Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt den Versuch dar, aus der detaillierten und systematischen Beschreibung der syntaktischen, semantischen und pragmatischen Eigenschaften von Satzen mit Verbzweitstellung (V2) , die alternativ zu durch „weil“... more
Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist eine möglichst informelle semantische Analyse der Plural-Mehrdeutigkeiten. Sütze, in denen pluralische Nominalphrasen (im folgenden PNP) auftreten, können bekanntlich mehrdeutig (ambig) sein, d.h. gleichzeitig... more
The paper adopts and further elaborates on the distinction between comparative concepts (CC) and descriptive categories (DC) by proposing a partly new definition of the parts of speech (PoS), and uses that definition to provide a new... more
In Construction Morphology (CM), a compound is treated as a construction at the word level with a systematic correlation between its form and meaning, in the sense that any change in the form is accompanied by a change in the meaning.... more
This article explores the use of affix-like elements of dubious status in word formation and proposes an analysis within Functional Discourse Grammar (Hengeveld and Mackenzie 2008.
This article offers an overview of zero derivation in Old English, a description of the vocalic alternations that hold between zero derived nouns, adjectives and weak verbs and their bases of derivation as well as an account of the... more
wird als n-stellige Relation bezeichnet. Eine Menge R ⊆ M × M heißt binäre Relation auf M. Statt (x, y) ∈ R schreibt man auch xRy. Eine 1-stellige Relation ist eine Menge, und zwar eine Teilmenge von M 1 .
El procesamiento del lenguaje involucra fenómenos de índole enteramente distinta que, sin embargo, se integran necesariamente para constituir una unidad de sentido. Propiedades fonológicas, sintácticas, semánticas y pragmáticas se acoplan... more
The traditional observation that Chinese wh-arguments do not exhibit wh-island effects may be only apparent. With new evidence from “how-many” phrases, it is demonstrated that Chinese has wh-island effects even with wh-arguments. What... more
This paper argues that there is a one-to-one mapping between the syntax of a causal clause and its semantic type. A causal central adverbial clause (CAC) is base-generated inside its licensing clause in a deep position and refers to a... more
The Sumarorong language is one of the Toraja languages in the Mamasa Regency, it is assumed to have the same variety of Simbuang language in the Tana Toraja. The phenomenal thing about this language is found in the varied morphological... more
The traditional observation that Chinese wh-arguments do not exhibit wh-island effects may be only apparent. With new evidence from “how-many” phrases, it is demonstrated that Chinese has wh-island effects even with wh-arguments. What... more
Vocabulary is a fundamental aspect of language learning, and acquiring a rich vocabulary is essential for achieving fluency in the target language (TL). Morphology, the study of word formation, plays a critical role in building... more
The Sumarorong language is one of the Toraja languages in the Mamasa Regency, it is assumed to have the same variety of Simbuang language in the Tana Toraja. The phenomenal thing about this language is found in the varied morphological... more
Tae’ language as a communication tool of Luwu society has several linguistic devices that have different functions. Linguistics devices are phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. On this occasion, the author focuses on two... more
The subject of the paper contains hashtags which were collected on Twitter social networking website. This study aims to carry out a morphological analysis of hashtags on Twitter. In order to achieve it three objectives were set: to... more
In Germanic languages the linking morpheme, like the ·s· in Afrikaans seun·s·naam ‘boy’s name’, or ·en· in Dutch pann·en·koek ‘pancake’ is quite common. This word element has been the topic of discussion in the past, with no definite... more
Als Teil der Linguistik untersucht die Computerlinguistik Sprache mit Hilfe linguistischer und informationstechnischer Verfahren. Die Vorgehensweise bei der Untersuchung des Problems "Sprache" orientiert sich an den in den klassischen... more
In this research, we use machine learning techniques to provide solutions for descriptive linguists in the domain of language standardization. With regard to the personal name construction in Afrikaans, we perform function learning from... more
The traditional observation that Chinese wh-arguments do not exhibit wh-island effects may be only apparent. With new evidence from “how-many” phrases, it is demonstrated that Chinese has wh-island effects even with wh-arguments. What... more
This paper examines the interaction between negation and some expressions of bouletic modality. Whereas most other types of modals may scope below negation, expressions of bouletic modality in the form of hortative and optative markers... more
The purpose of these introductory remarks is to complement the following case studies by Ferenc Kiefer on majd 'later (on), sooner or later', Attila Péteri on hadd 'let', and Ildikó Vaskó on persze 'of course'. What we will do is sketch a... more
Diskussion von: Daniel Vanderveken "Meaning and Speech Acts", vol. I: "Principles of Language Use", vol. II: "Formal Semantics of Success and Satisfaction", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1990, 1991
Tae’ language as a communication tool of Luwu society has several linguistic devices that have different functions. Linguistics devices are phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. On this occasion, the author focuses on two... more
This paper aims to investigate the pragmatics of pre-posing a subordinate clause from a relevance-theoretic perspective. In order to pursue this investigation, it initially looks into the case of Modern Greek (MG) causal subordination, as... more
This journal article explores the interrelation between affixes in Old English in the formation of complex nouns and discusses the constraints posed on their possible combinations. The research is carried out around a series of... more
El procesamiento del lenguaje involucra fenómenos de índole enteramente distinta que, sin embargo, se integran necesariamente para constituir una unidad de sentido. Propiedades fonológicas, sintácticas, semánticas y pragmáticas se acoplan... more
El procesamiento del lenguaje involucra fenómenos de índole enteramente distinta que, sin embargo, se integran necesariamente para constituir una unidad de sentido. Propiedades fonológicas, sintácticas, semánticas y pragmáticas se acoplan... more
We investigate concrete acquisition theories for a derived approach to linking theory development, and explore to what extent two prominent linking theories in the syntactic literature – UTAH and rUTAH – can be derived from the data... more
Статья посвящена анализу оснований формирования базовых логических действий у обучающихся на ступени основного общего образования. Проведен анализ Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта третьего поколения основного... more
The Sumarorong language is one of the Toraja languages in the Mamasa Regency, it is assumed to have the same variety of Simbuang language in the Tana Toraja. The phenomenal thing about this language is found in the varied morphological... more
This paper examines the interaction between negation and some expressions of bouletic modality. Whereas most other types of modals may scope below negation, expressions of bouletic modality in the form of hortative and optative markers... more
The traditional observation that Chinese wh-arguments do not exhibit wh-island effects may be only apparent. With new evidence from “how-many” phrases, it is demonstrated that Chinese has wh-island effects even with wh-arguments. What... more
This Study: Engaging Appropriate Affixation System for English and Anaang: Amorpho-Syntactic Study at Distributional Equivalence for Education and Development in Nigeria Beyond 2020 which is the first in the area, takes a look at all the... more
This paper argues that there is a one-to-one mapping between the syntax of a causal clause and its semantic type. A causal central adverbial clause (CAC) is base-generated inside its licensing clause in a deep position and refers to a... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of negative word formation processes in Spanish and English. The methodology for the description is based upon the conception of word formation in the Lexical Grammar Model, which... more
The aim of the article is to explain the form-function mismatches that occur in the formation of Old English nouns. The analysis identifies pairs of derived nouns that share a lexemic root and represent instances of near-synonymy. Two... more
This journal article addresses the question of the implementation of a dynamic model of expression rules in Functional Grammar (Dik 1997a, b) by considering sintactic discontinuity in Old English, a topic which has far-reaching... more
This paper is concerned with the specifications and the implementation of a particular concept of word-based lexicon to be used for large natural language processing systems such as machine translation systems, and compares it with the... more
This paper provides an analysis of word formation processes from the perspective of the Lexical Grammar Model in its more recent versions. In doing so, it proposes a model of derivational morphology to be integrated in Role and Reference... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of negative word formation processes in Spanish and English. The methodology for the description is based upon the conception of word formation in the Lexical Grammar Model, which... more
In this paper Gärdenfors's geometric approach to meaning in natural language is compared to Jackendoff's algebraic one, and this is done against the backdrop of formal semantics. Ultimately, the paper tries to show that Jackendoff's... more
Lei-la Luukko-Vinchenzo An con Näf WiLhelm Oppenrieder Eckard Rolf Ir.ger Rosengren Ulrike Scholz D.etmar Zaefferer VII Probleme einer Theorie des Satzmodus 1 Zur Problematik der Konstitution von Satzmodi als Formtypen 22 Verbaler Modus... more