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Comparing photosynthetic and photovoltaic efficiencies is not a simple issue. Although both processes harvest the energy in sunlight, they operate in distinctly different ways and produce different types of products: biomass or chemical... more
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      Synthetic BiologyHydrogenPhotosynthesisBiomass
Despite their name, synonymous mutations have significant consequences for cellular processes in all taxa. As a result, an understanding of codon bias is central to fields as diverse as molecular
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      GeneticsSynthetic BiologyMolecular EvolutionGene expression
The circuit-like connectivity of biological parts and their ability to collectively process logical operations was first appreciated nearly 50 years ago 1 . This inspired attempts to describe biological regulation schemes with... more
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      GeneticsSynthetic BiologyBiotechnologyPharmaceutical Technology
Synthetic biology has the potential to transform how we interact with our environment and how we approach human health. Conventional genetic engineering approaches for solving complex problems typically focus on tweaking one or a few... more
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      EngineeringGeneticsSynthetic BiologyBiotechnology
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      Tissue EngineeringSynthetic BiologyFluorescencePattern Formation
Synthetic biologists engineer complex artificial biological systems to investigate natural biological phenomena and for a variety of applications. We outline the basic features of synthetic biology as a new engineering discipline,... more
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      EngineeringSynthetic BiologySystems BiologyDirected evolution
Mycoplasma genitalium has the smallest genome of any organism that can be grown in pure culture. It has a minimal metabolism and little genomic redundancy. Consequently, its genome is expected to be a close approximation to the minimal... more
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      Synthetic BiologyMultidisciplinaryMutationMycoplasma Genitalium
Symbolic regression and modeling are tightly linked in many Bioinformatics, Systems and Synthetic Biology problems. In this paper we briefly overview two problems, and the approaches we have use to tackle them, that can be deemed to... more
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      GeneticsTechnologyData MiningEvolutionary Computation
Very well into the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0), humankind can hardly distinguish between what is artificial and what is natural (e.g., man-made virus and natural virus). us, the level of discombobulation among... more
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceSynthetic BiologyModeling and Simulation
Computation can be performed in living cells by DNA-encoded circuits that process sensory information and control biological functions. Their construction is time-intensive, requiring manual part assembly and balancing of regulator... more
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      AlgorithmsProgramming LanguagesSynthetic BiologyBiotechnology
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      Synthetic BiologyScienceMultidisciplinaryGenetic Engineering
transcription activator-like effectors (tales) are a class of naturally occurring Dna-binding proteins found in the plant pathogen Xanthomonas sp. the Dna-binding domain of each tale consists of tandem 34-amino acid repeat modules that... more
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      GenomicsSynthetic BiologyTranscription FactorsGenetic Engineering
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      GeneticsSynthetic BiologyBiotechnologyScience
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      Synthetic BiologyRNAHydrogenScience
We have constructed a synthetic ecosystem consisting of two Escherichia coli populations, which communicate bi-directionally through quorum sensing and regulate each other's gene expression and survival via engineered gene circuits. Our... more
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      MicrofluidicsSynthetic BiologySystems BiologyPopulation Dynamics
Living cells display complex signal processing behaviors, many of which are mediated by networks of proteins specialized for signal transduction. Here we focus on the question of how the remarkably diverse array of eukaryotic signaling... more
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      BiochemistrySynthetic BiologyCell SignalingSignal Transduction
Antimicrobial drug development is increasingly lagging behind the evolution of antibiotic resistance, and as a result, there is a pressing need for new antibacterial therapies that can be readily designed and implemented. In this work, we... more
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      Synthetic BiologyBacteriophagesSurvival AnalysisDrug development
Many compounds being considered as candidates for advanced biofuels are toxic to microorganisms. This introduces an undesirable trade-off when engineering metabolic pathways for biofuel production because the engineered microbes must... more
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      Synthetic BiologyComputational BiologyGenetic EngineeringBiofuels
Rapid advances in DNA synthesis techniques have made it possible to engineer viruses, biochemical pathways and assemble bacterial genomes. Here, we report the synthesis of a functional 272,871-base pair designer eukaryotic chromosome,... more
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      Synthetic BiologyScienceMultidisciplinarySaccharomyces cerevisiae
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyNatural Language Processing
One of the important challenges in the emerging field of synthetic biology is designing artificial networks that achieve coordinated behavior in cell communities. Here we present a synthetic multicellular bacterial system where receiver... more
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      Synthetic BiologyGene regulationCell SignalingGene expression
Cooperative interactions are key to diverse biological phenomena ranging from multicellularity to mutualism. Such diversity makes the ability to create and control cooperation desirable for potential applications in areas as varied as... more
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      GeneticsCollective BehaviorSynthetic BiologySymbiosis
Background: Biosafety is a key aspect in the international Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition, which offers student teams an amazing opportunity to pursue their own research projects in the field of Synthetic Biology. iGEM... more
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      Synthetic BiologyGMO BiosafetyIGEMAuxotrophs
Systems biology approaches are extensively used to model and reverse engineer gene regulatory networks from experimental data. Conversely, synthetic biology allows ''de novo'' construction of a regulatory network to seed new functions in... more
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      Synthetic BiologyComputational BiologyGene regulationTime Series
Evidence is growing that the gut microbiota modulates the host response to chemotherapeutic drugs, with three main clinical outcomes: facilitation of drug efficacy; abrogation and compromise of anticancer effects; and mediation of... more
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      Synthetic BiologyProbioticsBiomarkersForecasting
These authors contributed equally to this work.
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      GeneticsSynthetic BiologyLiquid CrystalsArsenic
The engineering of mechanical, electrical and chemical systems is enabled by well-established frameworks for handling complexity, reliable means of probing and manipulating system states and the use of testing platforms-tools that are... more
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      GeneticsMolecular BiologySynthetic BiologyForecasting
Background: Direct synthesis of genes is rapidly becoming the most efficient way to make functional genetic constructs and enables applications such as codon optimization, RNAi resistant genes and protein engineering. Here we introduce a... more
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      GeneticsSynthetic BiologySystems BiologyComputer Aided Design
We give a description of a Petri net-based framework for modelling and analysing biochemical pathways, which unifies the qualitative, stochastic and continuous paradigms. Each perspective adds its contribution to the understanding of the... more
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      Synthetic BiologySignal Transduction Pathway ModelsPetri Net
Synthetic biology is interpreted as the engineering-driven building of increasingly complex biological entities for novel applications. Encouraged by progress in the design of artificial gene networks, de novo DNA synthesis and protein... more
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      EngineeringBioinformaticsSynthetic BiologyComputational Biology
modular and orthogonal genetic logic gates are essential for building robust biologically based digital devices to customize cell signalling in synthetic biology. Here we constructed an orthogonal AnD gate in Escherichia coli using a... more
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      GeneticsSynthetic BiologyBiological ControlMultidisciplinary
Recent advances in DNA synthesis technology have enabled the construction of novel genetic pathways and genomic elements, furthering our understanding of system-level phenomena. The ability to synthesize large segments of DNA allows the... more
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      GeneticsSynthetic BiologyMultidisciplinaryNature
Metabolic engineering for the overproduction of high-value small molecules is dependent upon techniques in directed evolution to improve production titers. The majority of small molecules targeted for overproduction are inconspicuous and... more
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      BiochemistryColorimetrySynthetic BiologyBiosensors
Wire connections to promoter REs GOI Trans. initiation complex Pol II Tuning trans. output OUTPUT OUTPUT Operate cooperatively with other TFs Integrate input signals Specify trans. I/O relationship TF Core promoter Upstream REs TF INPUT... more
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      Synthetic BiologyTranscription FactorsBiological SciencesSaccharomyces cerevisiae
One of the major objectives that bottom-up Synthetic Biology shares with Chemical Biology is to engineer extant biological molecules to implement novel functionalities in living systems. Proteins, due to their astonishing structural and... more
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      Synthetic BiologyProtein FoldingProtein EngineeringAmyloid
The chemical properties and diversity of volatile isoprenoids lends them to a broad variety of biological roles. It also lends them to a host of biotechnological applications, both by taking advantage of their natural functions and by... more
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      Synthetic BiologyBiotechnologySystems BiologyMetabolic Engineering
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      Synthetic BiologySymbiosisBiologyProtein Engineering
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      GeneticsSynthetic BiologyScienceCentromere Biology
Synthetic Biology requires efficient and versatile DNA assembly systems to facilitate the building of new genetic modules/ pathways from basic DNA parts in a standardized way. Here we present GoldenBraid (GB), a standardized assembly... more
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The ability to logically engineer novel cellular functions promises a deeper understanding of biological systems. Here we demonstrate the rational design of cellular memory in yeast that employs autoregulatory transcriptional positive... more
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      Research DesignSynthetic BiologyGene expressionBiological Sciences
Isoprenoid secondary metabolites are a rich source of commercial products that have not been fully explored. At present, there are isoprenoid products used in cancer therapy, the treatment of infectious diseases, and crop protection. All... more
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      Synthetic BiologyMetabolic EngineeringMultidisciplinaryGenetic Engineering
Miniature Curved Articial Compound Eyes I ertile pulished in PHIQ in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)D IIHX WPTUEWPUPF euthorsX hrio plorenoD mon erietEgmrD téphne iolletD prnk u0erD... more
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      RoboticsSynthetic BiologyBiomimeticsMotion perception
In this review, we address recent advances made in pathway engineering, directed evolution, and systems/ synthetic biology approaches employed in the production and modification of flavonoids from microbial cells. The review is divided... more
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      Synthetic BiologySystems BiologyApplied microbiologyGenetic Engineering
Citation: Deming D, Sheahan T, Heise M, Yount B, Davis N, et al. (2006) Vaccine efficacy in senescent mice challenged with recombinant SARS-CoV bearing epidemic and zoonotic spike variants. PLoS Med 3(12): e525.
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      Synthetic BiologyAgingTreatment OutcomeZoonoses
A highly desired part of the synthetic biology toolbox is an embedded chemical microcontroller, capable of autonomously following a logic program specified by a set of instructions, and interacting with its cellular environment.... more
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      Synthetic BiologyNatural ComputingChemical KineticsComputer Software
Defining prospective pathways by which zoonoses evolve and emerge as human pathogens is critical for anticipating and controlling both natural and deliberate pandemics. However, predicting tenable pathways of animal-to-human movement has... more
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      GeneticsSynthetic BiologyPublic HealthZoonoses
RNA is involved in a wide-range of important molecular processes in the cell, serving diverse functions: regulatory, enzymatic, and structural. Together with its ease and predictability of design, this lends it to become a useful handle... more
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      BioengineeringSynthetic BiologyRNA biology
The biggest challenge for modern biology is to integrate multidisciplinary approaches towards understanding the organizational and functional complexity of biological systems at different hierarchies, starting from the subcellular... more
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      GenomicsSynthetic BiologyPlant BiologyExperimental Botany
Over the past decade, synthetic biology has emerged as an engineering discipline for biological systems. Compared with other substrates, biology poses a unique set of engineering challenges resulting from an incomplete understanding of... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringTissue EngineeringSynthetic BiologyModeling
Development of cheap, high-throughput, and reliable gene synthesis methods will broadly stimulate progress in biology and biotechnology 1 . Currently, the reliance on column-synthesized oligonucleotides as a source of DNA limits further... more
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      Synthetic BiologyMultidisciplinaryDNANucleic acid hybridization