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Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties... more
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      Synthetic BiologyBiologySocial EvolutionHorizontal Gene Transfer
M obile genetic elements in bacteria are enriched in genes participating in social behaviors, suggesting an evolutionary link between gene mobility and social evolution. Cooperative behaviors, like the production of secreted public good... more
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      Synthetic BiologyBiologySocial EvolutionHorizontal Gene Transfer
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      Synthetic BiologyPolitical ScienceBiotechnologies
El transhumanismo es uno de los movimientos filosóficos y culturales que más atención ha atraído en los últimos años. Preconiza el uso libre de la tecnología para el mejoramiento del ser humano, tanto en sus capacidades físicas, como en... more
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      Synthetic BiologyTranshumanismHuman EnhancementTranshumanism/Posthumanism
Using comparative genomics and functional analysis, this work summarises how the cell's genome is organised, with emphasis on the importance of the cell's chassis. Some discrete but important engineering constraints are reviewed,... more
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      GenomicsSynthetic BiologyCellsBiochemistry and cell biology
Synthetic biology is an emerging field that strives to build increasingly complex biological networks through the integration of molecular biology and engineering. The growth of the field has been supported by progress in the design and... more
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      GeneticsMolecular BiologyComputational ModelingSynthetic Biology
This paper will review the current state of both biological and non-biological nanotechnology and will predict the near future of this technology using physical and economic forecasting methods. Nanotechnology is defined as the precise... more
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      EconomicsMolecular BiologySynthetic BiologyGene Therapy
Wire connections to promoter REs GOI Trans. initiation complex Pol II Tuning trans. output OUTPUT OUTPUT Operate cooperatively with other TFs Integrate input signals Specify trans. I/O relationship TF Core promoter Upstream REs TF INPUT... more
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      Synthetic BiologyTranscription FactorsBiological SciencesSaccharomyces cerevisiae
Metabolic engineering can be used to modulate endogenous metabolic pathways in plants or introduce new metabolic capabilities in order to increase the production of a desirable compound or reduce the accumulation of an undesirable one. In... more
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      Developmental BiologySynthetic BiologyBiotechnologyMetabolic Engineering
We propose the term ''synthetic tissue biology'' to describe the use of engineered tissues to form biological systems with metazoan-like complexity. The increasing maturity of tissue engineering is beginning to render this goal... more
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      Developmental BiologyTissue EngineeringRegenerationSynthetic Biology
Housed in the Canadian Pavillion in the Giardini in Venice during the 2010 Architecture Biennale, the Hylozoic Ground project provided visitors with the unique experience of interacting with a responsive and 'live' textile matrix. Philip... more
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      Synthetic BiologySmart TextileTextile EngineeringVenice Biennale
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      ArchitectureInstallation ArtContemporary ArtPosthumanism
Computational protein design (CPD) has established itself as a leading field in basic and applied science with a strong coupling between the two. Proteins are computationally designed from the level of amino acids to the level of a... more
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      Synthetic BiologyStructural BioinformaticsProtein Structure and FunctionProtein Design
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      ArchitectureTissue EngineeringSynthetic BiologyArchitectural Design
Background: Since publication in 1977 of plasmid pBR322, many breakthroughs in Biology have depended on increasingly sophisticated vector platforms for analysis and engineering of given bacterial strains. Although restriction sites impose... more
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      GeneticsSynthetic BiologyGenetic EngineeringBiological Sciences
In March 2015 Allahyari & Rourke released The 3D Additivist Manifesto, a call to push creative technologies to their absolute limits and beyond into the realm of the speculative, the provocative and the weird. The 3D printer is a... more
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      EngineeringChemistryDesignCyborg Theory
We designed and synthesized a 976,067-base pair linear chromosome, synXII, based on native chromosome XII in Saccharomyces cerevisiae SynXII was assembled using a two-step method, specified by successive megachunk integration and meiotic... more
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      Synthetic BiologyScienceBiologyMedicine
Vanillin is a popular and valuable flavour compound. It is the key constituent of the natural vanilla flavour obtained from cured vanilla pods. Here we show that a single hydratase/lyase type enzyme designated vanillin synthase (VpVAN)... more
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      BiochemistrySynthetic BiologyMultidisciplinaryBiocatalysis
Complex cellular networks regulate metabolism, environmental adaptation, and phenotypic changes in biological systems. Among the elements forming regulatory networks in bacteria are regulatory proteins such as transcription factors, which... more
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      AlgorithmsSynthetic BiologyTranscription RegulationTranscription Factors
A brief workshop paper on risks presented by synthetic biology and our ethical responsibility to control such risks.
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      EthicsBioethicsSynthetic BiologyRisk Management
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      BioethicsSynthetic BiologyComputer NetworksTechnology Assessment
Synthetic biology is a diverse jungle of techno-epistemic approaches arising from a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. However, the field is also seeking to promote a unique identity along a disciplinary framework, and its... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of TechnologySociology of KnowledgeSynthetic Biology
BACKGROUND: In spite of its indusrial usefulness and varied daily uses, lead (Pb) pollution is a widespread ecological problem that faces the humans in the 21th century. Pb was found to produces a wide range of toxic effects including... more
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
Ar mes galime išvysti materiją – tokią, kokia ji pasirodo iš tikrųjų? Didelę galią suteikiančios technologijos išlaisvina ir aistringai optimistines, ir kritiškai pesimistines fantazijas, o materijos klausimas iškyla kaip hibridinės... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy of ScienceContemporary Art
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      Cyborg TheoryArchitectureInstallation ArtContemporary Art
Synthetic biology is a rapidly expanding discipline at the interface between engineering and biology. Much research in this area has focused on gene regulatory networks that function as biological switches and oscillators. Here we review... more
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      GeneticsSynthetic BiologyComputational BiologyMultidisciplinary
Overexpression of genes in production pathways and permanent knockout of genes in competing pathways are often employed to improve production titer and yield in metabolic engineering. However, the deletion of a pathway responsible for... more
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      Synthetic BiologyMetabolic EngineeringGenetic Circuits
In this paper I track 3D printed bacterially-infused materials in which microbes live and reproduce — selected and nurtured — to carryout biochemically-controlled tasks intended to mitigate the ravages of climate change. As architecture... more
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      ArchitectureClimate ChangeSynthetic BiologyAdaptation to Climate Change
Faced with an obsessive questioning about the nature of life, art has tried to understand and recreate the living, developing the myth of “vivification” and a fascination with the staging of the living. Having always sought to imagine,... more
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      New MediaAnimationContemporary ArtSynthetic Biology
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      Synthetic BiologyPlant BiologyNeurobiologyPhytochrome
In May 2010, scientists at the J. Craig Venter Institute created the first artificially synthesized cell . This cell was constructed by inserting the genome from the bacterium Mycoplasma mycoides into the cell of the bacterium Mycoplasma... more
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      BioethicsSynthetic BiologyCase StudiesEnvironmental Ethics
Most of the articles in this volume involve biosafety and biosecurity and strict biosafety and laboratory biosecurity protocols and whether current standards sufficiently assure the safety of both the public and the overall ecosystem.... more
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      Synthetic BiologyEmerging Infectious DiseasesMosquitoes and Mosquito-borne diseasesMosquito Control
Biologists increasingly use marketing strategies to promote their results, obtain funding, and influence decisionmakers, but this development can compromise public perceptions of their objectivity and prevent the effective communication... more
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      JournalismScience CommunicationScience PolicySynthetic Biology
The ‘revolution’ in synthetic biology has generated widespread concern among security experts. While both bioweapons and genome editing are by no means new, significant developments in biotechnology over the last two decades have made... more
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      Synthetic BiologyInternational SecurityWeapons of Mass DestructionBiological Weapons
English Abstract: "Current status of ethical discussions surrounding synthetic biology" (chapter 7; Johannes Achatz, Martin O’Malley, Peter Kunzmann) In their contribution, Johannes Achatz, Martin O’Malley and Peter Kunzmann describe the... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy of TechnologyApplied EthicsBioethics
Computation can be performed in living cells by DNA-encoded circuits that process sensory information and control biological functions. Their construction is time-intensive, requiring manual part assembly and balancing of regulator... more
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      AlgorithmsProgramming LanguagesSynthetic BiologyBiotechnology
Original at: Proposing that nature is pervasive and that metabolic architectures are embedded in nature, I situate texts and theory as responses to techniques/methods for operational and research... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceArchitectureClimate ChangeDigital Fabrication
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
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    • Synthetic Biology
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      Human Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyBiological Anthropology
Transgenic technology has the potential of medical therapy, but it raises questions about these issues:• creation of new life forms and crossing species boundaries• long-term effects on human health and the environment• blending of... more
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      Animal EthicsSynthetic BiologyPersonhoodGenetic Engineering
As a non-visual mode of communication, body odour plays a significant role in perceptions of self-identity, the identification of others and the social and psychological aspects of interpersonal exchange. What is more, it is a reflection... more
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      Synthetic BiologyEmbodimentPerfumePerformance Art
Introduction. IL-7R is a heterodimer constituted by the IL-7R alpha (a) chain (CD127) and the common gamma (g) chain (CD132). IL-7 binding to IL-7R expressed on CD4+ T cells induces a survival signal. The IL-7/IL-7R signalling axis has... more
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      Synthetic BiologyProtein EngineeringAutoimmune diseases
Big data biology—bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology (including ‘omics’), and synthetic biology—raises a number of issues for the philosophy of science. This article deals with several such: Is data-intensive biology a... more
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      EngineeringPhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceInformatics
It has become customary to conceptualize the living cell as an intricate piece of machinery, different to a man-made machine only in terms of its superior complexity. This familiar understanding grounds the conviction that a cell's... more
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      BioengineeringPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologyMolecular Biology
The creation of lifelike appearances is an ever-recurring feature in art. But while art-historical approaches to ‘aliveness’ or ‘enlivenment’ are traditionally occupied with the content and status of images, thus addressing the... more
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      Art HistoryImage ScienceContemporary ArtExperimental Media Arts
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    • Synthetic Biology
Completed as part of my Biological Arts Masters Thesis with SymbioticA.
Explores the ethics of 'Playing God' in light of the opportunities and risks synthetic biology presents to us.
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      Philosophical TheologyVirtue EthicsSynthetic BiologyEcology
In 2010, the Venter lab announced that it had created the first bacterium with an entirely synthetic genome. This was reported to be the first instance of ‘artificial life,’ and in the ethical and policy discussions that followed it was... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy of BiologyApplied EthicsBioethics