The central motivator for Hafez al-Assad was sheer survival, given the endemic state weakness of Syria. To maintain control over his fragile, exclusivist regime, he pursued a strategy corresponding to the concept of ‘authoritarian... more
Türkiye’nin sınır aşan su kaynakları arasında yer alan Fırat, Dicle ve Asi akarsularından elde edilen suların paylaşımı, 1960’lı yıllardan itibaren Türkiye ile Suriye arasında krizlere yol açan en önemli meselelerden biri olmuştur. Su... more
This article analyzes foreign policy behaviors of Syria under Bashar al-Assad in times of three crises: the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, Syria's withdrawal from Lebanon in 2005 and the outbreak of Arab Spring in 2011. These three... more
Local and Collective Models of Justice Comrade Fand 181 Comrade Fand (born Yusuf Salman Yusuf) built the Iraqi Communist Party into a popular, nationwide organization in the 1940s, before he was executed in 1949. The party still honors... more
The early 20 th century witnessed the ideological triumph of Arab nationalism and pan-Ara-bism in the Middle East with the cultural and literary renaissance that rose in the region leading to a collective consciousness as to the Arab... more
Questo elaborato mira a chiarire le relazioni politiche ed economiche della repubblica araba di Siria e della Comunità Economica Europea nel contesto politico ed economico del Medio Oriente con particolare attenzione al contesto della... more
After a troubled decade, Vladimir Putin ascended in 2000 to the presidency of the Russian Federation with the intention to restore its lost great power status, as a consequence of the end of the Cold War and the dismantling of the USSR... more
2017 was a watershed in the evolution of the prolonged Syrian conflict, as Russia has led vigorous moves to garner the support of both Iran and Turkey, the two most influential parties in the internal Syrian equation from its point of... more
International parties that intervened in the crisis in Syria seek to perpetuate the Turkish-Kurdish conflicts to drain Ankara’s military power and curb its influence in the country. The aim is to exclude Ankara from equations for sharing... more
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During the onslaught of the Islamic caliphate on Kobanî, Syria, media outlets across the globe broadcast pictures of brave and often unveiled Kurdish women fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a quintessentially male... more
Draft for a course on the modern history and politics of Syria and Iraq
A temática que se propõe abordar ao longo deste exercício prende-se com a necessidade de responder às razões que levam a Rússia a defender o regime de Bashar Al-Assad e qual o impacto que isso teve até aqui no desenrolar do... more
Syrian Foreign Policy: From Independence to the Baathist Coup, 1946-1963, Ankara, Orion Press, 2014.
In Turkey, it is obvious that there has been a huge academic gap in Syrian studies and scholars dealing with Syrian politics and foreign policy generally do not go over the pre-Baath period. The main objective of this book is to analyze a... more
Je dédie ce travail ; À mes parents qui ont toujours été là pour moi. À ma soeur et mon frère : Laura et Grégory. À mes meilleurs amis : Axelle, Marc, Stefan, Aydin, Ricardo, Christian, et Simon.