Synthetic Voice

19 papers
AI Powered
Synthetic voice refers to artificially generated speech produced by computer algorithms and software, utilizing techniques such as text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis. It aims to replicate human vocal characteristics and intonation, enabling machines to communicate verbally in a natural-sounding manner.
We present an overview of voice AI applied to podcasting to determine whether the current technological offerings pose a threat to audio professionals' jobs, particularly for voice-over artists. To this end, we analyze the main software... more
What if a computer, or a machine, teaches us to sing or talk? This photo essay (accompanied by audio files posted on the journal's blog) presents the work undertaken, as part of a practice-as-research PhD, to train in sounding like an... more
The voice is one of the radio news reader's most important resources when conveying messages. Con trolling the voice, through the proper use of prosodic features as the main tool for transmitting the ex plicit content of a text, provides... more
Studies in different languages have identified a broadcast speaking style, a particular manner that broadcasters have of reading news. This speaking style is characterized by an emphatic intonation with a fast speech rate easily... more
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0xUnported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work... more
Comment la crise de l'enseignement du français conduit de la querelle du complément d'objet au défis de l'IA.
Perceived charisma is an important success factor in professional life. However, women are worse than men in conveying physical charisma signals while at the same time having to perform better than men in order to be perceived equally... more
Historical krypto devices Enigma and Nema
A leader's charisma is conveyed by various multiple aspects of his perceivable behavior among which the acousticprosodic characteristics of speech. We present here a study on the perception of charisma in political speech that aims to... more
A leader's charisma is conveyed by various multiple aspects of his perceivable behavior among which the acousticprosodic characteristics of speech. We present here a study on the perception of charisma in political speech that aims to... more
A leader's charisma is conveyed by various multiple aspects of his perceivable behavior among which the acousticprosodic characteristics of speech. We present here a study on the perception of charisma in political speech that aims to... more
Informed by my first six months of doctoral research, this paper offers a topography of virtual influencers that at once acknowledges their continuation of and breaking with the precedents of a lineage of “virtual beings” who have... more
Rosario Signorello, Francesca d'Errico, Isabella Poggi, Didier Demolin. How charisma is perceived from speech. A multidimensional approach.
Many users are exposed every day to artificial voices in their different devices. Because of this, there is a growing interest both in improving the quality of these voices and in analyzing how they are perceived and processed. However,... more
Cet article dresse un bilan des travaux et expérimentations illustrant les avancées dans le domaine de l'usage de technologies de synthèse vocale pour l'apprentissage de l'écrit. Travailler ou retravailler son écrit, en ayant la... more
The charisma of the leader is conveyed through multiple aspects: his ideas and vision and his perceivable verbal and non verbal behaviors. Among these perceivable behaviors there are the acoustic characteristics of speech. We present here... more
IN MEMORIAM La présente réédition du dernier cours de maîtrise de Jacques Teyssier pour le Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Psychomécanique du Langage de Juin 2015 à Québec, Université Laval se veut être un hommage à un... more
L'étude a pour but de mettre en relief le rôle syntactico-sémantique de la joncture et de la jonction, comme deux phénomènes phoniques, à la compréhension de l'énoncé français et à en préciser le contenu. On a donc analysé l'influence... more
In this paper, the phenomenon of virtual idol Hatsune Miku will be analyzed in the context of critical theory, emerging technologies, and theory of digital art practices. The first part focuses on the phenomenon of the virtual celebrity... more
Cette grammaire de 301 pages et de 153 153 mots (dixit Word) fut commandée par un éditeur pour le public des étudiants préparant le CAPES ou l’Agrégation, ainsi que les professeurs du secondaire. Il ne fut pas publié. Un autre éditeur... more
Jackendoff a beaucoup travaillé sur la musique, mais n’a jamais saisi la différence entre musique et langage, même s’il a atteint la conclusion que l’on ne pouvait pas appliquer l’axiomatique générativiste à la musique. C’est qu’il a... more
RÉFÉRENCES ———, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1999 Africa, Frank, in Mumia, Abu-Jamal, 1995 Alex, T.S., Mind Mine, recueil de poésies autoédité, San... more