings as a physical quantity sensors. The major... more
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      System ManagementFiber Bragg gratingOptical fiber sensorMechanical Stress
Solar (photovoltaic) powered water pumping has the potential to bring sustainable supplies of potable water to millions of people in developing countries. Unfortunately, in many cases the application of the pump technology ignores the... more
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      EngineeringSystem ManagementSolar EnergyDeveloping Country
The concept of maintenance in the field of complex equipment was developed in the USA being quickly adopted by European countries and Japan. The American maintenance concept has the significance of creating a support system for industrial... more
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      ManagementSystem ManagementSystem
Inputloutput speed continues to present a performance challenge for high-performance computing systems. This is because technology improves processor speed, memory speed and capacity, and disk capacity at a much higher-rate than mass... more
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      Computer ArchitectureHigh Performance ComputingSystem ManagementSoftware Development
While the concept of safety in risk-sensitive industries such as aviation is familiar, organizations still struggle to define and practice effective safety principles on a daily basis, given the dynamic and inherent nature of aviation... more
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      System ManagementRisk ManagementSystem ApproachQuality Management System
The current study presents an intelligent decision support model using rule sets based on a typical building energy management system. In addition, the model's impact on the energy consumption and indoor quality of a typical office... more
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      ArchitectureMethodologySystem ManagementEnergy Consumption
This paper o!ers a set of sociotechnical principles to guide system design, and some consideration of the role of principles of this kind. The principles extend earlier formulations by Cherns (1976, Human Relations, 29, 783}792; 1987,... more
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      SociologyInformation TechnologyTechnologyInformation Management
The main issues for Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) are analyzed, in order to lead to better solutions for future managers, identifying possible areas for improvements and future challenges for the industry. RAS-based production... more
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      DesignSystem ManagementAnalysisFisheries Sciences
Hızla değişen rekabet ortamında, firmaların zaman ve kaynaklardan daha fazla yararlanabilmeleri için ürünlerini, hizmetlerini, iletişim tekniklerini, iş yapma yöntemlerini sürekli olarak değiştirmeleri, farklılaştırmaları ve yenilemeleri... more
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      System ManagementData ManagementTechnical ChangeReal Time
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    • System Management
Greenhouse control computers are an essential part of modern greenhouse operation. Climate, irrigation and nutrient supply must be controlled, in an economical way, to produce the best crop conditions. Current research on CO 2 enrichment... more
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      EngineeringElectronicsSystem ManagementAgriculture
Purpose -This paper seeks to analyse the internal materials flow in lean manufacturing in an assembly line of the Bosch factory, located in Spain. The objective is to develop a handling system in a small space, capable of solving the... more
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      System ManagementLean ManufacturingProduction PlanningValue Stream Mapping
In this paper we present an empirical analysis to test whether organisation configurations and management accounting systems change simultaneously. Using the original application of the fuzzy logic methodology, we analyse the level of... more
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      EconomicsOrganizational CultureOrganisational ChangeManagement Accounting
Greenhouse control computers are an essential part of modern greenhouse operation. Climate, irrigation and nutrient supply must be controlled, in an economical way, to produce the best crop conditions. Current research on CO 2 enrichment... more
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      EngineeringElectronicsSystem ManagementAgriculture
Agroforestry—the practice of growing trees and crops in interacting combinations—is recognized worldwide as an integrated approach to sustainable land-use. It is estimated to be practiced over 1 billion hectares in developing countries,... more
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      AgronomyPlant BiologySystem ManagementCarbon Sequestration
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      EthnographySituation awarenessSystem ManagementProblem Solving
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      System ManagementEnvironmental SciencesClean Development MechanismEnvironmental science and policy
Solid sorption short cycle heat pump (610 kW) which uses physical adsorption and is of interest to the space and domestic application is designed and tested. This heat pump has a very short (12 min), nonintermittent, two adsorber heat... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSystem ManagementActivated CarbonHeat pump
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      Information RetrievalInformation ManagementDatabase SystemsSystem Management
Renewable energy is becoming economic in all markets as its rapid growth results in more competitive prices. It is particularly appropriate and increasingly being adopted for providing electric power services to rural areas in developing... more
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      Decision MakingRenewable EnergySystem ManagementDeveloping Country
Though ERP has gained some prominence in the IS literature over the past few years and is a significant phenomenon in practice, through a) historical analysis, b) metaanalysis of representative IS literature, and c) a survey of academic... more
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      Information SystemsSystem ManagementProduction PlanningLiterature Review
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      Power SystemsPower SystemStudent EngagementSystem Management
Mathematical modelling of membrane bioreactors (MBRs) for wastewater treatment has targeted either the biological processes (treatment quality target) as well as various aspects of system management. However, the high number of... more
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      EngineeringMembrane ScienceMonte CarloSystem Management
The main issues for Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) are analyzed, in order to lead to better solutions for future managers, identifying possible areas for improvements and future challenges for the industry. RAS-based production... more
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      DesignSystem ManagementAnalysisFisheries Sciences
Abstract -Subsequent revisions to the JDL model modified definitions for model usefulness that stressed differentiation between fusion (estimation) and sensor management (control). Two diverging groups include one pressing for fusion... more
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      Situation awarenessSystem ManagementInterface DesignKnowledge Representation
In 2001, the four global change research programmes ‘urgently’ called for ‘an ethical framework for global stewardship and strategies for Earth System management’. Yet this notion of ‘earth system management’ remains vaguely defined: It... more
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      Environmental EconomicsInternational RelationsClimate ChangeInternational Studies
The paper has looked at traditional systems of forestry and agricultural system management in the central himalayan region. Based on a detailed analysis of traditional ecological knowledge that is linked with biodiversity, natural and... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSystem ManagementEconomic DevelopmentTraditional Knowledge
Regional electronic marketplaces (REMs) have been used to promote ecommerce uptake by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). However, the community and regional economic development motives underpinning REM creation can cause complexities.... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyManagement Information Systems
. Irrigation management strategies for improved salinity and sodicity control. Ph.D. thesis, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands. 230 p., 86 figs., 72 tables, 3 appendices.
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      System ManagementSoil SalinityIrrigation ManagementAgricultural Production
We present in this paper the language NoFun for stating component quality in the framework of the ISO/IEC quality standards. The language consists of three different parts. In the first one, software quality characteristics and attributes... more
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      Software EngineeringSystem ManagementSoftware ManagementUser Behavior
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      System ManagementNatural ScienceSensitivity AnalysisMulti Level Governance
Conservation of biodiversity provides for economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Intentional management is designed to manage conflicts among groups with conflicting interests. Our goal was to ascertain if intentional... more
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      System ManagementEnvironmental SustainabilityComputer SimulationPacific Northwest
J.E. Ayars). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / a g w a t 0378-3774/$ -see front matter #
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      Civil EngineeringSystem ManagementStructural ControlAgricultural Water Management
When applied to a system, the doctrine of successive refinement is a divide-and-conquer strategy. Complex systems are sucessively divided into pieces that are less complex, until they are simple enough to be conquered. This decomposition... more
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      Computational ComplexitySystem ManagementComplex SystemSystem Engineering
Background Active management of the third stage of labour reduces the risk of post-partum haemorrhage. We aimed to assess whether controlled cord traction can be omitted from active management of this stage without increasing the risk of... more
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      International organizationsHealth CareSystem ManagementOxytocin