System Biology
Recent papers in System Biology
We report the construction of a genome-wide fish metabolic network model, MetaFishNet, and its application to analyzing high throughput gene expression data. This model is a stepping stone to broader applications of fish systems biology,... more
Background: Cells interact with their environment and they have to react adequately to internal and external changes such changes in nutrient composition, physical properties like temperature or osmolarity and other stresses. More... more
Unlike traditional biological research that focuses on a small set of components, systems biology studies the complex interactions among a large number of genes, proteins, and other elements of biological networks and systems.... more
Motivation: To promote a systems biology approach to understanding the biological effects of environmental stressors, the Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS) knowledge base is being developed to house data from multiple complex... more
Inflammation is a complex, multi-scale biologic response to stress that is also required for repair and regeneration after injury. Despite the repository of detailed data about the cellular and molecular processes involved in... more
Prediction and classification are two very active areas in modern data analysis. In this paper, prediction with nonlinear optimal scaling transformations of the variables is reviewed, and extended to the use of multiple additive... more
This article introduces the finite state projection ͑FSP͒ method for use in the stochastic analysis of chemically reacting systems. One can describe the chemical populations of such systems with probability density vectors that evolve... more
We start by constructing gene-gene association networks based on about 300 genes whose expression values vary between the groups of CFS patients (plus control). Connected components (modules) from these networks are further inspected for... more
Simplified mathematical representation using explicitly computed time delays to maintain instabilities permits the analysis of negative feedback loops like those observed in biological pathways. ABSTRACT | Negative feedback loops are a... more
The recognition that nutrients have the ability to interact and modulate molecular mechanisms underlying an organism's physiological functions has prompted a revolution in the field of nutrition. Performing population-scaled... more
This article reviews machine learning methods for bioinformatics. It presents modelling methods, such as supervised classification, clustering and probabilistic graphical models for knowledge discovery, as well as deterministic and... more
This paper presents a review of imaging techniques and of their utility in system biology. During the last decade systems biology has matured into a distinct field and imaging has been increasingly used to enable the interplay of... more
The medical and pharmaceutical communities are facing a dire need for new druggable targets, while, paradoxically, the targets of some drugs that are in clinical use or development remain elusive. Many compounds have been found to be more... more
A natural shift is taking place in the approaches being adopted by plant scientists in response to the accessibility of systems-based technology platforms. Metabolomics is one such field, which involves a comprehensive non-biased analysis... more
Factor analysis is a general purpose technique for dimension- ality reduction with applications in diverse areas including computer vision, collaborative filtering and computational bi- ology. Sparse factor analysis is a natural extension... more
Dynamic flux balance analysis (DFBA) provides a platform for detailed design, control and optimization of biochemical process technologies. It is a promising modeling framework that combines genome-scale metabolic network analysis with... more
Systems biology, i.e. quantitative, postgenomic, postproteomic, dynamic, multiscale physiology, addresses in an integrative, quantitative manner the shockwave of genetic and proteomic information using computer models that may eventually... more
The feasibility of microalgae production for biodiesel was discussed. Although algae are not yet produced at large scale for bulk applications, there are opportunities to develop this process in a sustainable way. It remains unlikely,... more
This article takes on a perhaps impossible task: not only to reconstruct the core argument of Arthur Peacocke's program in science and religion but also to evaluate it in two major areas where it would seem to be vulnerable, namely, more... more
RNA processing is a tightly regulated and highly complex pathway which includes transcription, splicing, editing, transportation, translation and degradation. It has been well-documented that splicing of RNA polymerase II medicated... more
Metabolomics being the most recently introduced "omic" analytical platform is currently at its development phase. For the metabolomics to be broadly deployed to biological and clinical research and practice, issues regarding data... more
Extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (eFAST) Agent-based model (ABM) Sensitivity index Monte Carlo methods Aleatory uncertainty Epistemic uncertainty a b s t r a c t Accuracy of results from mathematical and computer models of... more
The thyroid, the largest gland in the endocrine system, secretes hormones that help promote bodily growth and development. This gland regulates hormonal secretion rate in spite of changes in dietary iodine which is a key ingredient in the... more
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have a long tradition of use in the food industry, and the number and diversity of their applications has increased considerably over the years. Traditionally, process optimization for these applications... more
Predictive microbiology Model building Strategic research Enabling technology Value analysis Modelling food and other ecosystems Microbial persistence and recovery This paper considers the future of predictive microbiology by exploring... more
Micro-and nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS)-based drug delivery devices have become commercially-feasible due to converging technologies and regulatory accommodation. The FDA Office of Combination Products coordinates review... more
This article reviews machine learning methods for bioinformatics. It presents modelling methods, such as supervised classification, clustering and probabilistic graphical models for knowledge discovery, as well as deterministic and... more
To understand biology at the system level, we must examine the structure and dynamics of cellular and organismal function, rather than the characteristics of isolated parts of a cell or organism. Properties of systems, such as robustness,... more
Big data biology—bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology (including ‘omics’), and synthetic biology—raises a number of issues for the philosophy of science. This article deals with several such: Is data-intensive biology a... more
This article reviews machine learning methods for bioinformatics. It presents modelling methods, such as supervised classification, clustering and probabilistic graphical models for knowledge discovery, as well as deterministic and... more
The gut microbiome is the term given to describe the vast collection of symbiotic microorganisms in the human gastrointestinal system and their collective interacting genomes. Recent studies have suggested that the gut microbiome performs... more
Modelers of molecular signaling networks must cope with the combinatorial explosion of protein states generated by posttranslational modifications and complex formation. Rule-based models provide a powerful alternative to approaches that... more
The availability of easily programmable manycore CPUs and GPUs has motivated investigations into how to best exploit their tremendous computational power for scientific computing. Here we demonstrate how a systems biology... more
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Gut microbiota LPS Obesity/type 2 diabetes Gut permeability Inflammation Endocannabinoid system Obesity, type-2 diabetes and low-grade inflammation are becoming worldwide epidemics. In this... more
DNA microarrays are frequently used to study transcriptome regulation in a wide variety of organisms. Although they are an invaluable tool for the acquisition of large scale dataset in plant systems biology, a number of surprising results... more