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      EngineeringSystem DesignSolar EnergyFossil Fuels
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      Human GeographyRoad safetyPublic TransportTransport Geography
CAFE ("Conditional Access for Europe") is an ongoing project in the European Community's ESPRIT program. The goal of CAFE is to develop innovative systems for conditional access, and in particular, digital payment systems. An important... more
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      Mass productionPayment SystemSystem DevelopmentField Trial
Psychophysiological diagnostic and therapeutic methods, to include biofeedback, have been found to be empirically effective in the treatment of a variety of physical disorders. In many areas of the country, however, certified biofeedback... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMedical EthicsTelemedicine
This paper presents and illustrates a reliability analysis method developed with a focus on Controller-Area-Network-based automotive systems. The method considers the effect of faults on schedulability analysis and its impact on the... more
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      EngineeringTiming AnalysisSchedulingDistributed System
Abstract: Regional modeling of subsurface cadmium and zinc transport in a diffusely polluted area in the south of the Netherlands is the subject of this study. The atmospheric deposition of cadmium and zinc was caused by three zinc-ore... more
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      Groundwater modelingReactive transport modelingAtmospheric depositionHeavy Metal
This paper provides a complete framework for thread migration using JPDA. In our framework neither we lose portability nor do we insert any artificial code. The system developed based on our framework needs no extra involvement of... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingSoftware ArchitectureVirtual Machines
Miniaturized, portable instrumentation has been gaining popularity in all areas of analytical chemistry. Capillary electrophoresis (CE), due to its main strengths of high separation efficiency, relatively short analysis time and low... more
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      Analytical ChemistryCapillary electrophoresisPower SupplySystem Development
Conceptual models are used in understanding and communicating the domain of interest during analysis phase of system development. As they are used in early phases, errors and omissions may propagate to later phases and may be very costly... more
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      Computer SoftwareDomain specific languageConceptual ModelSystem Development
Economic measures such as internal rate of return (IRR), net present value 0, and return on investment (ROI) are commonly used in evaluating commercialbased R&D projects. However, such economic measures in their commercial form are of... more
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      EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsMathematical ProgrammingIndustrial Engineering
Location Fingerprinting (LF) is a promising location technique for many awareness applications in pervasive computing. However, as research on LF systems goes beyond basic methods there is an increasing need for better comparison of... more
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      Pervasive ComputingSystem Development
Rising concern over the poor level of blood-pressure (BP) control among hypertensive patients has prompted searches for novel ways of managing hypertension. The objectives of this study were to develop and pilot-test a home BP... more
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      Primary CareClinical TrialCell PhonesSelf Care
As the trend of information dissemination has become more important, the use of mobile communication medium has gained more popularity. Since the number of mobile applications developed had increased tremendously, the technology offers an... more
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      Computer ScienceMobile CommunicationMobile ComputingVisual basic
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been witnessed. This evolution reflects both the increasing maturity of information technology and also the business outlook of firms seeking to use IT for competitive advantage. In this paper we... more
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      Software EngineeringInformation TechnologySupply Chain ManagementProject Management
Filed under MANUALIDADES CON MATERIAL RECICLADO{17 COMENTARIOS} NECESITAREMOS: -Cascaras de naranjas ( mejor si son de piel delgada) -bicarbonato de sodio -Fuente de plastico o vidrio
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      Information SystemsSystem DesignComputer SoftwareSystem Analysis
One of the most important transactions between government and citizens is the taxation. The modernisation efforts of the public sector using information and communication technology (ΙCT) have led to the application of large information... more
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      E GovernmentEvaluationPublic sectorInformation and Communication technology
Extensive field investigations along the Yarlung^Zangbo suture zone in southern Tibet reveal the presence of now fragmented remnants of a south-facing intra-oceanic subduction system. This system developed within Tethys during the... more
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      Earth SciencesCretaceousPhysical sciencesSystem Development
We are witnessing an interesting era in the history of computing and information technology (IT). Computing, telephone and television on the one hand and data, voice and video on the other hand are converging. Internet, the World Wide Web... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness and ManagementUser InvolvementSystem Development
Rapid development methodologies are popular approaches for the development of modern software systems. The goals of these methodologies are the inclusion of the client into the analysis, design and implementation activities, as well as... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceComplex SystemSystem Engineering
Training plays a pivotal role in the manpower development process in organizations. Successful execution of the organizational missions depends on the overall effectiveness of the underlying training programs. The current research is a... more
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    • System Development
Actinic keratosis is an incipient form of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Consequently, actinic keratoses must be treated expeditiously to forestall their downward growth. Several classification schemes have been proposed to better... more
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      Squamous Cell CarcinomaSystem DevelopmentClinical SciencesOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)
... System Using MATLAB/SIMULINK Dr. Jameel Ahmed*, Dr. Bilal A. Alvi**, Zeeshan Ali khan* *NFC Institute of Engineering and Technology, Multan, Pakistan **Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi Email:... more
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      BiochemistryComputer ScienceMolecular BiophysicsEmerging Technologies
Assessment of the economic value of software systems is useful in contexts such as capitalization on the balance sheet and due diligence prior to acquisition. Current accounting practice in determining software value is based on the cost... more
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      Programming LanguagesProductionSoftware DevelopmentCost Accounting
The skill and efficiency of a numerical model mostly varies with the quality of initial values, accuracy on parameterization of physical processes and horizontal and vertical resolution of the model. Commonly used low-resolution... more
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      GeologyEarth System ScienceSystem DevelopmentHigh Resolution
This paper describes how a database design can play an important role for developing practical industrial maintenance system. The good database design will in return give a better information sharing and good system in term of data... more
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      Computer ScienceProductionDecision Support SystemsDatabase Management Systems
Page 1. A Software Instruction Counter JM Mellor-Crummey and TJ LeBlanc Computer Science Department University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 Abstract Although several recent papers have proposed archi-tectural ...
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    • System Development
Direct dating of stone-walled fishtraps has been a methodological challenge in archaeology and is generally considered insurmountable. Dating is usually associative, linking traps to local archaeological sites and geomorphological... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceAustralian Indigenous Archaeology
Scandinavian research projects in system development have traditionally put a strong emphasis on user participation as a strategy for increasing working life democracy. The article analyses a few of these projects with respect to this... more
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      User ParticipationTrade UnionSystem DevelopmentProfessional Practice
This article provides a theoretical and methodological framework for matching, and ultimately the comprehensibility and usability of CPGs. Cognitive methods of analysis can help guideline designers and system the use of cognitive analysis... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSemanticsCognitionComputational Biology
We have developed a novel software program called 'Predict Your Child' that, given photographs of potential parent faces, generates plausible looking children. The parent photographs are imported into a PCA-based model of facial... more
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      MultimediaFace perceptionComputer SoftwareSystem Development
The network model approach for rigid and multi-rigid body systems developed recently [1,2] can also be used conveniently in formulating system equations or equations of motion of three-dimensional mechanical systems of interconnected... more
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      Applied MathematicsDynamic AnalysisMechanical systemsSystem Development
In the semi-arid Horqin Sandy Land of north China, Caragana microphylla , a leguminous shrub, is the dominant plant species and is widely used in vegetation reestablishment programs to stabilize shifting sand. We collected soil samples... more
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      EngineeringEcological EngineeringEarth SciencesDesertification
In this paper, we present an example humanitarian open-source software project that has been used since January 2006 at a small liberal-arts college as an experiment in undergraduate CS education. Sahana (Sinhalese for relief) is a free... more
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      Software EngineeringOpen Source SoftwareSoftware DevelopmentSri Lanka
... Since the pri-mary focus of this research pertains to the project screening process, in which go/no-go decisions are being made early in the acquisition lifecycle, this linear assumption seems appropriate. ... REFERENCES [1] KM... more
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      EngineeringDecision MakingAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessPortfolio Optimization
There appears to be generally a broad consensus that the multidimensional nature and complexity underlying the critical problems of Africa such as poverty, food insecurity and disease urge for integrated and holistic views and approaches... more
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      Social ChangeVeterinary MedicineTransformative LearningReflective Practice
The design of an IS postgraduate curriculum may take as staring point existing model curricula and guidelines. However, the landscape of Information Systems, as well as the needs of the target market continuously changes. Additionally,... more
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      Computer ScienceImprovisationFeminist TheoryKnowledge Management
Efficient and effective response to the requirements of customers is a major performance indicator. Failure to satisfy customer requirements implies operational weaknesses in a company. These weaknesses will damage both the rights of... more
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      Expert SystemsFuzzy InferenceMathematical SciencesFault diagnosis
A procedure for the automatic generation of the robot programming used in manufacturing operations is introduced in the present paper. The off-line programming system developed here includes graphical simulation of the robot and its... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesIndustrial RobotsAdvanced manufacturing technology
In this study, real time monitoring and controlling of an elevator prototype based on PLC is developed. The software of PLC has been improved in Simatic Version 4.0 and the main control interface is also developed in Visual Basic as more... more
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      Control systemVisual basicDc MotorReal Time
This paper presents the design, construction and results of a solar powered incubator and pools for rearing yaca& a specie of the crocodile family, found in notthern Argentina. The desgin was developed by the Research Centre Habitat 8c... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyEndangered SpeciesControl system
An advanced vehicle simulator model called ADVISOR has been developed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to allow system-level analysis and trade-off studies of advanced vehicles. Because of ADVISOR's fast execution speed and the... more
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      Hybrid SystemsHybrid VehicleSimulationPropulsion Systems
Fragile countries score within a half point of non-fragiles on some PEFA dimensions. But more interesting is that both sets of countries score well in some dimensions, like PI 27(iv) which relates to the rules for in-year budget... more
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      Public FinancePublic ManagementFinancial managementPublic Budgeting and Finance
The manufacturing, delivery and support of service contracts in defence aerospace industry require a high financial investment. It is essential that the customer has the financial ability to procure and support the contract from the... more
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      Research MethodologyLiterature ReviewIntelligent ManufacturingCase Study
This paper discusses the requirements for developing Mobile Model-based Bridge Lifecycle Management Systems (MMBLMSs). These new systems should link all the information about the lifecycle stages of a bridge (e.g., construction,... more
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      ManagementCivil EngineeringComputer ScienceDistributed Database
Strontium isotope data indicate that sediments of the Norwest Bend Formation were deposited within a large estuarine system during the Latest Miocene to Early Pliocene (probably N 5 Ma). The Norwest Bend Formation is divisible into two... more
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      GeologyStratigraphyQuaternary GeologyCarbonate Sedimentology
In August 2002, Wärtsilä Corporation and Haldor Topsøe A/S entered into a co-operation agreement to start joint development program within the planar SOFC technology. The development program aims to bring to the market highly efficient,... more
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      EngineeringPower ElectronicsControl systemNatural Gas
Detection of low concentration of air pollution, like cigarette smoke, cooking fumes, etc. is possible with the combination of an air quality sensor and data acquisition system. In present paper is presented approach for design and... more
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      Air QualityAir pollutionAutomatic ControlCarbon Monoxide
Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) can experience difficulties in adopting Information Systems (IS) and aligning them with their strategic development. Using the concept of bricolage, an improvisational approach that allows... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingInformation TechnologyOrganisational Change
A system with potential for middle-ear screening and diagnostic testing was developed for the measurement of wideband energy absorbance ͑EA͒ in the ear canal as a function of air pressure, and tested on adults with normal hearing. Using a... more
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      MultidisciplinaryHearingCalibrationFeasibility Studies
Today Machine Translation (MT) systems are commercially available for a variety of language pairs and in price range, which makes them accessible to the nonprofessionals. Yet there is no standard evaluation for any type of translation... more
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      Machine TranslationArabic LanguageSystem DevelopmentQuality Evaluation