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A brief review of some pedagogical aspects of the SER/ESTAR distinction in Spanish
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      SyntaxSubordinationSyntax of Old Italian
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      Languages and LinguisticsBasque StudiesSyntaxSpanish Linguistics
This dissertation studies the left edge of the clause in Dùálá, a Bantu language spoken in the littoral region of Cameroon. The study is driven within the theoretical framework of the Minimalist Program, a theory initiated and developed... more
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    • Syntax
Analytical Solutions to Chapter 12 of Lambdin's Introduction to Sahidic Coptic. The solutions to the exercises were made according to the theory of the corresponding chapters and to the theory of A Coptic Grammar by Bentley Layton, 2000,... more
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    • Syntax
This book presents the essential morphological and syntactic features of the Romanian language.
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      SyntaxMorphologyRomanian Language
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistory
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)HittitologyAncient Indo-European LanguagesSyntax
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the subjunctive in modern English is on its deathbed. It has been described variously as “a vestigial survival” (Strang 1968), “a rather feeble and restricted device” (Foster 1976:220), “a... more
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      SociolinguisticsSyntaxWorld Englishes
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      SyntaxSyntactic typolgy
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    • Syntax
[GL] A Gramática práctica da lingua galega é unha guía de contidos lingüísticos concibida para favorecer a comunicación e a identidade cultural dos falantes do noso idioma e destinada a todas aquelas persoas que deexen ampliar o seu... more
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      LexicologyPhonologyPhoneticsGalician Studies
This is a PDF copy of the first volume of my grammar of San Ildefonso Tultepec Otomi. As distribution of Plaza y Valdés is not as good as one would desire, I post it here for academic convenience.
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      LanguagesSyntaxMorphologyMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
Comments section on YouTube is one of the most characteristic features of the platform. In fact, users share reactions of all nature in this section, and there is even space for conflicts among commentators. When conflicts emerge,... more
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      Linguistic PolitenessOnline CommunitiesSyntaxConflict Management
RUYZAJADUDQG » Focus on Writing 4
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      Academic WritingSyntaxCognitive Linguistics
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    • Syntax
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      Languages and LinguisticsSyntaxLinguistics
under the terms of a Creative Commons Non-Commercial License (
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      SyntaxItalian (Languages And Linguistics)VoicePassive voice
Universal Grammar is the System of Principles, conditions and rules which are elements or properties of all human languages. All human beings share part of their knowledge of languages. U G is their common possession regardless of which... more
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      SyntaxMorphologyEnglish GrammarEnglish language teaching
This study aims at providing a possible model for linguistic representation, whose structure is able to describe the effects on sign’s indeterminacy (vagueness, ambiguities) and the dynamic nature of the system. In order to display the... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageEpistemologyLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage Acquisition
Colloquial Arabic of Egypt provides a step-by-step course in spoken Egyptian Arabic -the most widely understood dialect in the Arab world. Combining a user-friendly approach with a thorough treatment of the language, it equips learners... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsSyntax
In this study, we assessed and analyzed 5 th grade students' levels of syntactic awareness in relation to their reading fluency and comprehension. The aim was to examine the role of syntactic awareness (children's awareness of the... more
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      PsychologyLiteracyStatistical AnalysisSyntax
In the context of language processing, the N280 is an anterior negative event-related potential pro¢le associated with the lexical categorization of grammatical function words versus content words. Subsequent studies suggested that this... more
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      Cognitive ScienceElectrophysiologySemanticsSyntax
Negation is one of the main elements characterizing the human language. From the semantic point of view, negation is a one-place operator reversing the truth-value conditions of the sentence in which it occurs (Bernini&Ramat 1996;... more
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      SyntaxNegationLeft PeripheryInformational Text Structures
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      SyntaxInfinitivesNon-finite clausesNPI licensing
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      Languages and LinguisticsSyntax
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The article focuses on the analysis of object clauses that contain Slovenian verbs reči ‘to say’, misliti ‘to think’, videti ‘to see’, and slišati ‘to hear’ in the function of matrix predicates. It tackles the question of the relationship... more
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      SyntaxSlovene LanguageSlovenian LanguageClausal Complementation
In this paper we will attempt to classify Lindenmayer systems based on properties of sets of rules and the kind of strings those rules generate. This classification will be referred to as a ‘parametrization’ of the L-space: the L-space is... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)SyntaxFormal syntaxCellular Automata
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery CME Program is located online at To take the CME activity related to this article, you must have either an STS member or an individual non-member subscription to the journal.
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingSyntaxCADProspective studies
This presentation examines non-standard syntactic structures in Wisconsin Standard High German (WSHG). Drawn from Professor Lester W. J. 'Smoky' Seifert's corpus of recorded German speech (1948)(1949), six speakers identified as speaking... more
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      German LanguageSyntaxHeritage language studies
Les notions de « topique » et de « cadre » sont de celles dont l'appréhension ne va pas de soi. Leur maniement est en effet complexe, du fait qu'elles se prêtent à de nombreuses définitions et relèvent possiblement de différents niveaux... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMathematicsPragmaticsSyntax
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      Language AcquisitionSemanticsPsycholinguisticsSyntax
Policies are increasingly used to manage large-scale distributed system. They usually adopt ECA rules that can 't express system i state transitions, enable policy servers to perform jlexible actions or cooperate eflciently. In this... more
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      Computational LinguisticsComputer NetworksEngineering ManagementSyntax
Research on Hebrew and other languages points to a stereotype-based view of gender identities as reflected in language. Some stereotypes related to use of the language and gender reveal that women are more conservative than men and use a... more
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      Social PsychologyHebrew LiteratureLiteratureSyntax
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      SyntaxErgativityDiachronic SyntaxSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
Le frasi eccettuative sono frasi subordinate che introducono una restrizione sulla validità del contenuto espresso nella reggente. Si veda il seguente esempio: (1) Un cartello all’entrata offre il benvenuto a chi può arrivar qui solo per... more
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      HumanitiesLanguages and LinguisticsItalian StudiesSyntax
This paper analyses the two general mechanisms of passivization in German, namely auxiliary + participle and auxiliary + infinitive. "Passive voice" is a cover term for grammatical mechanisms that prevent the projection of the would-be... more
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      SyntaxComparative Germanic syntaxComparative Syntax
Research into similarities between music and language processing is currently experiencing a strong renewed interest. Recent methodological advances have led to neuroimaging studies presenting striking similarities between neural patterns... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMusicAesthetics
COGS 149: Music, Language, and Cognition (UC Merced, Fall 2021, Syllabus)
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceMusicMusicology
Dans ce cours nous allons recueillir et organiser des données d’une langue peu décrite (probablement une langue autochtone) et nous allons utiliser ces données pour préparer des résumés descriptifs de la langue, formuler et tester des... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologySyntaxMorphosyntax
GLOW 40, March 15 th 2017 1 The abbreviations and conventions used in this paper are the following. x>y = portmanteaux morpheme where x is the agent and y is the patient, x.y = fused element where multiple features (other than only... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSyntaxLinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Languages and LinguisticsSyntaxLinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
На примере сочинительных конструкций русского языка демонстрируются основные понятия и возможности анализа синтаксической структуры в терминах синтаксических групп по А. В. Гладкому. Показывается, что в рамках исходной редакции аппарата,... more
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      SyntaxFormal syntaxLinguisticsRussian Language
This paper examines the complex interplay between phrasal prosody, syntax, and meaning in English and Spanish, and explores its implication for second language acquisition (SLA). We present L2 data from L1 Spanish/L2 English learners... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSecond Language AcquisitionSpanishEnglish
Review of «Gavarró, Anna; Lleó, Conxita; (ed.) (2006). Catalan Journal of Linguistics, vol. 5. Acquisition of Romance languages»
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      Second Language AcquisitionPhonologyLanguage AcquisitionSyntax
மனித மொழியை உள்ளுறை செய்யும் ஒழுங்குமுறைகள் அல்லது கொள்கைகளை ஆயும் அறிவியல் அடிப்படையிலான ஆய்வு மொழியியலாகும். மொழியியல் அறிவியலின் பொது நெறிமுறை (கட்டுப்பட்ட உற்றுநோக்கல், கருதுகோள் உருவாக்கல், பொதுமையாக்கம், அனுமானித்தல், கூடுதல்... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsMulti- & Bilingualism & Biliteracy