Consider the problem to design a component that combined with a known part of a system, called the context, conforms to a given overall specification. This question arises in several applications ranging from logic synthesis to the design... more
Pa fe Xg ¥g h Bi qp sr te Xu wv fx 2u y g 5b u x h P a cb Pd a 8e Xg ¥g e % c b 4h 7 td ©h $ h 0u b Pd v h 7u !a b % fh $ @ dÙe gf dh Bi j k © dr 9h Bi B i le X Fb Pa c Bm h 0a h v cn h 7a 8v cn h jo i p Pq Pr sp t 0v f cb P Fh $a 4u %r... more
X := pre(X)-1 reset IN every pre(X)<0 Input IN returns X (mmmmhhh??) IN is provided only when used IN 2 3 5 ZX 0
We present a tool for the design and validation of embedded real-time applications. The tool integrates two approaches, the use of the synchronous programming language ESTEREL for design and the application of model-checking techniques... more
Learning a second language at a distance poses a tremendous challenge to learners. Physical distance from teachers and peers coupled with possible isolation from the relevant language community makes language learning extremely difficult.... more
A service robot especially a care-providing robot, works in the vicinity of a human body and is sometimes even in direct contact with it. Conventional safety methods and precautions in industrial robotics are not applicable to such... more
Lurette is an automated testing tool dedicated to reactive programs. The test process is automated at two levels: given a formal description of the System Under Test (SUT) environment, Lurette generates realistic input sequences; and,... more
We present the HistCorp collection, a freely available open platform aiming at the distribution of a wide range of historical corpora and other useful resources and tools for researchers and scholars interested in the study of historical... more
Hybrid systems exhibit mode-dependent continuous-time dynamics. They are encountered in several phases of Cyber-Physical Systems design: physical system modeling, budgeting time over the computing architecture, safety analyses, and more... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Interactive Scores (IS) is a formalism for composing and performing interactive multimedia scores with several applications in video games, live performance installations, and virtual museums. The composer defines the temporal... more
The workshops on Synchronous Languages started in 1993 at Schloss Dagstuhl. Since then seven such workshops have been organized, in total: 2 in Germany, 1 in Spain, and 4 in France, with an attendance varying between 40 and 60 persons. In... more
In their seminal 1991 paper "What is in a Step: On the Semantics of Statecharts", Pnueli and Shalev showed how, in the presence of global consistency and while observing causality, the synchronous language Statecharts can be given... more
Interactive Scores (IS) are a formalism for the design and performance of interactive multimedia scenarios. IS provide temporal relations (TR), but they cannot represent conditional branching and TRs simultaneously. We propose an... more
A compositional method is presented for the verification of multi-agent systems. The advantages of the method are the well-structuredness of the proofs and the reusability of parts of these proofs in relation to reuse of components. The... more
SIGNAL is a part of the synchronous languages family, which are broadly used in the design of safety-critical real-time systems such as avionics, space systems, and nuclear power plants. There exist several semantics for SIGNAL , such as... more
SIGNAL is a part of the synchronous languages family, which are broadly used in the design of safety-critical real-time systems such as avionics, space systems, and nuclear power plants. There exist several semantics for SIGNAL , such as... more
In this paper, we present a parallel programming and execution model based on a logical ordering of control ows. We show that it is possible to provide a unifying framework consisting of a synchronous programming model, thereby enabling... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad,... more
Dynamical systems working have been recognized as essential in the area of computer science, under the name of reactive systems by David Harel. Synchronous languages have been proposed as a paradigm to deal with reactive systems and... more
Despite the irresistible growth of interest in formal methods and related validation and veri cation tools, the development of distributed systems seldom relies on them. We claim this is mainly due to formal methods lack of support for... more
Coal gasification is a new and clean coal conversion technology that converts coal to liquids and synthetic gas to be used in power generation and chemical products. Botswana coal was studied in a pilot plant to produce synthetic gas... more
Dataflow programming languages are used in a variety of settings, and defects in their programs can have serious consequences. However, prior work in automated program repair (APR) emphasizes control flow over dataflow languages. We... more
If e = d 2 D , t h e n E v a l (e) def = d. 2. If e = f 2 F , where dom type(f) = , then E v a l (e) def = f (2 D im type(f)
This article presents a complete scheme for the integration and the development of multi-periodic critical embedded systems. A system is formally specified as a modular and hierarchical assembly of several locally mono-periodic... more
Dans cette recherche nous avons mis en place un dispositif d’enseignement de l’oral synchrone à distance via la plateforme Zoom. Notre objectif était de s’assurer de l’efficacité de ce mode d’enseignement par rapport au mode en présentiel... more
The design and implementation of reactive, hard real-time systems involves modeling and generating efficient code for the integration of harmonic multi-periodic tasks. The simple principles of synchronous reactive programming met great... more
We present a tool for the design and validation of embedded real-time applications. The tool integrates two approaches, the use of the synchronous programming language ESTEREL for design and the application of model-checking techniques... more
Représentations des enseignants sur leur métier et acquisition de L2 de la pa... Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures, 10-1 | 2013
This paper presents the model of time developed in the version 1.0 of the Antescofo system. Antescofo integrates a listening module with a dedicated reactive and timed realtime programming language used to define the electronic actions to... more
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many language teachers to move their teaching online without sufficient preparation. This unexpected change of practice engendered doubt and anxiety in teachers. They worried about their ability to attract and... more
La médiation de l'interaction pédagogique sur une plateforme de visioconférence poste à poste The mediation of pedagogical interaction in the desktop videoconferencing: a comparative study
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Interactive Scores (IS) is a formalism for composing and performing interactive multimedia scores with several applications in video games, live performance installations, and virtual museums. The composer defines the temporal... more
Interactive Scores (IS) are a formalism for the design and performance of interactive multimedia scenarios. IS provide temporal relations (TR), but they cannot represent conditional branching and TRs simultaneously. We propose an... more
Temporal logic constraint solving for the analysis of biological systems Under supervision of François Fages INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt Summer 2006 Lab training period (Brandeis University, Waltham/Boston, MA) 3 months Reverse engineering... more
The intuitionistic theory of the real interval [0, 1], known as Skolem-Gödel-Dummet logic (SGD), generates a well-known Heyting algebra intermediate between intuitionistic and classical logic. Originally of purely mathematical interest,... more
The 16th SYNCHRON workshop has been organized as Dagstuhl seminar 09481 from November 22-27, 2009. Online material of the seminar is available at the following web page:
This report presents some results towards a game-theoretic account of the constructive semantics of step responses for synchronous languages, providing a coherent semantic framework encompassing both non-deterministic Statecharts (as per... more
This paper shows that the kernel fragment of Esterel corresponding to combinational circuits admits a natural game-theoretic interpretation. Technically, combinational Esterel programs are mapped into finite two-player games in such a way... more
gen. He is interested in techniques and tools based on formal methods for development of concurrent software. His current foci are the investigation of algebraic approaches to nondeterminism, and the participation in the design of a... more
Reactive programs often control safety-critical systems, thus it is essential to verify their safety requirements. ESTEREL is a synchronous programming language for developing control-dominated reactive systems, and XEVE is a verification... more
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of... more
We present the language SIQW., \Ohich is a data-flow oriente:! real tiDE, synchronous, side effect-free language suite:! to the expression an:! recovery of the parallelism in signal or imIge processing algoritlms. n-e language is interned... more
We propose a method f o r reducing the number of clocks of a timed automaton by combining two algorithms. The first one consists in detecting active clocks, that is, those clocks whose values are relevant f o r the evolution of the... more
The languages for modelling reactive systems are of di erent styles, like the imperative, state-based ones and the declarative, data-ow ones. They are adapted to di erent application domains. This paper, through the example of the... more