The Modeling paradigm for Integrated Modular Avionics Design (Mimad) is an extensible component-oriented framework that enables high level models of systems designed on integrated modular avionics architectures. It relies on the generic... more
The aim of this article is to feed reflection on how to train language instructors to teach online. The context of this research is a programme destined to allow French as a foreign language instructor trainees to tutor American lear ners... more
Antescofo is a coupling of a real-time listening machine with a reactive synchronous and timed scripting language. The language is used for authoring of music pieces involving live musicians and computer processes, and the real-time... more
IEC 61499 has been endorsed as the standard for modelling and implementing distributed industrial-process measurement and control systems. The standard prescribes the use of function blocks for designing systems in a componentoriented... more
After having sketched the different techniques enabling to check properties of Discrete Event Systems control software, we present in this article a formal method for IEC 61499 function blocks diagrams verification. This method is based... more
This paper presents an extension of a synchronous data-flow language such as Lustre with imperative features expressed in terms of powerful state machineà la SyncChart. This extension is fully conservative in the sense that all the... more
Asynchronous implementation techniques, which measure logic delays at runtime and activate registers accordingly, are inherently more robust than their synchronous counterparts, which estimate worst case delays at design time and... more
This paper describes the language LUSTRE which is a data flow synchronous language, designed for programming reactive systems-uch as automatic control and monitoring s y s t e m s a s well as for describing hardware. The data flow aspect... more
The IEC 61499 function block standard proposes a new specification language for describing distributed industrial control systems. The standard specifies the use of an execution control chart (ECC) for state control, with algorithm calls... more
The increasing complexity of embedded system designs calls for high-level specification formalisms and for automated transformations towards lower-level descriptions. In this report, a metamodel and a transformation chain are defined from... more
Real-time Systems, in particular regulation systems, are often specified using the notion of running modes. On the other hand, the family of synchronous languages [1] has been very successful in offering formally defined languages and... more
This paper deals with a new modeling approach for mode handling of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). Based on a review of the modeling methods and the specification formalisms in the existing approaches, we show that the mutual... more
Asynchronous implementation techniques, which measure logic delays at runtime and activate registers accordingly, are inherently more robust than their synchronous counterparts, which estimate worst case delays at design time and... more
Twelve years ago, PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE devoted a special section to the synchronous languages. This paper discusses the improvements, difficulties, and successes that have occured with the synchronous languages since then. Today,... more
We present an application of the Java™ programming language to specify and implement reactive real-time systems. We have developed and tested a collection of classes and methods to describe concurrent modules and their asynchronous... more
We present an application of the Java™ programming language to specify and implement reactive real-time systems. We have developed and tested a collection of classes and methods to describe concurrent modules and their asynchronous... more
Twelve years ago, Proceedings of the IEEE devoted a special section to the synchronous languages. This paper discusses the improvements, difficulties, and successes that have occured with the synchronous languages since then. Today,... more
This article discusses the application of the established principles of instructed language learning in a cyber factto-face environment supported by an advanced Synchronous Learning Management System (SLMS). Following a critical review of... more
Modularity is advocated as a solution for the design of large systems, the mathematical translation of this concept is often that of compositionality. This paper is devoted to the issues of compositionality for modular code generation, in... more
This paper addresses the problem of distributed reactive systems execution. We first show that a natural parallel description of such systems can be achieved with synchronous languages. Then, we explain how a centralized synchronous... more
We present the Multiclock Esterel language, which extends the synchronous language Esterel to multiple clock zones. While Esterel is good for compact single-clocked hardware or software designs, modern electronic designs are growing... more
Architecture description languages are used to describe both the hardware and software architecture of an application, at system-level. The basic software components are intended to be developed independently, and then deployed on the... more
This study explores essential processes for developing a pedagogically meaningful e-tutor training program for online synchronous language teaching. The pedagogical values of synchronous cyber classroom for language teaching are addressed... more
The synchronous language Esterel is well-suited for programming control-dominated reactive systems at the system level. It provides non-traditional control structures, in particular concurrency and various forms of preemption, which allow... more
Accurate estimation of the tick length of a synchronous program is essential for efficient and predictable implementations that are devoid of timing faults. The techniques to determine the tick length statically are classified as worst... more
We present an application of the Java™ programming language to specify and implement reactive real-time systems. We have developed and tested a collection of classes and methods to describe concurrent modules and their asynchronous... more
Hybrid modelers such as SIMULINK have become corner stones of embedded systems development. They allow both discrete controllers and their continuous environments to be expressed in a single language. Despite the availability of such... more
Dynamical systems working have been recognized as essential in the area of computer science, under the name of reactive systems by David Harel. Synchronous languages have been proposed as a paradigm to deal with reactive systems and... more
Ce papier présente les premiers résultats d’une étude concernant la transformation d’applications à parallélisme de données en équations synchrones. Les applications considérées sont exprimées à l’aide du métamodèle GASPARD qui étend le... more
Set relations are particularly suitable for specifying the smallstep operational semantics of synchronous languages. We present a framework for the definition, formal verification of properties, and execution of binary set relations. The... more
Mode-Automata have been proposed in [11]. They introduce, in the domain-specific data-flow language Lustre for reactive systems, a new construct devoted to the expression of running modes. The idea is to associate data-flow programs with... more
Asynchronous implementation techniques, which measure logic delays at runtime and activate registers accordingly, are inherently more robust than their synchronous counterparts, which estimate worst case delays at design time and... more
Set relations are particularly suitable for specifying the small-step operational semantics of synchronous languages. In this paper, a formal library of set relations for the definition, verification of properties, and execution of binary... more
Static timing analysis of a hard real-time application is necessary to ensure that task-level timing deadlines are always met. In many cases, it is preferable to include details about the operating environment to ensure precise timing... more
We present a new language called Precision Timed C, for predictable and lightweight multithreading in C. PRET-C supports synchronous concurrency, preemption, and a high-level construct for logical time. In contrast to existing synchronous... more
Accurate estimation of the tick length of a synchronous program is essential for efficient and predictable implementations that are devoid of timing faults. The techniques to determine the tick length statically are classified as worst... more
This is a submission to the TODAES Special Issue on HLDVT 97. We present an application of the Java TM programming language to specify and implement reactive real-time systems. We have developed and tested a collection of classes and... more
The formal verification of properties in reactive Real-Time system is crucial, as these systems are often safetycritical ones. Refinements is a relevant operation in synchronous languages. In this paper we argue that, in the synchronous... more
SOL Secure Operations Language is a synchronous programming language for implementing reactive systems. The utility of SOL hinges upon the fact that it is a secure language, i.e., most programs in SOL are amenable to fully automated... more
This is a submission to the TODAES Special Issue on HLDVT 97. We present an application of the Java TM programming language to specify and implement reactive real-time systems. We have developed and tested a collection of classes and... more
The Automated Production Systems (APS) are composed of concurrent interacting entities. Then any model should exhibit parallel and sequential behaviours. The Grafcet is now well established in manufacturing to specify the awaited... more
The UML Prole for Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded (RTE) systems has recently been adopted by the OMG. Its Time Model extends the informal and simplistic Simple Time package proposed by UML2 and oers a broad range of... more
We propose software synthesis and optimization based on the composition of three techniques that have recently been developed or experienced evolutionary changes. They all have a basis in logic synthesis, but each contains quite different... more