A comparative literature review is carried out on the topic of pronominal reference, looking specifically at pronoun gender agreement. Theoretical (Audring 2013, Josefsson 2006) and empirical accounts (Hammer et al. 2005, Dong et al.... more
The aim of this article is to apply the framework of the Layered Structure of the Word (LSW) to the derivational paradigm of Old English HRĒOW, thus contributing to the debate over morphology in structural-functional models of language... more
This paper offers the initial design for a functional theory of morphology and addresses the question of how much unification or separation of domains and units is required in such a theory. Given that morphology is largely driven by... more
This paper argues that there is a one-to-one mapping between the syntax of a causal clause and its semantic type. A causal central adverbial clause (CAC) is base-generated inside its licensing clause in a deep position and refers to a... more
Diese Studie zur Struktur, Bedeutung und kommunikativen Funktion von Frageausdrücken und anderen zum Vollzug von Fragehandlungen geeigneten Formulierungen des Deutschen wurde im August 1980 der Philosophischen Fakultät für Sprach-und... more
This paper argues that there is a one-to-one mapping between the syntax of a causal clause and its semantic type. A causal central adverbial clause (CAC) is base-generated inside its licensing clause in a deep position and refers to a... more